So Biden wants to raise taxes that Trump lowered... what can be the net effect???

The tax cuts for the middle class sunset while those for the rich under Trump were perm and required an act of congress to change.
well the rich do pay the majority of taxs by a lot,, so its only fair their rate come down,,

what we need is for the bottom 50% to stop getting away with not paying anything,,
well the rich do pay the majority of taxs by a lot,, so its only fair their rate come down,,

what we need is for the bottom 50% to stop getting away with not paying anything,,
Wrong. Many pay NOTHING under the Trump tax cuts. Btw it’s a bogus way of looking at it. Top 10% have 90% of the wealth. They should be paying 90% of the taxes. They don’t. Plus, federal taxes are on payroll tax. Wealthy people don’t all receive a payroll. They are paid in stock options and deductibles and avoid payroll taxes altogether.
interest, dividends, capital gains or rent, from investments, known as capital income.Sep 20, 2021”
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Wrong. Many pay NOTHING under the Trump tax cuts. Btw it’s a bogus way of looking at it. Top 10% have 90% of the wealth. They should be paying 90% of the taxes. They don’t. Plus, federal taxes are on payroll tax. Wealthy people don’t all receive a payroll. They are paid in stock options and deductibles and avoid payroll taxes altogether.
who cares how much of the wealth they have,, the worked for it and earned it so its theirs not yours to loot,,

and those stock payments are also available to everyone not just the rich,,
well the rich do pay the majority of taxs by a lot,, so its only fair their rate come down,,

what we need is for the bottom 50% to stop getting away with not paying anything,,
That’s ignorant.
Many of the bottom 50% pay a higher percent of their salary for taxes then the rich.
The rich get paid by “interest, dividends, capital gains or rent, from investments, known as capital income.Sep 20, 2021” they avoid federal income taxes altogether as well as state where the payroll earner pays it all.

And the rich can avoid payroll taxes altogether. The lower 50% still,pay all the other taxes everyone does including sales, property, state income etc. It’s only the fed that gives them a break and only because they would be destitute if they didn’t.
That’s ignorant.
Many of the bottom 50% pay a higher percent of their salary for taxes then the rich.
The rich get paid by “interest, dividends, capital gains or rent, from investments, known as capital income.Sep 20, 2021” they avoid federal income taxes altogether as well as state where the payroll earner pays it all.

And the rich can avoid payroll taxes altogether. The lower 50% still,pay all the other taxes everyone does including sales, property, state income etc. It’s only the fed that gives them a break and only because they would be destitute if they didn’t.
the bottom 50% pay nothing and some even get back more than they originally paid,,,

and you got the nerve to call me ignorant,,
Folks... I deal with the facts... Go through the following screen shot of a downloaded spreadsheet from the IRS at this site:
Trump gross Federal tax revenue from 2018-2021 was $14.6 Trillion versus Obama's $6.98 Trillion or nearly 109% increase over Obama's revenue from 2014-2017... and the reason is that ANY increases or decreases in federal revenue is FUTURE effect, i.e. Obama's budget and tax policies in 2016 would affect Trump's 2017 so any 2017 revenue is from Obama. So to would Trump's EFFECT be from 2018 (Trump's Tax policies) to 2021. AND remember look at the federal revenue for 2020... total shutdown of the economy!
So please tell me again how bad Trump was especially with the Tax Repatriation that brought $1 Trillion back that paid taxes on that $1 Trillion and then the offshore money went to work in stock buybacks, new facilities, new hires... everything that caused the tax revenue to increase 109% over Obama!
View attachment 684312
Americans getting poorer. This is obvious.
Bogus....they worked no harder then anyone. Many inherited their wealth.
that has nothing to do with it,,
taxs are for paying bills for the government, not for punishing success,,

its every americans god given right to pay as little in taxs as possible,,
the bottom 50% pay nothing and some even get back more than they originally paid,,,

