So much for Republicans being at the forefront of civil rights in the 60

The far right of the GOP is as bad as the Dems were in the 1940s.
It's the same kind of people. The Southern Democrats were the far right.
The conservatives, whether Jefferson C. Davis or Barry Goldwater, opposed civil rights. Only a few, like Richard Byrd, managed to claw their way out of the antiAmerican insanity of racialism.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.
It appears this isn't the first time John Lewis protested an inauguration of a Republican president.
He did it to Bush too......claiming that Bush wasn't the real president.


Apparently John Lewis only thinks that Democrats can be legitimate presidents.
He mirrors the majority opinion of all intolerant Democrats.
The far right of the GOP is as bad as the Dems were in the 1940s.
It's the same kind of people. The Southern Democrats were the far right.
The conservatives, whether Jefferson C. Davis or Barry Goldwater, opposed civil rights. Only a few, like Richard Byrd, managed to claw their way out of the antiAmerican insanity of racialism.
Barry Goldwater opposed big government telling states what to do. Byrd never "clawed" his way out of anything.
He was being an obstinate prick.
Lewis deliberately provoked Trump to demonstrate to the America the darkness of Trump's heart. Trump is toning it down today, but this week may not be as bright in his memory as he would hope in the future.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.

What I'm saying is that no fucking political party was ever required for a lynching, therefore you don't know the political makeup of, let's say, the lynching Bob Dylan referred to in "Desolation Row". Or indeed, any other.

And no, the Klan was founded by six ex-Confederte vet soldiers. There's no evidence any of them had any political affiliations or activities.

See, these kinds of things require what we call "evidence".

Gee Pogo you better hustle your ass over to the History Channel and bitch slap them into the next galaxy for lying.


Following the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan emerges to suppress and victimize newly freed slaves.
  • Article Details:
  • Ku Klux Klan
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more at link.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Are you trying to tell us Robert E. Lee was a liberal?
You must be one of those idiots that thinks all Democrats are liberals.
John Lewis who is he, congress man for Atlanta Georgia, population about 750 thousand. above national average for growth, 5 billionaires live there, it also has very poor areas. Trump praised it was putting a trump hotel there be for every thing went bad for the whole country. people who live in Atlanta do not like Trump calling it a rat infested crap hole.
He was being an obstinate prick.
Lewis deliberately provoked Trump to demonstrate to the America the darkness of Trump's heart. Trump is toning it down today, but this week may not be as bright in his memory as he would hope in the future.
Yep...he played Trump alright. "I will go out and look like a divisive crybaby instead of honoring our democratic process...that will show Trump."
He was being an obstinate prick.
Lewis deliberately provoked Trump to demonstrate to the America the darkness of Trump's heart. Trump is toning it down today, but this week may not be as bright in his memory as he would hope in the future.
I don't think what Trump says in response to insults matters to you folks. You're going to read into it anything you want.....and repeat what you dreamed up as if it was fact.
Trump is learning that is unfettered mouth is getting him into scrapes that rub off time and his good image when he could be doing better things.

He needs to stand above the fray now, not get down in it.

His commitment to Single Payer and to competitive pharma bidding for Medicaid and Medicare are good starts.
Trump is learning that is unfettered mouth is getting him into scrapes that rub off time and his good image when he could be doing better things.

He needs to stand above the fray now, not get down in it.

His commitment to Single Payer and to competitive pharma bidding for Medicaid and Medicare are good starts.
He gets more popular by the day.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.

You mean after Lewis vilified him? How dare he.

Lewis's attack was not ad hominem. He expressed his opinion that the election was not legitimate.

Which was an attack on Trump. You people sure didn't appreciate the inane birther shit thrown at Obama, did you. In the past Republicans have typically ignored the childish whining and bitching from the snot rags in the Democratic Party, but everyone should know full well by now Trump is not one to turn the other cheek. He'll hit back and evidently you crybabies aren't quite used to that yet.

The bottom line is none of us would be talking about this had Lewis not decided to grandstand before the public with his comments.
Trump is learning that is unfettered mouth is getting him into scrapes that rub off time and his good image when he could be doing better things.

He needs to stand above the fray now, not get down in it.

His commitment to Single Payer and to competitive pharma bidding for Medicaid and Medicare are good starts.
He gets more popular by the day.
what's is polling #'s now?? 37%??
:lol: Superb grades in it, and it is easy to deal with the spun fake history of those like you.
So when has a group of Republicans went out and lynched anyone ? I'm not talking about one or two wacko's I'm talking about a large number of people deliberately killing black folks. Democrats where doing this well into the 60's. Your revisionism is crap. You should go back and slap the shit out of everyone of you history teachers or a more likely scenario is getting rid of the Democratic Partyl colored glasses.

