So Jared got

You also have no idea how The Donald is going to run the narrative and , for example , perhaps look for sympathy or suggest victimisation .
LAMO!! Have you not realized that that is his whole narrative, all the time?
Exactly. It makes me wonder if these people who keep repeating this mantra are simply stupid or if they are intentionally lying as they do with every word out of Trump's mouth.
The way I see it, the media lies, and they believe it either because they want to, or they're not very bright.

Or they know better and just propagate the lies anyways because they're dishonest.
Jared took $2B from Saudi's and ReNaziKlans are silent. HB on the other hand.....
Jared Kushner Addresses $2 Billion Given By Saudi's.

Jred Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and one of his former top White House advisers, defended on Tuesday his business dealings with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after leaving government, despite the Arab leader being accused by the U.S. of involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"Are we really still doing this?" Kushner said during a live interview at the Axios BFD summit in Miami when he was asked if he believed that the Saudi crown prince was responsible for the killing. "I know the person who I dealt with. I think he's a visionary leader. I think what he's done in that region is transformational," he said.

Khashoggi, a 59-year-old U.S.-based journalist critical of Saudi Arabia's leadership and bin Salman, was killed in a Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on 2 October 2018. A month later, the CIA concluded with high confidence that the Saudi crown prince had ordered the murder of the journalist, defying the Saudi leadership's claims they were not involved in the killing.
Jared Kushner Addresses $2 Billion Given By Saudi's.

Jred Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and one of his former top White House advisers, defended on Tuesday his business dealings with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after leaving government, despite the Arab leader being accused by the U.S. of involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"Are we really still doing this?" Kushner said during a live interview at the Axios BFD summit in Miami when he was asked if he believed that the Saudi crown prince was responsible for the killing. "I know the person who I dealt with. I think he's a visionary leader. I think what he's done in that region is transformational," he said.

Khashoggi, a 59-year-old U.S.-based journalist critical of Saudi Arabia's leadership and bin Salman, was killed in a Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on 2 October 2018. A month later, the CIA concluded with high confidence that the Saudi crown prince had ordered the murder of the journalist, defying the Saudi leadership's claims they were not involved in the killing.

So what. The guy was Muslim Brotherhood and a friend to Osama bin Laden.

Do you have anything to say about Putin or the Mossad?
Jared Kushner, Trump's Son-In-Law Praises "Very Valuable Potential of Gaza's Waterfront Property."

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s former White House adviser and his son-in-law, praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the area.

Gaza’s waterfront property, it could be very valuable, if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” Kushner said in an interview dated Feb. 15, posted earlier this month on the YouTube channel of the Middle East Initiative, a program of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and reported first on Tuesday by The Guardian. “If you think about all the money that’s gone into this tunnel network and into all the munitions, if that would have gone into education or innovation, what could have been done?”

It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but I think from Israel’s perspective, I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up,” Kushner added. “But I don’t think that Israel has stated that they don’t want the people to move back there afterwards.”
Well, that rings true.

I also found this, it's a little long, and it's written by a friend of his so..but there is additional info in it.

I know prince Turki.. good man. Khashoggi's grandfather was a Turkish physician to King ibn Saud.

KSA did fund al Qaeda back in the 1980s when they went to Afghanistan to build roads to fight against the soviets.. but by 1992 they revoked Osama bin Laden's Saudi citizenship because he had become a religious fanatic who was against the US and wanted to attack Israel. He was deep into the Hassan al Banna Muslim Brotherhood thing by then. The SAG wasn't having any of that crap.
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I know prince Turki.. good man. Khashoggi's grandfather was a Turkish physician to King ibn Saud.

KSA did fund al Qaeda back in the 1980s when they went to Afghanistan to build roads to fight against the soviets.. but by 1992 they revoked Osama bin Laden's Saudi citizenship because he had become a religious fanatic who was against the US and wanted to attack Israel. He was deep into the Hassan al Banna Muslim Brotherhood thing by then. The SAG wasn't having any of that crap.
Grandpa being the King's doctor obviously didn't do him any good.

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