So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

I can't speak to the rights of employees or employers for this thread.

But I can share a real-world reality at our dentist.
He has mandated that if you want dental work done in his office you must be vaccinated.

I was surprised when I heard that. Didn't know that he would or could take such a definitive stance.

This is what he told my wife (she ---and I ---have each been poked twice, since early March): He did it for his staff. He did it because his staffers demanded it. He said ---and there's about 8 of 'em -----but he said they came to him and said they didn't feel safe putting their hands in the mouths or being in close proximity in the operary with the un-vaccinated.

They asked him to inform all patients on the waiting list that they must show proof of vaccinations in order to get service from his office.

He agreed, and that's what they did. And that is the situation at his office now.
What it has cost him in patient drop-outs.....I dunno.
!! Lord, I'd be gone from there!
It was already decided by SCOTUS in 1905.

The government can force you to get vaccinated because your lack of vaccination imperils the health of others.
Do you think this situation reaches that level? Smallpox is the only one I know of, where people were actually forced --- held down, I guess. And that was a very long time ago, and smallpox is extinct.
They can't force you. But they can say you can't work there unless you do.

Everyone is forgetting the preliminary problem: they are asserting the right to ASK you a private health question. I don't answer those, ever, ever, ever. People need to mind their own damn business around me from now on. So forget about the shot: I'd quit if they insist on an answer to an inappropriate question. I think they'd have to fire me, actually. Might get something out of that if there's a class-action suit.

Also, they wouldn't just believe someone: you'd have to show your "vaccine passport." That is not happening with me.

Easy to find a job these days! Everyone is begging for workers. Pretty crazy to throw good workers away on such a civil liberties issue, especially considering how masks don't work, the vaccine failed, etc. And people will remember obnoxious employers that don't allow privacy, restaurants that are into power trips against their customers, stores with all sorts of horrible rules, stand here, don't stand there -- I don't want anything to do with totalitarian control freaks.
While I don't agree that masks and the vaccines "don't work", the attitude you're expressing here is what we need a lot more of. People seem to think the government is there to make other people, in this case employers, do their bidding.

That's not what government is for. If you don't like what you're employer asks you to do, "just say no". It's not as hard as people pretend.
Oh god, you're one of those?

I can't decide if you all are just idiots who have fallen for a con and won't admit it - or it's just a ploy to lobby for more restrictive voting regulations.
Considering how long the legs on this seems to be, the former is almost certainly the case. Its not like this is new, the same people jumping all over the election jumped all over Obama's birth certificate. Clearly idiots.
What’s the update tally On The Major Libby Hoax started 3/4 weeks ago that people would be getting fired immediately for not getting vaccinated or not taking more vaccinations?
4 million?
Unfortunately, I have to agree with the left on this. Remember all that talk about employers having the right to run their business as they see fit? Well, here we are. We can't have it our way only when its convenient.

A company does not owe you a job. If they decide you need to be vaccinated to work for them, then you have a choice to either comply with their requirements, or find a company that does not require a vaccine.
Why is it I feel like most of the conservatives, and most of the self-described libertarians, that I've known never really "got" it?
What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.

At will employment doesn't mean that the employee gives up his Civil Rights, bub. At will employment is not SLAVERY.
What’s the update tally On The Major Libby Hoax started 3/4 weeks ago that people would be getting fired immediately for not getting vaccinated or not taking more vaccinations?
4 million?
Well hoax spreaders what say ye?
Teachers sign morality contracts...
Many people have to have medical procedures to hold employment...
Wear specific clothing or respiratory gear for their jobs.

If getting vaxxed was a condition of employment and you don't want to be vaxxed then you can't keep the job.
Teachers sign morality contracts...
Many people have to have medical procedures to hold employment...
Wear specific clothing or respiratory gear for their jobs.

If getting vaxxed was a condition of employment and you don't want to be vaxxed then you can't keep the job.
Teachers sign morality contracts...
Many people have to have medical procedures to hold employment...
Wear specific clothing or respiratory gear for their jobs.

If getting vaxxed was a condition of employment and you don't want to be vaxxed then you can't keep the job.
It can be a precondition of obtaining employment but cannot be newly imposed once already employed
!! Lord, I'd be gone from there!
I would be more likely to attend them than a Dentist that doesn't insist....

How long would it be before his staff would get COVID and spread it to you... Vaccines aren't fool proof but they show they are taking every precaution...

My dentist built a enclosed space which scrubs the air in the room as to reduced the spread...
I would be more likely to attend them than a Dentist that doesn't insist....

How long would it be before his staff would get COVID and spread it to you... Vaccines aren't fool proof but they show they are taking every precaution...

My dentist built a enclosed space which scrubs the air in the room as to reduced the spread...
Well, it's your business; as long as you are satisfied, that's the great thing.

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