So Biden wants to raise taxes that Trump lowered... what can be the net effect???

And has zero to do with millionaires and billionaires skating on paying their fair share of SS taxes.

What is their "fair share" of SS taxes?
What is their "fair share" of SS taxes?

So? No comment after I posted YOUR link, proving the numbers i posted are accurate?


Obama: $13.1 trillion in tax revenue after raising taxes.

Reagan: $2.7 trillion in tax revenue after cutting taxes.

YOU proved takes hikes work but tax cuts don't.

What an idiot....YOU are. It’s the premier shell game of white old conservatives These states are a haven for retirees who literally hate to pay state income taxes yet spend nearly every cent they receive in federal benefits in them income TAX FREE .

. Theirr whole life is spend supporting conservative ideas that want to take away these benefits they hoard . What bullshit artists.

These states are a haven for retirees who literally hate to pay state income taxes yet spend nearly every cent they receive in federal benefits in them income TAX FREE .

Sounds like they made a smart decision.
Have you ever made a smart decision?

I live in blue Illinois. They don't tax retirement benefits either. LOL!
You love the smell of Biden in the morning.....smells like shit.
Trump with his orange skin, dye hair plugs and fat ass must really really look good to bed sheet wearing fellow conservative lardos. You do have something in common…
These states are a haven for retirees who literally hate to pay state income taxes yet spend nearly every cent they receive in federal benefits in them income TAX FREE .

Sounds like they made a smart decision.
Have you ever made a smart decision?

I live in blue Illinois. They don't tax retirement benefits either. LOL!
You must have very few friends.
Paying a tax on every dollar earned...just like those who make less than $147,000.
But those over $147,000 ARE paying taxes...known as capital gains and actually double taxed on dividends!
Are you so dumb about how corporations work you don't realize that the employee making over $147,000 probably
also has stock in the company. Stock that has several taxes that the over $147,000 pays!
You don't seem to understand that any dividends the employee may earn is distributed AFTER taxes by USA.
Then the employee/stockholder HAS to report that income and pay taxes on it! Double taxation.
Then when the employee/stockholder maybe sells some of his company's gains TAX!
But all of the above you have no smarts about apparently!
But those over $147,000 ARE paying taxes...known as capital gains and actually double taxed on dividends!
Has nothing to do with Social Security.
Are you so dumb about how corporations work you don't realize that the employee making over $147,000 probably
also has stock in the company.
Maybe. So what?
Stock that has several taxes that the over $147,000 pays!
Again, so what?
You don't seem to understand that any dividends the employee may earn is distributed AFTER taxes by USA.
Then the employee/stockholder HAS to report that income and pay taxes on it! Double taxation.
Then when the employee/stockholder maybe sells some of his company's gains TAX!
But all of the above you have no smarts about apparently!
You're talking about securities. It has nothing to do with Social Security.

The reason you sound like a fucking idiot is because your are a fucking idiot. First it was the ACA, then it was voter fraud (ignoring probably 100 misfires in-between) and now it's this.

Seriously, stop while you're behind you dickless wonder.
Has nothing to do with Social Security.

Maybe. So what?

Again, so what?

You're talking about securities. It has nothing to do with Social Security.

The reason you sound like a fucking idiot is because your are a fucking idiot. First it was the ACA, then it was voter fraud (ignoring probably 100 misfires in-between) and now it's this.

Seriously, stop while you're behind you dickless wonder.
Boy you are dumb! You wrote: "Has nothing to do with Social Security."
So here is how stupid you are: If all those people making over $147,000 in the USA:
FACT: about 8.3% of the population earned between $150,000 and $199,999;
and about 10.3% of the population earned over $200,000.
Let's use 10.3%
with 157.53 million people employed United States - Employment 2023 | Statista
So 10.3% of 157.53 million is $2.4 trillion or at 6.2% $150 billion MORE companies would be paying.
So what are the options for companies?
  • Raising prices of goods and services -- adding to inflation
  • laying off people.... meaning then unemployment insurance increase, decrease of tax income!
  • Definitely NOT hire any people!
But those over $147,000 ARE paying taxes...known as capital gains and actually double taxed on dividends!
Are you so dumb about how corporations work you don't realize that the employee making over $147,000 probably
also has stock in the company. Stock that has several taxes that the over $147,000 pays!
You don't seem to understand that any dividends the employee may earn is distributed AFTER taxes by USA.
Then the employee/stockholder HAS to report that income and pay taxes on it! Double taxation.
Then when the employee/stockholder maybe sells some of his company's gains TAX!
But all of the above you have no smarts about apparently!
The taxes on stocks and other capital gains can range from 0-28% depending on how long the amounts are held. You can be sure, it’s closer to 0% for the more wealthy.,
Hey dufus. You can’t read your own reference. These are short term capital gains rates for the next year. Dah….Geesus, from the mouths of idiots.

Ummmm.....fucktard, the chart is long-term gains.
It's 0% for lower income people, 20% for the wealthy.
Plus Trump increased SALT taxes.

Say what? Trump put a 10k limit on SALT deductions. In other words, he didn't think it was fair for the federal government to subsidize tax-heavy tax blue states by giving property owners a huge federal tax deduction to make up for their loony Democratic policies. The SALT deduction cap hurt the country's wealthy the most, including the wealthiest folks in red states who have a lot of property.
Ummmm.....fucktard, the chart is long-term gains.
It's 0% for lower income people, 20% for the wealthy.
Idiot, do you know what the income tax rate is for 450,000 ? Look it up dumbo. We’ ll wait while you hide. They also avoid pay roll taxes….look that one up too….fool.
Idiot, do you know what the income tax rate is for 450,000 ? Look it up dumbo. We’ ll wait while you hide. They also avoid pay roll taxes….look that one up too….fool.

do you know what the income tax rate is for 450,000 ?


$450,000 and up looks like you're paying 35% or more. And 15%-20% on long-term capital gains.
Both of which are higher than middle-class earners pay. Not lower, moron.
OF COURSE Biden is raising taxes on the middle and lower classes...

The NON-'Inflation Reduction' Act and $500 BILLION dollars of student debt Biden just Un-Constitutionally signed up every American for ain't hoing to pay for themselves....

The massive increase of illegals coming into the country and the increasrd cost of paying for their medical/food/housing/education/etc... under the Democrats' / Biden's Constitution/ Rule ofLaw / Oath of Office-violating National Security-threatening Open Borders Illegal Immigration agenda ain't gonna pay for itself...

The cost of FBI Director Wray using a govt jet to fly off on vacation at tax payer expense isn't cheap...

6+ years of illegal, treasonous, failed 'Get Trump' attempts and investigations add up and require money - tax payer-funded money


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