So much for Republicans being at the forefront of civil rights in the 60

There is no "Authoritarian" prerequisite in either communism OR socialism. Matter of fact Hitler's first "guests" at Dachau were exactly that element.

Sorry, there's too much known history to rewrite this whole thing. But go ahead and essplain to the class how "democratic" the German Democratic Republic was because hey ---- it's in the name.

Yeah....except the Socialist, in national socialist, was real....the government controlled every aspect of the economy go ahead and keep trying to protect socialism from it's mass murdering truth....

Socialism is an economic framework Dumbo. It's got zero to do with "murder", mass or otherwise. That would be "authoritarianism".

B'loney. Socialism cannot work without authoritarian political structures.

Yuh huh. Who's the Führer of Denmark then?

The government has a lot of controls on individual behavior (just try owning a car as an average citizen). Soft authoritarianism is still Authoritarism.

C'mon, you can tell me.

It's this guy isn't it?

It's either him or Victor Borge.
Is this your way of denying the fact it was Democrats that were the villains of the civil rights movement in the '60s?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Lyndon Johnson LED the civil rights movement of the 60's. Barry Goldwater LED the opposition to it.

Johnson's opposition to civil rights is the only reason it happened in the 60s rather than the 50s he lead the filibuster blocking it for years. And his policies alone are responsible for the decimation of black families and the blight in inner cities throughout the nation.

Johnson is so evil he makes trump look like a child boy.

When did LBJ lead a filibuster?
I know he killed one in 1964 and had killed another in 1957 as Senate Majority Leader, for which he earned the enmity of the Southern PTB. I'm not aware of one he "led a filibuster" on.

Ahem....... still waiting on this one too....
John Lewis and the passive aggressive tactics of the Democrats.

Stages 3 & 4!



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.

So what does him fighting for civil rights have to do with this controversy?

I don't recall Trump posting anything against civil rights.....please share

Ask and ye shall receive.

Ssl protocol error, try again

Your issue, not the link.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
So you can't criticized him after his inane comments because he was part Civil Rights Movement? How did his big loudmouth ass get that immunity?

Trump believes Obama was not a legitimate president. Lewis believes Trump is not legitimate.

Go ahead. Say they're both full of shit.

They are.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.


View attachment 106878

Trump lied about Obama for his entire presidency.

Apologize for that, fatty.

Obabble lied during his entire presidency and for years before that.

Not like this he didn't:

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.


View attachment 106878

Trump lied about Obama for his entire presidency.

Apologize for that, fatty.

Obabble lied during his entire presidency and for years before that.

Not like this he didn't:

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

PolitiFact is FAKE NEWS, slick.
Says who? People who don't like to hear it? People who can't read?



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Yeah....except the Socialist, in national socialist, was real....the government controlled every aspect of the economy go ahead and keep trying to protect socialism from it's mass murdering truth....

Socialism is an economic framework Dumbo. It's got zero to do with "murder", mass or otherwise. That would be "authoritarianism".

B'loney. Socialism cannot work without authoritarian political structures.

Yuh huh. Who's the Führer of Denmark then?

The government has a lot of controls on individual behavior (just try owning a car as an average citizen). Soft authoritarianism is still Authoritarism.

C'mon, you can tell me.

It's this guy isn't it?

It's either him or Victor Borge.
Han's Christian Andersen?
Socialism is an economic framework Dumbo. It's got zero to do with "murder", mass or otherwise. That would be "authoritarianism".

B'loney. Socialism cannot work without authoritarian political structures.

Yuh huh. Who's the Führer of Denmark then?

The government has a lot of controls on individual behavior (just try owning a car as an average citizen). Soft authoritarianism is still Authoritarism.

C'mon, you can tell me.

It's this guy isn't it?

It's either him or Victor Borge.
Han's Christian Andersen?

Correct. The despicable power-hungry dictator himself. Has there ever been a more authoritarian anthem than "The Emporer's New Clothes"?
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.

No dumb shit. You're simply projecting your STUPIDITY and RACIST methods on those you dislike. I realize you and those like you are cause and effect challenged, desperate and emotional wrecks. Maybe you should take some time to figure out why.
Is this your way of denying the fact it was Democrats that were the villains of the civil rights movement in the '60s?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Lyndon Johnson LED the civil rights movement of the 60's. Barry Goldwater LED the opposition to it.
The text books clearly point out that the CRA movement of the 60s was led by the Dems and that the GOP has tried, unsuccessfully, to claim otherwise.

Which is why mitt Romneys father was marching with mlk Jr while al gore sr was opposing civil rights
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
I guess John Lewis gets a pass on being an asshole for the rest of his life.

So, he marched with MLK 56 years ago and that means it's okay for him to encourage people to murder cops and burn down businesses?

He said he didn't think Trump was legitimate. That's the same thing Trump said about Obama.
Trump was a mere citizen when he said that, not an elected official. Bit of a difference.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
Trump did not vilify Lewis.

Trump merely smacked Lewis' ears back, after Lewis shot off his big mouth - expecting to hide behind his decades old faded glories

BTW... not everyone really gives a rat's ass about civil rights, beyond a certain soft-and-fuzzy perspective.

Most folks are far too busy living life - making love, working, paying mortgages and car and student loans, mowing lawns, planning vacations, etc., to worry about that shit.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, its related follow-on legislation, quotas, and 50+ years of preferential treatment for minorities are enough.

It's the Other Guy's turn again... and will be, now, for quite some time to come.

Do you honest-to-Christ think that Drumpf gives a rat's ass about Lewis civil rights activist past?

Hell, the subject matter barely comes up on the guy's radar, never mind recognizing players, in detail.

Can't say I blame him much, either.

Too busy living life, to worry about that shit.
Last edited:
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
I guess John Lewis gets a pass on being an asshole for the rest of his life.

So, he marched with MLK 56 years ago and that means it's okay for him to encourage people to murder cops and burn down businesses?

He said he didn't think Trump was legitimate. That's the same thing Trump said about Obama.
Trump was a mere citizen when he said that, not an elected official. Bit of a difference.

Oh really. So that was a different guy huh?
Kinda like Grover Cleveland the 22nd President was a whole different guy from Grover Cleveland the 24th President?
Lewis knew exactly what he was doing, a political baiting for Trump, who of course fell for it.

Trump is messing up his Inauguration Week because he can't be held in anything but the most high awe of his subjects.
Is this your way of denying the fact it was Democrats that were the villains of the civil rights movement in the '60s?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Lyndon Johnson LED the civil rights movement of the 60's. Barry Goldwater LED the opposition to it.
The text books clearly point out that the CRA movement of the 60s was led by the Dems and that the GOP has tried, unsuccessfully, to claim otherwise.

Which is why mitt Romneys father was marching with mlk Jr while al gore sr was opposing civil rights

Still waiting on 149. :eusa_whistle:

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