So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.

Yeah, ISIS started in 2006... WELL after the Liberal Left-Wing Mission to Destroy George W. Bush and End the War on Terror!

By 2006, even stalwart Republicans were running away from Iraq and Bush. The proverbial writing was on the wall in terms of US foreign policy in the War on Terror and these people knew as well as anyone that we weren't committed to staying for the duration and fighting.

ISIS is EXACTLY what was warned about back then and you would not listen! You hooted down everyone who brought it up as extremists trying to frighten people with imaginary boogie-men.

No... No one thinks Iraqis are better off NOW... After you've dismantled all our efforts and abandoned the mission! Now that all hell's breaking loose and ISIS has emerged, you want to run blame Bush, but this is YOUR fault, YOU are to blame! We told you this was what would happen and now it has... and it's going to get much worse.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.

Yeah, ISIS started in 2006... WELL after the Liberal Left-Wing Mission to Destroy George W. Bush and End the War on Terror!

By 2006, even stalwart Republicans were running away from Iraq and Bush. The proverbial writing was on the wall in terms of US foreign policy in the War on Terror and these people knew as well as anyone that we weren't committed to staying for the duration and fighting.

ISIS is EXACTLY what was warned about back then and you would not listen! You hooted down everyone who brought it up as extremists trying to frighten people with imaginary boogie-men.

No... No one thinks Iraqis are better off NOW... After you've dismantled all our efforts and abandoned the mission! Now that all hell's breaking loose and ISIS has emerged, you want to run blame Bush, but this is YOUR fault, YOU are to blame! We told you this was what would happen and now it has... and it's going to get much worse.
Yup, we should have kept fighting the stupidest, most corrupt war fact, we should have fought the idiot gov't W put in in order to stay. Great job!
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.
Your democrats gave approval and your criminal heroine HR Haldeman Clinton led the charge. You and your ilk are nothing more than phonies and hypocrites. Anti-American hypocrites.
ISIS is EXACTLY what was warned about back then and you would not listen! You hooted down everyone who brought it up as extremists trying to frighten people with imaginary boogie-men.

No... No one thinks Iraqis are better off NOW... After you've dismantled all our efforts and abandoned the mission! Now that all hell's breaking loose and ISIS has emerged, you want to run blame Bush, but this is YOUR fault, YOU are to blame! We told you this was what would happen and now it has... and it's going to get much worse.

obama views isis as "jv". There are some here at the USMB who have called isis "a glorified street gang". Yes, I'm serious.
Do you want Obama to send troops to fight ISIS Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

They don't care, they don't think isis will ever amount to anything more than a gang (that gang just got hold of 2300 humvees), they think it is just a problem for the middle east, they think it will resolve itself/go away/let someone else deal with it type of thing.
ISIS is EXACTLY what was warned about back then and you would not listen! You hooted down everyone who brought it up as extremists trying to frighten people with imaginary boogie-men.

No... No one thinks Iraqis are better off NOW... After you've dismantled all our efforts and abandoned the mission! Now that all hell's breaking loose and ISIS has emerged, you want to run blame Bush, but this is YOUR fault, YOU are to blame! We told you this was what would happen and now it has... and it's going to get much worse.

obama views isis as "jv". There are some here at the USMB who have called isis "a glorified street gang". Yes, I'm serious.
Do you want Obama to send troops to fight ISIS Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

They don't care, they don't think isis will ever amount to anything more than a gang (that gang just got hold of 2300 humvees), they think it is just a problem for the middle east, they think it will resolve itself/go away/let someone else deal with it type of thing.
EVERYONE thought ISIS was JV when Obama said that 2 years ago, dingbat dupe. Are you a liar or a totally misinformed Fox/Rush etc etc functional moron like most GOPers?
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
Do you think Saddam would have just stepped aside and not interfere while we waged a war on terror? Imagine the uphill battle we would have had with not only Iran interfering, but Iraq doing it too.
Oh look at what the "street gang" is doing for shits and giggles.

"Iraqi government officials are claiming that a total of 500 young children were recently abducted and are being trained by the Islamic State to potentially become terrorists and suicide bombers, according to a Turkish media report.

An official serving in Iraq’s Anbar province is claiming that hundreds of children were recently taken over the course of a week from the cities of Rawa, Ar Rutba and Al-Qaim, the Christian Times reported.

“[The Islamic State] has kidnapped at least 400 children in the western province of Anbar, and taken them to their bases in Iraq, and Syria,” Farhan Mohammed, a member of Anbar’s Provincial Council, told the Anadolu Agency, a state-run outlet in Turkey.

Mohammed also warned that other children could be in the same predicament in the future if they reside in areas that have been captured by the Islamic State. In addition to the 400 kids, another 100 were reportedly taken in a separate incident in Diyala, Iraq.

Diyala’s Lieutenant General Kasim Al-Saidi said that these children were under the age of 16 and that they could be brainwashed and trained to become suicide bombers."

