So I try and get my drivers liscense and

I'm not sure I'm buying this. Not saying the lady couldn't have been more helpful but.

1. The Colorado DMV website does not list a DMV in Broomfield.

2. From the farthest distance from Broomfield to the DMV office in Longmont is about 16 miles which is about 20-30 minutes.

3. The DMV website lists full service offices at 1865 W. Mississippi Ave., #C and 4685 Peoria in Denver.

4. The DMV website shows what is required to get a drivers license and to register a vehicle (including the requirement for a VIN check and safety/emissions check.

5. Who dosen't under stand that there is a charge for a vehicle inspection?

6. Uncle Toms?​

I'm 53 years old and have lived in NY, TN, FL, CA and VA. Before ever traipsing down to the DMV and standing in line I always called first to inquire about what was needed for the transaction I needed to do. In this day and age you don't even need to call anymore, just visit their website.

Department of Revenue - Division of Motor Vehicles:VIN Verifications
Department of Revenue - Division of Motor Vehicles:Registration Requirements
Department of Revenue - Division of Motor Vehicles:Driver's License and ID Card Information

The State I live in decided, quite correctly I believe, to have our license comply with the Real ID act.

It can be a pain to get everything together, I was lucky in that I already had the item most people complain about, the Birth Cert from the Office of Vital Stats from the State in which I was born. My wife had to order hers and it took two months to get. She thanked me for making her order it 4 months prior to her license expiring.

Everything else was a piece of cake to get.

I made the appointment, showed up 5 minutes early, and was done in less than 10 minutes.

Hmm so you showed absolute and total compliance with the bullshit of the state. I disapprove. :evil:

Let's see...

I go in and get out in 10 minutes done with no heartburn or drama for something I absolutely have to have in order to earn a living.

You, evidently would rather have the drama and heartburn in order to NOT get what you need or want.

Are you one of those who are wanting to have more hoops for me jump through in order to exercises my 2nd Amendment rights?
The State I live in decided, quite correctly I believe, to have our license comply with the Real ID act.

It can be a pain to get everything together, I was lucky in that I already had the item most people complain about, the Birth Cert from the Office of Vital Stats from the State in which I was born. My wife had to order hers and it took two months to get. She thanked me for making her order it 4 months prior to her license expiring.

Everything else was a piece of cake to get.

I made the appointment, showed up 5 minutes early, and was done in less than 10 minutes.

Hmm so you showed absolute and total compliance with the bullshit of the state. I disapprove. :evil:

Let's see...

I go in and get out in 10 minutes done with no heartburn or drama for something I absolutely have to have in order to earn a living.

You, evidently would rather have the drama and heartburn in order to NOT get what you need or want.

Are you one of those who are wanting to have more hoops for me jump through in order to exercises my 2nd Amendment rights?

In my DMV there is no possible way to be in and out in 10 minutes no matter how simple your problem is.

It's upsetting to me that you are annoyed at hoops for gun rights and not at hoops from the DMV.

Also I own 2 guns.
Hmm so you showed absolute and total compliance with the bullshit of the state. I disapprove. :evil:

Let's see...

I go in and get out in 10 minutes done with no heartburn or drama for something I absolutely have to have in order to earn a living.

You, evidently would rather have the drama and heartburn in order to NOT get what you need or want.

Are you one of those who are wanting to have more hoops for me jump through in order to exercises my 2nd Amendment rights?

In my DMV there is no possible way to be in and out in 10 minutes no matter how simple your problem is.

It's upsetting to me that you are annoyed at hoops for gun rights and not at hoops from the DMV.

Also I own 2 guns.

Oh I hate both, this is rediculous....iut really shouldnt be like that, all the bitch could have done was tell me what I needed to do, instead I'm on a scavenger hunt throught northern denver.....
If you start a thread to discuss the disbelief you have over black people being nice and understandable you might have an attitude problem.

First of all Ravi, have you been to Memphis? Are you one of those lilly white folk that's different in Denver than Memphis, My wife's cousin came in to a Best Buy in Memphis and couldnt believe the attitude and crappy service he got, I said Welcome to Memphrica.....

and the blacks have a name for that type of's called Shaniqua....I didnt make it up, they did.

