So much for Republicans being at the forefront of civil rights in the 60

See how easy it was to get the RWnuts around here to admit that they would have never been amongst the Republicans who supported the civil rights movement in the 60's?
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
So because democrats beat him fifty years ago in their fight against civil rights, no one can respond to him when he attacks them?

And what exactly about trumps response villified anyone?
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Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.


View attachment 106878

When Trump gets beaten up fighting for civil rights, get back to us.

No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.


View attachment 106878

When Trump gets beaten up fighting for civil rights, get back to us.

No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

You just click your heels together three times and keep at it, Dorothy, and the Whiz-ard of the Yellow Prick Road will whiz you off to the alternate urinalverse where that's actually true.

Might be kinda windy though.

When Trump gets beaten up fighting for civil rights, get back to us.

No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.

This insanity used to limited to a few of the rightwing crazies on any given message board.

Now it's all but universal. That's how brainwashing works.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
So because democrats beat him fifty years ago in their fight against civil rights, no one can respond yo him when he attacks them?

And what exactly about trumps response villified anyone?

Your denial would be funny if it weren't so commonplace on the Right nowadays. That makes it simply boring.
When Trump gets beaten up fighting for civil rights, get back to us.

No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.

This insanity used to limited to a few of the rightwing crazies on any given message board.

Now it's all but universal. That's how brainwashing works.

Of course you label historical FACTS which contradict your programming as insanity.

That's one purpose of Prog rewrite history to blame the failures of their ideology in action upon those who opposed them.

When Trump gets beaten up fighting for civil rights, get back to us.

No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.

Ain't no "spin" needed --- this was established before we were born. Fascism is a far-right thing, always was.

The NSDAP already had the trendy term "socialist" in it when HItler joined. He objected to it but went along for its marketing power. You know, like licensing your name to a company that gouges you for personal vitamins based on a urine sample.

But if you really think the name is the essence, go look at the ingredients in a box of Grape Nuts.

Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
So you can't criticized him after his inane comments because he was part Civil Rights Movement? How did his big loudmouth ass get that immunity?

Trump believes Obama was not a legitimate president. Lewis believes Trump is not legitimate.

Go ahead. Say they're both full of shit.

Where did trump claim Obama was illegitimate?
When Trump gets beaten up fighting for civil rights, get back to us.

No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.

Ain't no "spin" needed --- this was established before we were born. Fascism is a far-right thing, always was.

The NSDAP already had the trendy term "socialist" in it when HItler joined. He objected to it but went along for its marketing power. You know, like licensing your name to a company that gouges you for personal vitamins based on a urine sample.

But if you really think the name is the essence, go look at the ingredients in a box of Grape Nuts.


No, it is not. Just because Progs spun it that way doesn't make it so.

The various isms of Socialism/Marxism/Commuism/Fascism etc. share a common ideology of Authoritarian control in which the individual is de facto owned by the State. That is the opposite of Individual Rights protected by Limited Government.
Last edited:
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
So you can't criticized him after his inane comments because he was part Civil Rights Movement? How did his big loudmouth ass get that immunity?

Trump believes Obama was not a legitimate president. Lewis believes Trump is not legitimate.

Go ahead. Say they're both full of shit.

Where did trump claim Obama was illegitimate?

Uh -- HELLO ... have you been sleeping under a rock?


---- or is this now an "unevent" that never happened and has since been condemned to the Memory Hole, which of course has never existed?

Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.


View attachment 106878

Trump lied about Obama for his entire presidency.

Apologize for that, fatty.

Obabble lied during his entire presidency and for years before that.

Not like this he didn't:

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Politifact is fake news.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
When Trump gets beaten up fighting for civil rights, get back to us.

No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.

Ain't no "spin" needed --- this was established before we were born. Fascism is a far-right thing, always was.

The NSDAP already had the trendy term "socialist" in it when HItler joined. He objected to it but went along for its marketing power. You know, like licensing your name to a company that gouges you for personal vitamins based on a urine sample.