and you got the nerve to call me ignorant,,

Pay nothing ?
You are ignorant. The bottom 50% still pay state and local taxes. You keep saying they pay no taxes. You’re the ignorant one . Most states have flat rates and not progressives tax rates. They pay property direct or indirect, sales, and state income taxes. They would all be in poverty if forced to pay as much as high income payroll taxes do. You aren’t that bright. Anyone earning $50k cannot afford to,pay the same rates as someone earning $400 k. That’s idiotic.
Pay nothing ?
You are ignorant. The bottom 50% still pay state and local taxes. You keep saying they pay no taxes. You’re the ignorant one . Most states have flat rates and not progressives tax rates. They pay property direct or indirect, sales, and state income taxes. They would all be in poverty if forced to pay as much as high income payroll taxes do. You aren’t that bright. Anyone earning $50k cannot afford to,pay the same rates as someone earning $400 k. That’s idiotic.
we arent talking about state and local taxs,,

do try and keep up,,
The increase in the money supply is unrelated to the Fed?

Is it because of the gravitational energy of the sun?
So, you don’t believe the sun has gravitational energy ?

The Treasury is a cabinet position of the admistration, part of the federal Govt .

It pays all the bills accumulated by the Fed.
The interest rates are controlled by a board of the Fed. That controls the money supply.
You’re out of your mind making up shit.
we arent talking about state and local taxs,,

do try and keep up,,
You said they don’t pay taxes fool. They do. Local, state and federal taxes are all payed by the same people. Just because poorer people get a break in their federal taxes, doesn’t mean they don’t pay taxes idiot. A decrease in federal taxation means an increase in local and state taxes. Always has been. So poorer people get hit real hard every time there is a tax cut for wealthy people. The Fed then cuts funding to states which increases local state and federal taxes. Poor people always get nailed when the rich get bigger tax breaks
You said they don’t pay taxes fool. They do. Local, state and federal taxes are all payed by the same people. Just because poorer people get a break in their federal taxes, doesn’t mean they don’t pay taxes idiot. A decrease in federal taxation means an increase in local and state taxes. Always has been. So poorer people get hit real hard every time there is a tax cut for wealthy people.
and I said we werent talking about state and local..

I got great idea,,
how about we cut the fed gov by 50-60% and cut taxs for everyone??
The size of the federal gov minus the military has not increased in decades.

You’re idea is not so great. Your local taxes would skyrocket.
I know,, thats why taxs have always been so high,,

I dont have a problem paying more local taxs, there would be less skimmed off the top from the feds and the people could be in more control of it,,
No you don’t. You have rights enumerated in the constitution. It cost money for those rights.
the fuck it does,,, and we arent talking about rights we are talking about a blotted government taking peoples hard earned money,,

I take it from your attempts to change the subject is you know youre wrong,,,
I know,, thats why taxs have always been so high,,

I dont have a problem paying more local taxs, there would be less skimmed off the top from the feds and the people could be in more control of it,,
Most states get as much as 36% of their income from the fed.
Red states especially are hardest hit evetime there is a cut to the Fed. P
the fuck it does,,, and we arent talking about rights we are talking about a blotted government taking peoples hard earned money,,

I take it from your attempts to change the subject is you know youre wrong,,,
Ridiculous. Name one right that isn’t protected by the Fed state. Thea day local

t that is not financed by the fed, local or state govts.
Most states get as much as 36% of their income from the fed.
Red states especially are hardest hit evetime there is a cut to the Fed. P

Ridiculous. Name one right that isn’t protected by the Fed state. Thea day local

t that is not financed by the fed, local or state govts.
yes the states get money from the feds after they skim their cut off the top,,,

name me one right that costs money and how much??

they arent doing very good at that job lately,,
It does not explain why taxes went up every year even during Trump, yet we know why they fell in 2020.
You must have forgotten to include links to support your lies. Please correct your error. Thank you, thank you so much!

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