So much for Republicans being at the forefront of civil rights in the 60

Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
So you can't criticized him after his inane comments because he was part Civil Rights Movement? How did his big loudmouth ass get that immunity?

Trump believes Obama was not a legitimate president. Lewis believes Trump is not legitimate.

Go ahead. Say they're both full of shit.

Where did trump claim Obama was illegitimate?

Uh -- HELLO ... have you been sleeping under a rock?


---- or is this now an "unevent" that never happened and has since been condemned to the Memory Hole, which of course has never existed?

I saw a "Certificate of Live Birth" but no "birth certificate " from a hospital.

lol, Orly Taitz's butler weighs in.
John Lewis and the passive aggressive tactics of the Democrats.

Stages 3 & 4!



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)

I have you clocked here:
The first phase is called the Prodrome Phase.
Psychotic episodes rarely occur out of the blue. Almost always, a psychotic episode is preceded by gradual non-specific changes in the person's thoughts, perceptions, behaviours, and functioning. The first phase is referred to as the prodrome (or prodromal) phase. During this period the person starts to experience changes in themselves, but have not yet started experiencing clear-cut psychotic symptoms.

Types of changes in feelings, thoughts, perceptions and behaviours include:

  • difficulty screening out distracting information and sensations.
  • difficulty focusing or understanding what they are hearing
  • changes in perceptual experiences - visual experiences may become brighter or sounds louder
  • feeling overloaded
  • finding t harder to keep track of what they are thinking and what others are saying.
  • feeling disconnected
  • desire or need to be alone
  • sleep disturbances
  • depressed mood
  • irritability
  • suspiciousness

  • unexplained difficulty at/skipping school or work
Prodrome symptoms vary from person to person and some people may not experience any of the changes. This phase can last from several months to a year or more.

Just because somebody is experiencing all of these changes does not necessarily mean that they are likely to be in the prodrome phase of psychotic episode. The prodrome cannot be "diagnosed" until after psychosis has developed. Up until that point even professionals can only have a hunch that the changes may be the start of psychosis. Although the symptoms described above are typical of the prodrome phase of psychosis, they may also be due to other causes. If you are concerned about similar types of changes in yourself or someone else, it's important to seek help.
The far right of the GOP is as bad as the Dems were in the 1940s.
Not even close. You must have failed history.
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.
I guess John Lewis gets a pass on being an asshole for the rest of his life.

So, he marched with MLK 56 years ago and that means it's okay for him to encourage people to murder cops and burn down businesses?

He said he didn't think Trump was legitimate. That's the same thing Trump said about Obama.
Trump was a mere citizen when he said that, not an elected official. Bit of a difference.

Oh really. So that was a different guy huh?
Kinda like Grover Cleveland the 22nd President was a whole different guy from Grover Cleveland the 24th President?
Same person, different scope. A person not affiliated with a company can say all kinds of things about the company's executive staff, with no impact. If that person becomes an officer of that company, however, his comments take on a lot more impact. You do see that, right?

So you're saying Donald John Trump, and Donald John Trump ---- are NOT the same guy huh?

If that's what you take away from it, there is no point in trying to clarify it for you. You're deliberately being obtuse.
Has anyone mentioned to the OP he's using the RACE CARD to PROJECT responsibility to PLEASE his personal BIAS and FOOLISHNESS?
He said he didn't think Trump was legitimate. That's the same thing Trump said about Obama.
Trump was a mere citizen when he said that, not an elected official. Bit of a difference.

Oh really. So that was a different guy huh?
Kinda like Grover Cleveland the 22nd President was a whole different guy from Grover Cleveland the 24th President?
Same person, different scope. A person not affiliated with a company can say all kinds of things about the company's executive staff, with no impact. If that person becomes an officer of that company, however, his comments take on a lot more impact. You do see that, right?

So you're saying Donald John Trump, and Donald John Trump ---- are NOT the same guy huh?

