So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

If an emiyers let's you go because you aren't vaxxed, nothing one can do. Nothing. Most of you hate workers so it's of no consequence to you.
If an emiyers let's you go because you aren't vaxxed, nothing one can do. Nothing. Most of you hate workers so it's of no consequence to you.

It is illegal for an employer to force employees to take any medical procedure that is not yet even FDA approved.
That is like making then do work on the top of a crane without a safety harness.
Dangerous and therefore illegal.

Nor is there any justifying reason, since once vaccinated, people can still get infected and transmit.
That wasn't the original sale to the public. It changes quite often. The efficacy is wearing off after six months and now they need to pump everyone with boosters every six months. That's absolute insanity. Do you have any idea of what the virus is going to do? It's going to adapt and overcome.
There are no scientific studies that can tell us how long these vaccines work, especially with D variant now the primary source of infection. We do know the vaccines are highly efficiency at 6 mos. Pfizer-BioNTech data shows 91% overall efficacy falling to 84% at the six-month mark, and a steady 97% against severe disease. These studies were released in July and they primarily reflect experience with the Alpha variant. About January there should be enough data to know how well the vaccines are doing in the 6 mos. to 12 mos. period after vaccination.

I doubt the FDA is going to approve a booster to anyone beyond those with weaken immune systems till the there is more data of longevity of the vaccine.
That wasn't the original sale to the public. It changes quite often. The efficacy is wearing off after six months and now they need to pump everyone with boosters every six months. That's absolute insanity. Do you have any idea of what the virus is going to do? It's going to adapt and overcome.
I don't recall any statement by either manufacture as to how long the vaccines would be effective. There were forecast that said at least 6 mos.
There are no scientific studies that can tell us how long these vaccines work, especially with D variant now the primary source of infection. We do know the vaccines are highly efficiency at 6 mos. Pfizer-BioNTech data shows 91% overall efficacy falling to 84% at the six-month mark, and a steady 97% against severe disease. These studies were released in July and they primarily reflect experience with the Alpha variant. About January there should be enough data to know how well the vaccines are doing in the 6 mos. to 12 mos. period after vaccination.

I doubt the FDA is going to approve a booster to anyone beyond those with weaken immune systems till there is more data of longevity of the vaccine.
again, the other diseases limit normal function of organs. A virus will ask the body to react and it can't. It doesn't react because of the virus, it can't react because of the disease and is the true cause of death. It's all faked death counts.
A physician, medical examiner or coroner fills out the cause of mortality on the death certificate. That specialist is instructed to include only conditions that caused or contributed to death, Anderson says. One field lists the sequence of events leading to the death. “What we're really trying to get at is the condition or disease that started the chain of events leading to the death,” Anderson says. “For COVID-19, that might be something like acute respiratory distress due to pneumonia due to COVID-19.” A second part of the certificate lists other conditions that may have contributed to the death yet were not part of the sequence of events that led up to it, he says. These are called comorbidities, and although they can be contributing factors, they cannot be directly involved in the chain of cause and effect that ended in death. Medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease are common comorbidities, and they can make a person more vulnerable to the coronavirus, Anderson says, “but the fact is: they're not dying from that preexisting condition.”

So no autopsies. Covid is everything. Figures.
Many autopsies were preformed in the first few months of the pandemic to understand the progression of the disease and characteristics of the event that lead to death. They are not that common today because we understand those events and they are not needed to determine the cause of death. The medical records show the progression of disease and knowing the effects of each event on the body creates a clear picture of the cause of death.
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Rights are infinite, so all explicit laws to can not and do not have to be listed.
The abstracted concept is all that is necessary.
And it is illegal for employers to force risks upon the employee, such as experimental pseudo vaccines that are not even FDA approved.
Anti discrimination laws prohibit any and all discrimination except what is necessary for the job, and vaccines do not make people less infectible or transmissive.
No. Rights are not "infinite". That's why they're specified in the law (gender, race, etc).
You're extremely dumb.
Many autopsies were preformed in the first few months of the pandemic to understand the progression of the disease and characteristics of the event that lead to death. They are not that common today because we understand those events and they are not needed to determine the cause of death. The medical records show the progression of disease and knowing the effects of each event on the body creates a clear picture of the cause of death.
Hey, don't drink it all at once, leave some Kool-aid for someone else!
Capitalists are required to seek a profit and their potential multimillion dollar bonus. Is that capital enough reason for right-wingers under our form of Capitalism?

