So, I just received mail for fraudulent voter registration.

I received an “Election Mail Service” envelope with it claiming it had “Goverment Document Enclosed Do Not Discard”, from Austin, TX supposedly.

In it is a letter, with a giant black fist being raised, saying “Vote like your life depends on it”. And it goes on to explain that I may not be registered to vote at this address. It has a pre-filled out form with all of my information in it. Only at the bottom did I see the organization and website affiliated with this.

I looked it up. It’s based in “British India Ocean Territory”. Interesting that an official government document is coming from a foreign organization. It’s also trying to get me to register at an old address, so I can vote twice.

But, but, but, there is no massive voter fraud going on by leftwing organizations, including foreign ones.
On the off chance you're telling the truth, let the postmaster know. They will stop the letters pending an investigation.
“The off chance” I’m telling the truth?
View attachment 396599

Look in the top right corner of the envelope. It says "presorted marketing mail."

That tells you right there it's junk. Shred it.
Except they had my personal information filled out on a voter registration form. It was an attempt to get me to register at a secondary address when I am already registered at another address. If this had been an old address that wasn’t my own family’s, I never would had seen this letter and a Dem shit head could had mailed it and been able to register under my name and get a mail-in ballot.

My mother died in 1989 when I still lived in Houston. I now live in another state. Every so often I get mail addressed to her. Loosen up the tin foil hat.
If you get mail that is fishing for information like his was (saw the picture), report it to the postmaster. They will help keep it from happening to others.

This has been a public service announcement from Candy R. Corn, Member of the Deep State Ruling Elite since 1977.
I've been getting a lot of vote early ads paid for by the DNC which I assume was to get as many people early before Biden shows more signs of his mental decline, but also as more info is exposed from the Ukraine and China investigation of Both Joe and Hunter they want the votes in before the exposed scandals.
Yeah, you wouldn't want to vote for someone who is like in a hospital or something.
I'd vote for Trump even if he was dead.

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