In fact here is a link

Urban Dictionary: shaniqua

Fact is I'm stating the dont like it...tough titty, I said blacks are great in fact so much so, the Memphis ones have names for them, uncle toms, oreos, not authentic, ect....I'm sure you know those names.

I love how liberals deny reality and live in their perfect bubble and everyone is the same.......not my EXPERIENCE

PS no comment on the DMV????? and you just got OWNEEEED
Sorry, your defensive rant didn't change my point a bit.
If you start a thread to discuss the disbelief you have over black people being nice and understandable you might have an attitude problem.

First of all Ravi, have you been to Memphis? Are you one of those lilly white folk that's different in Denver than Memphis, My wife's cousin came in to a Best Buy in Memphis and couldnt believe the attitude and crappy service he got, I said Welcome to Memphrica.....

and the blacks have a name for that type of's called Shaniqua....I didnt make it up, they did.

In fact here is a link

Urban Dictionary: shaniqua

Fact is I'm stating the dont like it...tough titty, I said blacks are great in fact so much so, the Memphis ones have names for them, uncle toms, oreos, not authentic, ect....I'm sure you know those names.

I love how liberals deny reality and live in their perfect bubble and everyone is the same.......not my EXPERIENCE

PS no comment on the DMV????? and you just got OWNEEEED
Sorry, your defensive rant didn't change my point a bit.

because you're a partisan ****.....I get have no idea of how the world works, and what people clue....

I post this Urban Dictionary: shaniqua

I didnt make it up, it's not my site....if you dont like it, then you better tell certain people to start acting more "white", ok?
First of all Ravi, have you been to Memphis? Are you one of those lilly white folk that's different in Denver than Memphis, My wife's cousin came in to a Best Buy in Memphis and couldnt believe the attitude and crappy service he got, I said Welcome to Memphrica.....

and the blacks have a name for that type of's called Shaniqua....I didnt make it up, they did.

In fact here is a link

Urban Dictionary: shaniqua

Fact is I'm stating the dont like it...tough titty, I said blacks are great in fact so much so, the Memphis ones have names for them, uncle toms, oreos, not authentic, ect....I'm sure you know those names.

I love how liberals deny reality and live in their perfect bubble and everyone is the same.......not my EXPERIENCE

PS no comment on the DMV????? and you just got OWNEEEED
Sorry, your defensive rant didn't change my point a bit.

because you're a partisan ****.....I get have no idea of how the world works, and what people clue....

I post this Urban Dictionary: shaniqua

I didnt make it up, it's not my site....if you dont like it, then you better tell certain people to start acting more "white", ok?
Dude, we get it. You don't like black people.
Sorry, your defensive rant didn't change my point a bit.

because you're a partisan ****.....I get have no idea of how the world works, and what people clue....

I post this Urban Dictionary: shaniqua

I didnt make it up, it's not my site....if you dont like it, then you better tell certain people to start acting more "white", ok?
Dude, we get it. You don't like black people.

Nope, not at all, my black friends would find that curious....we get it you dont like thought and think that if someone says ******, they're a sheet wearing racist.....sorry man toughen up and take that cock out of your ass.
yeah and it's horrible, what is it about government that makes people suck. I live in Broomfield and love the town, I have no idea who the mayor is or if he's a republican or democrat and same with the county clerk and they need to step it up.....

Funny! I have relatives who live in Broomfield. Nice town, but too damned many hippies.....they DO have a nice mall, though.....

Boulder, on the other hand, could disappear forever and there would be a lot less liberal commies in this country.
car tags after moving to Denver. Just went today and did not get them. I moved to Denver a little while ago and love it. The people are great, I can understand the black folks, my fast food orders are correct and I dont have attitude if I ask someone at a store for help, because she wants to text her friend Shaniqua all day instead of help customers. I get along with all the Uncle Toms here in the Mile High City. So Denver has been great, but one thing is always constant....shitty service at the DMV.

