So I Mean...The American Recovery Act of 2021 Basically Creates UBI if You Have Kids

So I was doing some light reading today and this new Child Tax Credit that Biden is setting up looks great. They are going to be depositing $200 per child ($250? $300? I've heard 2 different numbers -- if the kid is under 6) monthly from the months of JULY - DEC each year going forward with the new Child Tax Credit. That means a family of 4 kids gets $800 or more each month JULY - DEC.

So the new bill signed essentially does what Andrew Yang was wanting when he ran in 2019: give $1000 checks to (some) Americans each month. Very cool. This will allow children food at the lunch line, and allow parents to help with clothing and other school-related items each month if they are a low income family.

I guess it is a miracle you have atleast done some "light" reading. That is a start. :D

You know that money don't come from a money tree don't you? Maybe for your next learning experience. Do some math.

I'm rapidly coming to believe that it's a miracle he can read.

Maybe for his next learning experience, he should get a job.
So I was doing some light reading today and this new Child Tax Credit that Biden is setting up looks great. They are going to be depositing $200 per child ($250? $300? I've heard 2 different numbers -- if the kid is under 6) monthly from the months of JULY - DEC each year going forward with the new Child Tax Credit. That means a family of 4 kids gets $800 or more each month JULY - DEC.

So the new bill signed essentially does what Andrew Yang was wanting when he ran in 2019: give $1000 checks to (some) Americans each month. Very cool. This will allow children food at the lunch line, and allow parents to help with clothing and other school-related items each month if they are a low income family.

You're really funny if you think poor parents will take that money and provide more for their children.
RATHER - it will go to better brand of cigarettes, more alcohol, more illegal drugs and bigger TV.
That's a fact.
And in what way is that "great" to anyone who's actually something more than an ignorant oxygen thief taking up valuable space?
It helps the children.

Not really. Only someone who's a child himself thinks you "help the children" by robbing Peter to support Paul. And what about MY children? In what way are you helping them by taking money out of my pocket to give to total strangers?

If you really want to help children, you find ways to facilitate their parents/guardians earning a better living to take care of them. An actual adult would know that. Sadly, we are increasingly a nation of good-for-nothing, lazy, greedy adolescents running around in adult costumes.
And another note, a family of 5 living in a 3 bedroom/2 bath apartment... newer cell phones, 52" TV with 200 channel cable... shouldn't be getting money from the government.
There is a special kind of aggravation seeing for the 1000th time some bum woman dragging two kids around with her, use her food stamp card to pay for food - then take cash and buy a carton cigarettes that cost almost as much as the food.
Gotta fucking love it.
On top of it! The refund is no longer a refund, though, that's the thing! It is turning into a payment system throughout the entire year, basically!

That's the entire thing. You no longer need to look at the tax credit at it as a "once a year thing you get in April". This bill is turning it into 6 payments throughout the entire 2nd half of the year (July - December). American parents and heads of household will no longer have to wait once a year for their tax credit money.

They feel that this monthly money will help during "school supply" months (end of Summer) and then the holidays.

With UBI, you don't need a job to get it.

With a tax credit? You still need to be employed and make that money in order to have a tax break.

If you didn't make that money. . . you won't get it back in those six payments.

Not even close to UBI. UBI gives money to folks that don't work.

Sorry, would you like to try again? :dunno:

The difference between a liberal and a conservative? A liberal views all money as the government's, so tax breaks are just government money that the government lets you keep.

Whose money is it that the Fed is pumping into the markets?

Whose money is it? Hint: we're not going to pay it back. The raid of the treasury is in full mode to usher in and implement a world currency. Its coming..........and fast. W did about 5-6 trillion in 8 years, O did 8-9 trillion in 8 years, Trump did 6 trillion in 4 years and the current buffoon has done over 2 trillion in less than 2 months.

You didn't actually answer the question.

You asked the question? You tell me. You must have the answer.

It's "ours" so all should share in it.

When the fed magically prints money and never pays it off, lol. Ok.

What is with random people on the Internet thinking they have a Doctorate in Economics and are more attuned to markets and the way of finance than 20 year Goldsman Sachs bankers? I'm being serious: go fly a kite.

What is with government-fellating drones on the Internet thinking, "How DARE you have an opinion? Look how impressive these people's resumes are! Now shut up and love whatever they tell you to, the way I do!!"?

Welcome to the remnants of the United States of America, Junior, where people still have the right to have an opinion on public policy and express it, and even to believe that impressive degrees and fancy jobs doesn't exclude one from the possibility of being a dumbass.