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.
Although employers are not required to provide any jobs at all, if they do list an opening, it is illegal to discriminate.
There are a number of explicit topics where discrimination is illegal, and attempting to force an employee to do something they consider risky, is completely illegal. If you are going to claim these mRNA vaccines are safe, forget it. None of the experts think they are or even remotely know if they are safe. If they did, then they would be FDA approved. And they aren't.
And you should know better than to think they are safe, because they don't target a whole virus with dead ones. They only target the spike protein, which our own exosomes also have.
Again, the employer is not forcing you to do anything. They are saying, if you want to continue to work there, you have to be vaccinated.

Again, if you are not consistent on this, it could open a whole can of worms in other areas that some may not like.
Forcing employees to vaccinate improves the safety of no one.
It has been proven vaccinated can get infected and pass the virus as easily as the unvaccinated.

The choice to be vaccinated or fired is identical to the choice of accepting dangerous work conditions or be fired, and that is specifically illegal.
And obviously since these vaccines are not FDA approved, they are risky and dangerous.
Ok, but thats going to be a tough battle to win, because you have a whole lot of people, plus the government, as well as the cdc saying that being unvaccinated is the "dangerous work conditions".

There are 2 sides to this whole debate, and its very divided and very divisive. For every argument you make against vaccines, you'll find an argument for vaccines.

In this regard, the company isn't technically making dangerous working conditions. According to you, maybe, but according to others, not so much.

This is why this is going to be a tough subject because of the partisan debate surrounding it.
Again, the employer is not forcing you to do anything. They are saying, if you want to continue to work there, you have to be vaccinated.

Again, if you are not consistent on this, it could open a whole can of worms in other areas that some may not like.
We know you libbies have boners over people being fired because they won’t ingest a non FDA approved experimental vaccine but it hasn’t happened and it won’t happen because no employer can issue such an edict with enforcement to back it up. Lab rats cancelled.
Time to get off of this hoax fairytale and conjour up a new one.
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What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.
The employee can do the right thing and get vaccinated and stay masked. Refusing vaccination is sociopathic, endangering the lives of many, especially children.

unvaccinated scum... you are advise do NOT come into my presence if you know what's good for you
The employee can do the right thing and get vaccinated and stay masked. Refusing vaccination is sociopathic, endangering the lives of many, especially children.

unvaccinated scum... you are advise do NOT come into my presence if you know what's good for you
Or what?
The employee can do the right thing and get vaccinated and stay masked. Refusing vaccination is sociopathic, endangering the lives of many, especially children.

unvaccinated scum... you are advise do NOT come into my presence if you know what's good for you
Resisting vaccinations is nothing new. It has been going on since the small pox vaccinations, polio, and the Flu vaccine. The reasons are not really that important. What is important is that government epidemiologists understand that 80% vaccination of a country is excellent. After the first year vaccinating many of the holdouts will get vaccinated due to social pressure, employee requirements, other requirements by businesses and local government. The hardcore holdouts are not ever going to get vaccinated because of lack trust of government or simply refusing because they are being told to do it, a character trait they develop in childhood and never outgrew. It is a waste of time trying to convince these people. They are not interesting in the facts and will make up their own to support their beliefs..
Im not aware of any law that states a company can force you to take an injection. Perhaps you could point this out for me?
They can't force you. But they can say you can't work there unless you do.

Everyone is forgetting the preliminary problem: they are asserting the right to ASK you a private health question. I don't answer those, ever, ever, ever. People need to mind their own damn business around me from now on. So forget about the shot: I'd quit if they insist on an answer to an inappropriate question. I think they'd have to fire me, actually. Might get something out of that if there's a class-action suit.

Also, they wouldn't just believe someone: you'd have to show your "vaccine passport." That is not happening with me.

Easy to find a job these days! Everyone is begging for workers. Pretty crazy to throw good workers away on such a civil liberties issue, especially considering how masks don't work, the vaccine failed, etc. And people will remember obnoxious employers that don't allow privacy, restaurants that are into power trips against their customers, stores with all sorts of horrible rules, stand here, don't stand there -- I don't want anything to do with totalitarian control freaks.

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