If that's what you take away from it, there is no point in trying to clarify it for you. You're deliberately being obtuse.

So as they say in the tire buisness, let's recap --

On the one hand you can't admit that Rump and Rump are the same person; on the other hand you can't explain the difference.

Thanks for uh, clearing that up.

The far right of the GOP is as bad as the Dems were in the 1940s.
Not even close. You must have failed history.
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
The far right of the GOP is as bad as the Dems were in the 1940s.
Not even close. You must have failed history.
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.
The far right of the GOP is as bad as the Dems were in the 1940s.
Not even close. You must have failed history.
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.

What I'm saying is that no fucking political party was ever required for a lynching, therefore you don't know the political makeup of, let's say, the lynching Bob Dylan referred to in "Desolation Row". Or indeed, any other.

And no, the Klan was founded by six ex-Confederte vet soldiers. There's no evidence any of them had any political affiliations or activities.

See, these kinds of things require what we call "evidence".
Wtf is it with these congressmen from Georgia? First we have Hank Johnson thinking Guam will tip over, and now we have this idiot thinking Trump didn't win the election. Are these two clowns the best Georgia can find?
Not even close. You must have failed history.
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.

What I'm saying is that no fucking political party was ever required for a lynching, therefore you don't know the political makeup of, let's say, the lynching Bob Dylan referred to in "Desolation Row". Or indeed, any other.

And no, the Klan was founded by six ex-Confederte vet soldiers. There's no evidence any of them had any political affiliations or activities.

See, these kinds of things require what we call "evidence".
Pogo, you are doing a super job here.

The great thing is that HS and higher education American survey classes address the claims of the Alt Right, showing why their screed is fake propaganda/fake history, and throw it away.

What is being taught is that the Alt Right fascists' privileges nationalist and racialist ideology, much in line with similar Russian efforts, to delegitimize America's magnificent civil rights history.
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The great thing is that HS and higher education American survey classes address the nonsense of the Alt Right, show why it is fake propaganda, and throw it away.
Liberals have made sure none of this is taught in school anymore ... for obvious reasons.

That's why liberal Fake News sites like Buzzfeed and Liberal Propaganda Pushers like 'All-In' CNN exists.
This is the Congressman that lied about getting spit on. Former heros can still be assholes. Look at McCain.
Not even close. You must have failed history.
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.

What I'm saying is that no fucking political party was ever required for a lynching, therefore you don't know the political makeup of, let's say, the lynching Bob Dylan referred to in "Desolation Row". Or indeed, any other.

And no, the Klan was founded by six ex-Confederte vet soldiers. There's no evidence any of them had any political affiliations or activities.

See, these kinds of things require what we call "evidence".

Gee Pogo you better hustle your ass over to the History Channel and bitch slap them into the next galaxy for lying.


Following the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan emerges to suppress and victimize newly freed slaves.
  • Article Details:
  • Ku Klux Klan
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more at link.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
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The truthfulness of the power of the American CR era and its heroes can never be tarnished by the Alt Right no matter how hard it tries.
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.

What I'm saying is that no fucking political party was ever required for a lynching, therefore you don't know the political makeup of, let's say, the lynching Bob Dylan referred to in "Desolation Row". Or indeed, any other.

And no, the Klan was founded by six ex-Confederte vet soldiers. There's no evidence any of them had any political affiliations or activities.

See, these kinds of things require what we call "evidence".

Gee Pogo you better hustle your ass over to the History Channel and bitch slap them into the next galaxy for lying.


Following the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan emerges to suppress and victimize newly freed slaves.
  • Article Details:
  • Ku Klux Klan
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more at link.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Are you trying to tell us Robert E. Lee was a liberal?
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.

You mean after Lewis vilified him? How dare he.

Lewis's attack was not ad hominem. He expressed his opinion that the election was not legitimate.
And it was extremely irresponsible and hypocritical.
John Lewis sits on every committee that has been investigating Hillary.
It looks to me that he is unduly biased.

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