Do let us know if you ever mature enough to think for yourself, won't you?
And another note, a family of 5 living in a 3 bedroom/2 bath apartment... newer cell phones, 52" TV with 200 channel cable... shouldn't be getting money from the government.
There is a special kind of aggravation seeing for the 1000th time some bum woman dragging two kids around with her, use her food stamp card to pay for food - then take cash and buy a carton cigarettes that cost almost as much as the food.
Gotta fucking love it.
Well I'm sorry that poor families aren't all using 1996 Nokia cell phones and black and white television sets with 3 channels on bunny-ears, Grandpa.
On top of it! The refund is no longer a refund, though, that's the thing! It is turning into a payment system throughout the entire year, basically!

That's the entire thing. You no longer need to look at the tax credit at it as a "once a year thing you get in April". This bill is turning it into 6 payments throughout the entire 2nd half of the year (July - December). American parents and heads of household will no longer have to wait once a year for their tax credit money.

They feel that this monthly money will help during "school supply" months (end of Summer) and then the holidays.

With UBI, you don't need a job to get it.

With a tax credit? You still need to be employed and make that money in order to have a tax break.

If you didn't make that money. . . you won't get it back in those six payments.

Not even close to UBI. UBI gives money to folks that don't work.

Sorry, would you like to try again? :dunno:

The difference between a liberal and a conservative? A liberal views all money as the government's, so tax breaks are just government money that the government lets you keep.

Whose money is it that the Fed is pumping into the markets?

Whose money is it? Hint: we're not going to pay it back. The raid of the treasury is in full mode to usher in and implement a world currency. Its coming..........and fast. W did about 5-6 trillion in 8 years, O did 8-9 trillion in 8 years, Trump did 6 trillion in 4 years and the current buffoon has done over 2 trillion in less than 2 months.

You didn't actually answer the question.

You asked the question? You tell me. You must have the answer.

It's "ours" so all should share in it.

When the fed magically prints money and never pays it off, lol. Ok.

What is with random people on the Internet thinking they have a Doctorate in Economics and are more attuned to markets and the way of finance than 20 year Goldsman Sachs bankers? I'm being serious: go fly a kite.

What is with government-fellating drones on the Internet thinking, "How DARE you have an opinion? Look how impressive these people's resumes are! Now shut up and love whatever they tell you to, the way I do!!"?

Welcome to the remnants of the United States of America, Junior, where people still have the right to have an opinion on public policy and express it, and even to believe that impressive degrees and fancy jobs doesn't exclude one from the possibility of being a dumbass.

Do let us know if you ever mature enough to think for yourself, won't you?

Thanks, Cecilie, I'd trust your opinion and common sense over any of these lunatics bankers and govt "experts" who have run his country into the ground.
And in what way is that "great" to anyone who's actually something more than an ignorant oxygen thief taking up valuable space?
It helps the children.

And what about MY children?
You get the tax credit's for all parents.

You are a fucking idiot. Do you have any idea how much I pay in taxes NOW, and how much more I'll be paying in taxes for this vote-purchasing scheme of your political masters? And I'm supposed to think that's okay so long as they give me a fraction of what they took back and pat me on the head? Maybe YOU enjoy being someone's pet, but I don't.

I have a better idea. Why don't I just keep the money I earned instead of the government taking it? That would REALLY help my kids.
On top of it! The refund is no longer a refund, though, that's the thing! It is turning into a payment system throughout the entire year, basically!

That's the entire thing. You no longer need to look at the tax credit at it as a "once a year thing you get in April". This bill is turning it into 6 payments throughout the entire 2nd half of the year (July - December). American parents and heads of household will no longer have to wait once a year for their tax credit money.

They feel that this monthly money will help during "school supply" months (end of Summer) and then the holidays.

With UBI, you don't need a job to get it.

With a tax credit? You still need to be employed and make that money in order to have a tax break.

If you didn't make that money. . . you won't get it back in those six payments.

Not even close to UBI. UBI gives money to folks that don't work.

Sorry, would you like to try again? :dunno:

The difference between a liberal and a conservative? A liberal views all money as the government's, so tax breaks are just government money that the government lets you keep.

Whose money is it that the Fed is pumping into the markets?

Whose money is it? Hint: we're not going to pay it back. The raid of the treasury is in full mode to usher in and implement a world currency. Its coming..........and fast. W did about 5-6 trillion in 8 years, O did 8-9 trillion in 8 years, Trump did 6 trillion in 4 years and the current buffoon has done over 2 trillion in less than 2 months.

You didn't actually answer the question.

You asked the question? You tell me. You must have the answer.

It's "ours" so all should share in it.

When the fed magically prints money and never pays it off, lol. Ok.

