So Only Cops And Crooks Can Have Assault Weapons In California?

I can tell you are well informed about firearms. Idiot
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!

Second Amendment jurisprudence makes reference only to handguns as a weapon citizens are entitled to possess for self-defense, not AR 15s; the Second Amendment is not 'about' possessing any firearm so desired, for any purpose so desired, for any situation so desired.

Since when? Making shit up as you go is not the way to impress people.
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

None of those are arms. Start over!
They are most definitely arms. They are weapons,would you agree? Are weapons arms?

There's a concept we use called logic. It would profit you to look into it.
While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

None of those are arms. Start over!
They are most definitely arms. They are weapons,would you agree? Are weapons arms?

There's a concept we use called logic. It would profit you to look into it.

An aircraft carrier is not a weapon. Neither is a fighter jet. It would profit you to look up "arms". It has to do with those things hanging from your shoulders.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

None of those are arms. Start over!
They are most definitely arms. They are weapons,would you agree? Are weapons arms?

There's a concept we use called logic. It would profit you to look into it.

An aircraft carrier is not a weapon. Neither is a fighter jet. It would profit you to look up "arms". It has to do with those things hanging from your shoulders.
Do you really expect anyone to follow your line of distraction? Is the intent of the 2nd amendment to assure upper extremities for Americans? Are you being facicios, desperate or illiterate?
Actually, you're making the wrong argument.

Indeed, your argument should be that because AR 15s and like weapons are so rarely used to commit crimes, prohibiting their possession will have little impact on overall gun crime – if any; as such the prohibition is not rationally based, is devoid of objective, documented evidence in support, and does not pursue a legitimate legislative end, rendering such measures un-Constitutional.
I can tell you are well informed about firearms. Idiot
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!

Second Amendment jurisprudence makes reference only to handguns as a weapon citizens are entitled to possess for self-defense, not AR 15s; the Second Amendment is not 'about' possessing any firearm so desired, for any purpose so desired, for any situation so desired.

You are wrong Clayton...unless you can somehow construe 20 million owned AR type rifles as not "in common use".

Read US v Miller.
"States rights" at work :p
State rights do not trump the Constitution.

No constitutional issue here.

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."
-- Antonin Scalia; from District of Columbia v. Heller
So you would not be opposed to a state limiting the access to abortion. One thing about those laws imposing conditions it only affects law abiding citizens
It is a settled and accepted fact of 14th Amendment jurisprudence that the states may not violate a woman's right to privacy by compelling her to give birth against her will through force of law; women who are law-abiding citizens.

As the Heller Court correctly observed, the Second Amendment right is not absolute, it is subject to reasonable restrictions by government – where current Second Amendment jurisprudence considers measures such as those proposed in California to be reasonable and Constitutional.

That may very well change in time, but is currently the law.

And should such measures be invalidated by the courts in the future, laws such as those proposed in California would be un-Constitutional, a violation of the Second Amendment right.

The states do not have the authority to deny citizens their Constitutional rights – the right to privacy, the right to equal protection of the law, or to prohibit citizens from possessing firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense; but just as a woman's right to privacy is not absolute, where abortion may be unlawful in certain circumstances, so too may restrictions and limitations on the right to possess firearms be enacted.

Again, if residents of California perceive those laws as being invalid because they impose conditions which only affect law abiding citizens, then they're at liberty to file suit in Federal court.
The Constitution says nothing about health care or abortion you can interpreter anyway you want. It is however very specific about firearms as in shall not be infringe.
Bravo! Such weapons belong in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on the streets.
I can tell you are well informed about firearms. Idiot
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

A gun for self defense should have the capacity needed to protect one and one's family period

And that capacity is for the gun owner to decide upon not you
Bravo! Such weapons belong in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on the streets.
I can tell you are well informed about firearms. Idiot
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

A gun for self defense should have the capacity needed to protect one and one's family period

And that capacity is for the gun owner to decide upon not you
If you cannot hit a target inside you house with six rounds, perhaps you are not competent to be trusted with firearms.
Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

None of those are arms. Start over!
They are most definitely arms. They are weapons,would you agree? Are weapons arms?

There's a concept we use called logic. It would profit you to look into it.

An aircraft carrier is not a weapon. Neither is a fighter jet. It would profit you to look up "arms". It has to do with those things hanging from your shoulders.
Do you really expect anyone to follow your line of distraction? Is the intent of the 2nd amendment to assure upper extremities for Americans? Are you being facicios, desperate or illiterate?

I can see you didn't look up "arms". Why do you revel in ignorance?

I also recommend not using words like "facetious" until you learn how to spell it properly!
Last edited:
I can tell you are well informed about firearms. Idiot
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

A gun for self defense should have the capacity needed to protect one and one's family period

And that capacity is for the gun owner to decide upon not you
If you cannot hit a target inside you house with six rounds, perhaps you are not competent to be trusted with firearms.

What if there are 4 people and you need to shoot them twice?
I can tell you are well informed about firearms. Idiot
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

A gun for self defense should have the capacity needed to protect one and one's family period

And that capacity is for the gun owner to decide upon not you
If you cannot hit a target inside you house with six rounds, perhaps you are not competent to be trusted with firearms.

Sounds to me like you never shot a gun in your lifetime.

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