So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.

And history has proven you are totally full of shit.

We should have ignored the hippies who wanted to turn Iraq into their own Vietnam and taken out the bad guys. Bush should have turned Iraq into a giant fishbowl before the first boot hit the ground in Afghanistan, and shouldn't have wasted a second on the feckless UN.
Just the Ugly American the ME hated. Until Obama made us the good guys again. They're learning who the good guys are and the badguys are now- fundies and GOP chickenhawk liars....
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
ISIS roots trace back to 2003 because we invaded Iraq. How is Bush not responsible for that. Bush opened Pandora's box; in my opinion, he's responsible for whatever happens in that region, good or bad. Bush made the decision to go into Iraq -- he owns it lock, stock and barrel.
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
ISIS roots trace back to 2003 because we invaded Iraq. How is Bush not responsible for that. Bush opened Pandora's box; in my opinion, he's responsible for whatever happens in that region, good or bad. Bush made the decision to go into Iraq -- he owns it lock, stock and barrel.
Dimwits voted for it to.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.
Then tell dimwit heroes like Hilliary and others that, they voted yes to go in.
No, they voted to intimidate Saddam. You are misinformed. Great job, W and Cheney, misguiding the country and wrecking the ME...
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.

And history has proven you are totally full of shit.

We should have ignored the hippies who wanted to turn Iraq into their own Vietnam and taken out the bad guys. Bush should have turned Iraq into a giant fishbowl before the first boot hit the ground in Afghanistan, and shouldn't have wasted a second on the feckless UN.
Just the Ugly American the ME hated. Until Obama made us the good guys again. They're learning who the good guys are and the badguys are now- fundies and GOP chickenhawk liars....

LMAO... Oh, we're the "good guys" over there?
...I have a few videos you need to watch.
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
ISIS roots trace back to 2003 because we invaded Iraq. How is Bush not responsible for that. Bush opened Pandora's box; in my opinion, he's responsible for whatever happens in that region, good or bad. Bush made the decision to go into Iraq -- he owns it lock, stock and barrel.
Dimwits voted for it to.
If you mean Democrats. 43% voted aye ... compared to 97% of Republicans. Regardless, they voted to make Bush the decider. Left or right, who could have imagined Bush was so devious, that he would pull the weapons inspectors out of Iraq, even as they pleaded for more time to finish the job they went in to do?
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
ISIS roots trace back to 2003 because we invaded Iraq. How is Bush not responsible for that. Bush opened Pandora's box; in my opinion, he's responsible for whatever happens in that region, good or bad. Bush made the decision to go into Iraq -- he owns it lock, stock and barrel.

Bush responded to 9-11 by going after the terrorists. He maintained those efforts for as long as he could amid the relentless growing calls for his head from the left. It literally cost him his reputation and legacy as president. The administration remained committed to a policy of fighting and killing radical upstarts like ISIS before they could get a foothold from our bases in Iraq. We killed thousands of them in the few years we were there.

Yes, Bush made the decision to go into Iraq and to this day, he believes he made the right decision. I also believe he made the right decision but executed it poorly. I wouldn't have given Saddam Hussein nearly a year going through a kabuki dance with the UN. That was stupid. If he posed an imminent threat, take his ass out. We have the technology and ability to do that. All Bush did was give his adversaries time to work the stupid masses into an anti-war frenzy and that killed him.

But now... we're down the road a decade since we essentially threw in the towel on the war on terror and the radical fundies are taking over. We've followed the idiotic left-wing policy of appeasement and negotiation, diplomatically sending Kerry over there to make things right and it has all blown up in his mashed potato face because these people are at war with us. Hundreds are being executed daily in the most heinous and barbaric manner and the leftist stand there with their finger in their nose and blame it on BUSH!
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
ISIS roots trace back to 2003 because we invaded Iraq. How is Bush not responsible for that. Bush opened Pandora's box; in my opinion, he's responsible for whatever happens in that region, good or bad. Bush made the decision to go into Iraq -- he owns it lock, stock and barrel.

Bush responded to 9-11 by going after the terrorists. He maintained those efforts for as long as he could amid the relentless growing calls for his head from the left. It literally cost him his reputation and legacy as president. The administration remained committed to a policy of fighting and killing radical upstarts like ISIS before they could get a foothold from our bases in Iraq. We killed thousands of them in the few years we were there.

Yes, Bush made the decision to go into Iraq and to this day, he believes he made the right decision. I also believe he made the right decision but executed it poorly. I wouldn't have given Saddam Hussein nearly a year going through a kabuki dance with the UN. That was stupid. If he posed an imminent threat, take his ass out. We have the technology and ability to do that. All Bush did was give his adversaries time to work the stupid masses into an anti-war frenzy and that killed him.