Report Islamic State Kidnaps 500 Children Who Could Be Brainwashed to Become Terrorists and Suicide Bombers

But meh, who cares.

I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
Do you think Saddam would have just stepped aside and not interfere while we waged a war on terror? Imagine the uphill battle we would have had with not only Iran interfering, but Iraq doing it too.
Saddam had nothing to do with fundie terrorism, stomped anything like it himself, and was lucky to keep to himself after the first gulf war. ISIS started in 2006.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.
Then tell dimwit heroes like Hilliary and others that, they voted yes to go in.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.
Then tell dimwit heroes like Hilliary and others that, they voted yes to go in.
No, they voted to intimidate Saddam. You are misinformed. Great job, W and Cheney, misguiding the country and wrecking the ME...
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
Do you think Saddam would have just stepped aside and not interfere while we waged a war on terror? Imagine the uphill battle we would have had with not only Iran interfering, but Iraq doing it too.
Saddam had nothing to do with fundie terrorism, stomped anything like it himself, and was lucky to keep to himself after the first gulf war. ISIS started in 2006.
Saddam didn't keep to himself after the gulf war. He gassed the Kurds and violated numerous UN sanct, that is why we went in.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
Do you think Saddam would have just stepped aside and not interfere while we waged a war on terror? Imagine the uphill battle we would have had with not only Iran interfering, but Iraq doing it too.
Saddam had nothing to do with fundie terrorism, stomped anything like it himself, and was lucky to keep to himself after the first gulf war. ISIS started in 2006.
Saddam didn't keep to himself after the gulf war. He gassed the Kurds and violated numerous UN sanct, that is why we went in.
He gassed the Kurds when he was Reagan's pal in the 80's. ZZZZZZZZZZ Yeah, his AA took a couple of potshots and he tried to scare the Iranians, but the UN said he cooperated and had bupkis as W took us in. IDIOT.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
Do you think Saddam would have just stepped aside and not interfere while we waged a war on terror? Imagine the uphill battle we would have had with not only Iran interfering, but Iraq doing it too.
Saddam had nothing to do with fundie terrorism, stomped anything like it himself, and was lucky to keep to himself after the first gulf war. ISIS started in 2006.
Saddam didn't keep to himself after the gulf war. He gassed the Kurds and violated numerous UN sanct, that is why we went in.
He gassed the Kurds when he was Reagan's pal in the 80's. ZZZZZZZZZZ Yeah, his AA took a couple of potshots and he tried to scare the Iranians, but the UN said he cooperated and had bupkis as W took us in. IDIOT.
You are the idiot. I wouldn't trust the UN if they told me you were smart.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Someone that gets it. You too, Darkwind and Zoom-boing.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.

Yeah, ISIS started in 2006... WELL after the Liberal Left-Wing Mission to Destroy George W. Bush and End the War on Terror!

By 2006, even stalwart Republicans were running away from Iraq and Bush. The proverbial writing was on the wall in terms of US foreign policy in the War on Terror and these people knew as well as anyone that we weren't committed to staying for the duration and fighting.

ISIS is EXACTLY what was warned about back then and you would not listen! You hooted down everyone who brought it up as extremists trying to frighten people with imaginary boogie-men.

No... No one thinks Iraqis are better off NOW... After you've dismantled all our efforts and abandoned the mission! Now that all hell's breaking loose and ISIS has emerged, you want to run blame Bush, but this is YOUR fault, YOU are to blame! We told you this was what would happen and now it has... and it's going to get much worse.
ISIS started in 2006, dingbat dupes. Still think Iraqis are better off thanks to us? Mission accomplished. W's got a bigger legacy than any US Pres. since FDR, ALL BAD. duh.
Because of left wing chicken tactics.
Never shouuld have gone there at all. There was no AlQaeda there under Saddam. And we blew an easy victory in Afghan to do it. W a total every possible way. Now the ME is learning that fundies have to go, just like here.

And history has proven you are totally full of shit.

We should have ignored the hippies who wanted to turn Iraq into their own Vietnam and taken out the bad guys. Bush should have turned Iraq into a giant fishbowl before the first boot hit the ground in Afghanistan, and shouldn't have wasted a second on the feckless UN.
And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
Do you think Saddam would have just stepped aside and not interfere while we waged a war on terror? Imagine the uphill battle we would have had with not only Iran interfering, but Iraq doing it too.
Saddam had nothing to do with fundie terrorism, stomped anything like it himself, and was lucky to keep to himself after the first gulf war. ISIS started in 2006.
Saddam didn't keep to himself after the gulf war. He gassed the Kurds and violated numerous UN sanct, that is why we went in.
He gassed the Kurds when he was Reagan's pal in the 80's. ZZZZZZZZZZ Yeah, his AA took a couple of potshots and he tried to scare the Iranians, but the UN said he cooperated and had bupkis as W took us in. IDIOT.
You are the idiot. I wouldn't trust the UN if they told me you were smart.
So they were wrong? Idiot.

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