So let's stipulate that Obama didn't lie.....So What?

So the president was only using hyperbole when he said everyone could keep their plan?

Since at least for 90% of Americans that was true...

You're saying now that the president only exaggerated (hyperbolized) by a few percentage points, therefore it wasn't a lie,

since hyperboles are not lies?

Are you sure that's what you want to say?


What we're SAYING is that the President wasn't being honest when he made the repeated claim that anyone that liked their healthcare plan could keep their healthcare plan...PERIOD! Barack Obama KNEW that wasn't the case. Barack Obama KNEW that millions of Americans would be losing healthcare plans that they liked. Obama lied to the American people time and time again because he thought the end justified the means. That's simply a fact...albeit one that you refuse to admit because by doing so you would be forced to admit that you were complicit in the telling of those lies.

Why would I be complicit? Especially given that 3 years ago I was saying things like this about the bill:

You need to learn to have the decency not to make up shit about people.

Where in THAT were you saying anything bad about the ACA? Dude, you've been holding forth on how WONDERFUL the Affordable Care Act is going to be for YEARS now! Don't even try and walk that shit back now! You fully own it as much as Barry does.
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What I find telling is that Carbineer was here day after day, week after week, month after month, declaring that it was Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi that were telling us the truth about the Affordable Care Act and that it was those terrible Republicans that were lying about it!

Now he's back here admitting that Barry, Harry and Nancy were the ones who were lying all along...but it's "OK" because the end justifies the means.

So tell me, much credence should we put in YOUR version of what is true and not true?
You put no credence on Carbs words or thoughts. He is a known racist who will sell out his family for his political position.

The very epitome of worthless as a human being.

In My opinion.

Your mileage may vary.
It was a fact that Bush got preferential treatment to get into the Guard. It was a fact that Bush never actually finished his obligation in the Guard. It was a fact that Bush joined the Guard to avoid Vietnam.

All of that is irrefutable.

no, that is what you and others fabricated.

You're mentally retarded.

Did I fabricate this?

Bush, from the Houston Chronicle, 1994:

"I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes."

Moving the goal post because you are losing.
No surprise.
And once again you fail.

A search of the Houston Chronicle's archives turns up no such quote or interview.

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