But now... we're down the road a decade since we essentially threw in the towel on the war on terror and the radical fundies are taking over. We've followed the idiotic left-wing policy of appeasement and negotiation, diplomatically sending Kerry over there to make things right and it has all blown up in his mashed potato face because these people are at war with us. Hundreds are being executed daily in the most heinous and barbaric manner and the leftist stand there with their finger in their nose and blame it on BUSH!
Dayam, where to begin?? There's so much good stuff in there...

First of all, the terrorists were not in Iraq. Bush only set his sights on Iraq because, as the Bush administration admitted, there were no good targets in Afghanistan. So ya lose that point.

Next, the left was not calling for his head following 9.11. In fact, Bush sported a record high JAR north of 90% because virtually everyone was behind him and his promise to get the terrorists. Most supported him going after the terrorists in Afghanistan. Where he really lost support was months after he invaded Iraq and the WMD over which he invaded were not turning up.

And while you're correct, he was more committed to finishing the job he started in Iraq than the left, he was the one to forge an agreement with Iraq to pull all of our forces out. It's fascinating to me how the right blames Obama but not Bush even though Obama did exactly what Bush wanted to do.

Next, those people aren't at war with us. They are engaged in a civil war with each other. A civil war which dates way back. If anything, we're just in the middle of it now, trying to prevent ISIS from taking over completely from Iraqi forces which often don't seem all that interested in standing up for themselves and fighting for their country.

Lastly, Bush was the decider. He was the one banging his war drum throughout most of 2002. Congress was not. If not for Bush pressing for war, Congress had little, if any, interest in Iraq. After getting the inspectors back into Iraq, which was a great achievement on his part, he squandered that achievement by prematurely having them removed so he could invade.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?

So you know what the Mideast would look like today had we left Saddam alone?
You really ARE special!
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.
Then tell dimwit heroes like Hilliary and others that, they voted yes to go in.
No, they voted to intimidate Saddam. You are misinformed. Great job, W and Cheney, misguiding the country and wrecking the ME...
The liars are your heroes W and Cheney, on whose words people voted for that jingoistic BS. France was right as usual.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.

And history has proven you are totally full of shit.

We should have ignored the hippies who wanted to turn Iraq into their own Vietnam and taken out the bad guys. Bush should have turned Iraq into a giant fishbowl before the first boot hit the ground in Afghanistan, and shouldn't have wasted a second on the feckless UN.
Just the Ugly American the ME hated. Until Obama made us the good guys again. They're learning who the good guys are and the badguys are now- fundies and GOP chickenhawk liars....

LMAO... Oh, we're the "good guys" over there?
...I have a few videos you need to watch.
NOW we are. The love our air force and want our ground troops negligible at most.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?

So you know what the Mideast would look like today had we left Saddam alone?
You really ARE special!
There would STILL be a peaceful, united, secular Iraq. And none of this chaos there. WTF ARE you talking about?
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?

So you know what the Mideast would look like today had we left Saddam alone?
You really ARE special!

There would STILL be a peaceful, united, secular Iraq. And none of this chaos there. WTF ARE you talking about?

Yanno ... it takes a special kind of arrogance to believe you have the power to make that determination. You must be on the same short bus as Mr. Clean.

Human rights in Saddam Hussein s Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?

So you know what the Mideast would look like today had we left Saddam alone?
You really ARE special!
There would STILL be a peaceful, united, secular Iraq. And none of this chaos there. WTF ARE you talking about?
When was the last time Iraq was peaceful??
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?

So you know what the Mideast would look like today had we left Saddam alone?
You really ARE special!

There would STILL be a peaceful, united, secular Iraq. And none of this chaos there. WTF ARE you talking about?

Yanno ... it takes a special kind of arrogance to believe you have the power to make that determination. You must be on the same short bus as Mr. Clean.

Human rights in Saddam Hussein s Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That's how a united Iraq was held together. Sunnis and Shia used to MARRY each other. Saddam was Reagan and Rummy's pal.

Let them figure it out, they were no worse than many other dictatorships....PEACE is all important, WE threw a wrench into the whole area. Chickenhawk covert cowboy wannabe shyttehead Pubs that is.

Let these idiots fight it out now, bombing ISIS a-holes when they beg for it. Better to argue for human rights and send in peacekeepers when they want them Pubs STILL want to arm OUR side, who become the other side every 5 years lol. GET THE FECK OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE COUNTRIES.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?

So you know what the Mideast would look like today had we left Saddam alone?
You really ARE special!
There would STILL be a peaceful, united, secular Iraq. And none of this chaos there. WTF ARE you talking about?
When was the last time Iraq was peaceful??
When they weren't at war. 1992-2003.

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