I'm from TN and I went to the DMV, I told the lady I needed a drivers lisecne and car tags. Pretty simple, but people who dont care tend to do the bare minimum and less if they can (for those of you on the attitude thread, this is why these dumbasses stay in their jobs and why the govt needs unions because these people are worthless). So She tells me that I cant get a drivers liscense there, but I can get car tags, and she asks me if I have a vin check and an inspection done. No I say, so she says I need one of each and there is a 4 folder shelf on the table and she points to it (God forbid she grabs the right paper and makes me have to get it). Now I ask about the drivers liscense, well I'm in Broomfield and I have to go to Longmont, 45-60 min away....huh??? I cant get a drivers liscense at the DMV, seriously????? Ok, now I go to the inspection place, she didnt tell there would be a charge and I have to pay cash, so I'm now pissed....and now I've ruined a entire day and got nothing done, sounds like liberal government to me.

PS I work, so having helpful people work at these places would be nice, not all of us are welfare queens that have all day, every day to do this shit.

And this is why I dont want the govt anywhere near healthcare or guns or anything else.....

And the hate and ignorance exhibited by this post demonstrates why we need government, the courts, and the rule of law.

This sort of simplistic stupidity is dangerous to the general public.
yeah and it's horrible, what is it about government that makes people suck. I live in Broomfield and love the town, I have no idea who the mayor is or if he's a republican or democrat and same with the county clerk and they need to step it up.....

Funny! I have relatives who live in Broomfield. Nice town, but too damned many hippies.....they DO have a nice mall, though.....

Boulder, on the other hand, could disappear forever and there would be a lot less liberal commies in this country.

Been through Denver, had some friends that lived in Ft. Collins that we visited a couple of times. We were hoping our daughter would be station at one of the AFB to the east of Denver once she was commissioned so we could go out and visit. Maybe scope the area for retirement in 10-12 years. But alas that didn't work out, now she's going to law school and has her sights set on JAG and will have to submit new duty preferences in a couple of years.

Usually, when a racist invokes "my black friends" - that's a dead giveaway.

Soon he'll post a new avatar with him and a black "friend". I've seen this story before.

Oh you mean about the I marched with Martin Luther King yea.....but I'm honest in fact one of them asked me if I used ****** and I said yeah....he was like damn you're honest....and we're still friends....damn....but to you that couldnt be possible. I bet you wouldnt have the balls to do that...oh wait, you're so perfect and morally superior because you dont use that kind of language, did I hit the nail on the head?

Ive seen tons of people with your story and their lack of honesty. Do you know black people? Do you know that not everyone is the same, right? My comment was there are alot more shaniquas in Memphis than Denver, but you just take the negative aspect dont ya? And cry racist, you're so predictable it's like clock work. you're probably the kind of people that says they dont judge others(gotta be morally superior!), yet they make fun of fat people or bad fashion or something else......we call them hypocrits.
car tags after moving to Denver. Just went today and did not get them. I moved to Denver a little while ago and love it. The people are great, I can understand the black folks, my fast food orders are correct and I dont have attitude if I ask someone at a store for help, because she wants to text her friend Shaniqua all day instead of help customers. I get along with all the Uncle Toms here in the Mile High City. So Denver has been great, but one thing is always constant....shitty service at the DMV.

I'm from TN and I went to the DMV, I told the lady I needed a drivers lisecne and car tags. Pretty simple, but people who dont care tend to do the bare minimum and less if they can (for those of you on the attitude thread, this is why these dumbasses stay in their jobs and why the govt needs unions because these people are worthless). So She tells me that I cant get a drivers liscense there, but I can get car tags, and she asks me if I have a vin check and an inspection done. No I say, so she says I need one of each and there is a 4 folder shelf on the table and she points to it (God forbid she grabs the right paper and makes me have to get it). Now I ask about the drivers liscense, well I'm in Broomfield and I have to go to Longmont, 45-60 min away....huh??? I cant get a drivers liscense at the DMV, seriously????? Ok, now I go to the inspection place, she didnt tell there would be a charge and I have to pay cash, so I'm now pissed....and now I've ruined a entire day and got nothing done, sounds like liberal government to me.

PS I work, so having helpful people work at these places would be nice, not all of us are welfare queens that have all day, every day to do this shit.

And this is why I dont want the govt anywhere near healthcare or guns or anything else.....

And the hate and ignorance exhibited by this post demonstrates why we need government, the courts, and the rule of law.

This sort of simplistic stupidity is dangerous to the general public.

OMG I shouldnt say the truth, I forgot, liberals call that a hate I wrote that I didnt know people like you would say that ;) I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya!

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