But if you really think the name is the essence, go look at the ingredients in a box of Grape Nuts.


Fascism was a term coined by marxist benito mussolini when he was kicked out of the Communist party....he started his own brand of socialism and that term has been used to now hide the true socialist nature of the nazis.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
So you can't criticized him after his inane comments because he was part Civil Rights Movement? How did his big loudmouth ass get that immunity?

Trump believes Obama was not a legitimate president. Lewis believes Trump is not legitimate.

Go ahead. Say they're both full of shit.

Where did trump claim Obama was illegitimate?

Uh -- HELLO ... have you been sleeping under a rock?


---- or is this now an "unevent" that never happened and has since been condemned to the Memory Hole, which of course has never existed?


It's also exactly what he's talking about here ---

Really?...don't you all think it's time that Lewis a dinosaur gives up his war with whitey? Don't you think it's time for him to retire? He's only been in office for 30 years or more, his district is still as poor and crime infested as it was when he took office, maybe more so. They still have no jobs no skills and failing schools.

Maybe it's time that his constituents choose another path. A path that actually improves their lives. Dump Lewis and his old tired racist rantings and constant finger pointing and elect someone with the know how to change their direction in life for the better.
No..John Lewis...from his actions since that beating have shown one thing....he wasn't fighting for civil rights....he was fighting for his chance to have he could be the racist......and he succeeded...he is no different than al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson......

Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.

Ain't no "spin" needed --- this was established before we were born. Fascism is a far-right thing, always was.

The NSDAP already had the trendy term "socialist" in it when HItler joined. He objected to it but went along for its marketing power. You know, like licensing your name to a company that gouges you for personal vitamins based on a urine sample.

But if you really think the name is the essence, go look at the ingredients in a box of Grape Nuts.


No, it is not. Just because Progs spun it that way doesn't make it so.

The various isms of Socialism/Marxism/Commuism/Fascism etc. share a common ideology of Authoritarian control in which the individual is de facto owned by the State. That is the opposite of Individual Rights proected by Limited Government.

There is no "Authoritarian" prerequisite in either communism OR socialism. Matter of fact Hitler's first "guests" at Dachau were exactly that element.

Sorry, there's too much known history to rewrite this whole thing. But go ahead and essplain to the class how "democratic" the German Democratic Republic was because hey ---- it's in the name.

"I went to a concert but when it started I walked out".


"The band was Ten Thousand Maniacs but 99,994 of them didn't show up".
Again ---- actual link to this "racism" of his?

Or is this another myth-meme like "Hitler was a leftist" and "FDR caused Ebola"?

Hitler was a leftist...moron.

The Progs always try to Spin Hitler as being a "rightist".

The Nazi Party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party"...not exactly the equivalent of Free Market Capitalists and Limited Government Constitutionalists.

Just sayin'.

Ain't no "spin" needed --- this was established before we were born. Fascism is a far-right thing, always was.

The NSDAP already had the trendy term "socialist" in it when HItler joined. He objected to it but went along for its marketing power. You know, like licensing your name to a company that gouges you for personal vitamins based on a urine sample.

But if you really think the name is the essence, go look at the ingredients in a box of Grape Nuts.


No, it is not. Just because Progs spun it that way doesn't make it so.

The various isms of Socialism/Marxism/Commuism/Fascism etc. share a common ideology of Authoritarian control in which the individual is de facto owned by the State. That is the opposite of Individual Rights proected by Limited Government.

There is no "Authoritarian" prerequisite in either communism OR socialism. Matter of fact Hitler's first "guests" at Dachau were exactly that element.

Sorry, there's too much known history to rewrite this whole thing. But go ahead and essplain to the class how "democratic" the German Democratic Republic was because hey ---- it's in the name.

Yeah....except the Socialist, in national socialist, was real....the government controlled every aspect of the economy go ahead and keep trying to protect socialism from it's mass murdering truth....
Lewis is a hateful senile useless incompetent old fart. The greatest thing other than Trump's victory will be watching tired old has been discouraged democrats retire out of frustration over the next 4 years....

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