When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.

What I'm saying is that no fucking political party was ever required for a lynching, therefore you don't know the political makeup of, let's say, the lynching Bob Dylan referred to in "Desolation Row". Or indeed, any other.

And no, the Klan was founded by six ex-Confederte vet soldiers. There's no evidence any of them had any political affiliations or activities.

See, these kinds of things require what we call "evidence".

Gee Pogo you better hustle your ass over to the History Channel and bitch slap them into the next galaxy for lying.


Following the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan emerges to suppress and victimize newly freed slaves.
  • Article Details:
  • Ku Klux Klan
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more at link.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Oh PLEASE. Don't sit on this board and insult my intelligence. Not sure what cave you've been hiding in but I've been down this road more than anyone around here. I already know the entire story. Your links don't work but if they did they would show what I already know because I know that page and dozens of others. And that is that the Klan was founded on Xmas Day 1865 (not '66) in the law office of Thomas Jones at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee by six young ex-Confederate soldiers (Calvin Jones, son of the proprietor, Capt. John Lester, Capt. John B. Kennedy, James Crowe, Frank McCord and Richard Reed), as an innocuous social club for themselves (that's why it has all the silly K-alliterations of klan, kleagle, klavern, etc) and NONE of those six had any known affiliation with a political party or any political activity at all.

I've put out the challenge here for years --- literally years --- for anyone to come up with any evidence at all of any such political activities or affiliations. No one ever has. Because there isn't any.

Don't come on this board and expect to slip this past me. I know this shit way too well.

That Klan btw lasted at the most a decade and died out. It was rekindled in 1915 (Thanksgiving Day) by an ex-minister, club-starter and opportunist named WIlliam J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons on Stone Mountain. That was the one that started the cross-burning shit, and also the one that grew membership into the millions. Simmons had no political affiliations either.
Last edited:
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.

You mean after Lewis vilified him? How dare he.

Lewis's attack was not ad hominem. He expressed his opinion that the election was not legitimate.

Which was an attack on Trump. You people sure didn't appreciate the inane birther shit thrown at Obama, did you. In the past Republicans have typically ignored the childish whining and bitching from the snot rags in the Democratic Party, but everyone should know full well by now Trump is not one to turn the other cheek. He'll hit back and evidently you crybabies aren't quite used to that yet.

The bottom line is none of us would be talking about this had Lewis not decided to grandstand before the public with his comments.

Just for the record, what so-called whining by the Democrats have the Republicans 'typically ignored'?

Be specific, and give multiple examples.
When did ANY lynching ANYWHERE have a gatekeeper checking political party registrations?

Oh the DENSITY..........
Ha ha so what your saying is democrats never lynched anyone or founded the KKK.

What I'm saying is that no fucking political party was ever required for a lynching, therefore you don't know the political makeup of, let's say, the lynching Bob Dylan referred to in "Desolation Row". Or indeed, any other.

And no, the Klan was founded by six ex-Confederte vet soldiers. There's no evidence any of them had any political affiliations or activities.

See, these kinds of things require what we call "evidence".

Gee Pogo you better hustle your ass over to the History Channel and bitch slap them into the next galaxy for lying.


Following the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan emerges to suppress and victimize newly freed slaves.
  • Article Details:
  • Ku Klux Klan
Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more at link.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Are you trying to tell us Robert E. Lee was a liberal?
You must be one of those idiots that thinks all Democrats are liberals.

So you admit that the Southern Democrats were CONSERVATIVES for all those years they were slavers, and then KKK'ers and segregationists.

Excellent. Now get your RW numnut pals around here to admit the same thing.
Both Parties have histories of racism. But the Republican Party was doing Civil Rights when Democrats were still lynching African Americans. So one could legitimately claim that the Democratic Party is a 'Johnny-Come-Lately' on Civil Rights, when compared to the Republican Party.
All folks have to do is go read up on American History. They don't need to listen to Republicans or Democrats. The history is there. The Republican Party was the original defender of Civil Rights for African Americans. It included the freeing of slaves.

The fact is, the Republican Party was defending African American Civil Rights when the Democrats were still lynching them. But that being said, both Parties have histories of racism. That can't be denied.

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