What is with random people on the Internet thinking they have a Doctorate in Economics and are more attuned to markets and the way of finance than 20 year Goldsman Sachs bankers? I'm being serious: go fly a kite.

What is with government-fellating drones on the Internet thinking, "How DARE you have an opinion? Look how impressive these people's resumes are! Now shut up and love whatever they tell you to, the way I do!!"?

Welcome to the remnants of the United States of America, Junior, where people still have the right to have an opinion on public policy and express it, and even to believe that impressive degrees and fancy jobs doesn't exclude one from the possibility of being a dumbass.

Do let us know if you ever mature enough to think for yourself, won't you?

Thanks, Cecilie, I'd trust your opinion and common sense over any of these lunatics bankers and govt "experts" who have run his country into the ground.

The difference between "big think" in an ivory tower and common sense and observation on the ground. Goldman Sachs can tell me what's best for the everyday Americans who make up the vast majority of the country just as soon as they can prove to me that they've spoken to any of those people in the last month. And no, giving instructions to their maids does not count.

Thank you for saying so.
So I was doing some light reading today and this new Child Tax Credit that Biden is setting up looks great. They are going to be depositing $200 per child ($250? $300? I've heard 2 different numbers -- if the kid is under 6) monthly from the months of JULY - DEC each year going forward with the new Child Tax Credit. That means a family of 4 kids gets $800 or more each month JULY - DEC.

So the new bill signed essentially does what Andrew Yang was wanting when he ran in 2019: give $1000 checks to (some) Americans each month. Very cool. This will allow children food at the lunch line, and allow parents to help with clothing and other school-related items each month if they are a low income family.

It will encourage those that shouldn't be having kids to have lots of kids that will continue to not take care of......for instance druggies-----
The stupidity of this is unbelieveable--take from those that take care of their families to give to those that should not be having kids.
Uh, thus far I don't think you pay any taxes. I'm pretty sure you're a 17 year old troll.

Uh, thus far, the only one talking like a 17-year-old troll is YOU, Junior. And this was a lame attempt at deflection, even for someone with your low brain wattage.
And another note, a family of 5 living in a 3 bedroom/2 bath apartment... newer cell phones, 52" TV with 200 channel cable... shouldn't be getting money from the government.
There is a special kind of aggravation seeing for the 1000th time some bum woman dragging two kids around with her, use her food stamp card to pay for food - then take cash and buy a carton cigarettes that cost almost as much as the food.
Gotta fucking love it.
Well I'm sorry that poor families aren't all using 1996 Nokia cell phones and black and white television sets with 3 channels on bunny-ears, Grandpa.
Oh... so sorry for thinking a persons income should have a direct connection with their productivity. Wow - how evil of me.
No matter... you are just another kid who thinks they understand everything about what they don't know about... and the people who do know about it.... don't understand.
The irony runs deep
So I was doing some light reading today and this new Child Tax Credit that Biden is setting up looks great. They are going to be depositing $200 per child ($250? $300? I've heard 2 different numbers -- if the kid is under 6) monthly from the months of JULY - DEC each year going forward with the new Child Tax Credit. That means a family of 4 kids gets $800 or more each month JULY - DEC.

So the new bill signed essentially does what Andrew Yang was wanting when he ran in 2019: give $1000 checks to (some) Americans each month. Very cool. This will allow children food at the lunch line, and allow parents to help with clothing and other school-related items each month if they are a low income family.

I guess it is a miracle you have atleast done some "light" reading. That is a start. :D

You know that money don't come from a money tree don't you? Maybe for your next learning experience. Do some math.
I got the impression the money was getting paid anyway, just in one big check as part of the refund. This just breaks it up?
It almost makes me want to have kids again..
Which is what dumbass Dimtards like you will do...............start cranking out kids thinking $200 a month will make them rich. That's just how stupid leftists are.
Whatever the government does, people have to learn to save and/or invest in appreciable assets. Living within their means.

If people spend the money the government sends them on non-appreciable, consumer BS, we'll have hyper-inflation.

All that money will still go to the 1%.
So I was doing some light reading today and this new Child Tax Credit that Biden is setting up looks great. They are going to be depositing $200 per child ($250? $300? I've heard 2 different numbers -- if the kid is under 6) monthly from the months of JULY - DEC each year going forward with the new Child Tax Credit. That means a family of 4 kids gets $800 or more each month JULY - DEC.

So the new bill signed essentially does what Andrew Yang was wanting when he ran in 2019: give $1000 checks to (some) Americans each month. Very cool. This will allow children food at the lunch line, and allow parents to help with clothing and other school-related items each month if they are a low income family.

Welcome to the new slavery.

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