So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?

I don't mind if Republicans get rid of the filibuster if they take the Senate

Republicans would have, at best 51 seats if they do well in 2014, then in 2016 they have to defend all the seats they won in 2010

End result is we are done with the abuse of filibuster

Do you think "compromise out of fear" will be the new catch-phrase going forward then? Obviously with one-party control of the House, Senate and Presidency, they party in power can ram through any crazy law they want.
Oh, the delicious irony! :rofl:
Indeed. Perhaps Candy forgets that Dingy Harry Reid is sitting on 290+ House bills...I suppose that's ALMOST as if the Democrats had the House as well.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

You should have stopped with your title thread and let posters discuss that. Instead you ran with your leftwing nut echo chamber mantra.
If the republicans were to take both sides of the House it would force obama to work in a more compromising manner if he wants to secure some positive legacy as Bill Clinton accomplished. This is something he hasn't had to do so far in his tenure.

Seems they've been finding plenty to talk about.

And it's only "nut echo chamber mantra" if it's not true. Like "birth certificate" or "dictator" or "Benghazi" or "secret Muslim". Don't you agree?
Err...uhmm Deany-Bub? The Birther crap was started by the Clintons, specifically the Hildebeast.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

If the GOP does win the Senate, then more gridlock and obstruction. If they don't win the Senate, it will be a historical failure. Their greatest fear at this point is the possibility of far right loons hijacking a couple primaries away from the establishment candidates, leaving them once again with the Senate minority.

Karl Rove has a pile money ready to prevent that.....but will he be able to stop it from happening?
Most college educated people vote democratic.

well now, not that liberal/Democrats/progressive/commies believe themselves superior or something

jeeeze, such uppity snobs

why anyone would belong to such a party who looks down at people

I never heard Obama call anyone a snob. Republicans on the other hand..........

See that? That's someone looking down on people who worked hard for an education.
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You should have stopped with your title thread and let posters discuss that. Instead you ran with your leftwing nut echo chamber mantra.
If the republicans were to take both sides of the House it would force obama to work in a more compromising manner if he wants to secure some positive legacy as Bill Clinton accomplished. This is something he hasn't had to do so far in his tenure.

Seems they've been finding plenty to talk about.

And it's only "nut echo chamber mantra" if it's not true. Like "birth certificate" or "dictator" or "Benghazi" or "secret Muslim". Don't you agree?
Err...uhmm Deany-Bub? The Birther crap was started by the Clintons, specifically the Hildebeast.

Oh please. Do you really believe Republicans wouldn't have come up with that once Obama became the nominee?
Then rdean makes 3 new threads every day about how every bad thing that has happened to America since 1787 is the Republicans' fault, as opposed to the 1 a day he posts now.
Do you think "compromise out of fear" will be the new catch-phrase going forward then? Obviously with one-party control of the House, Senate and Presidency, they party in power can ram through any crazy law they want.
Oh, the delicious irony! :rofl:
Indeed. Perhaps Candy forgets that Dingy Harry Reid is sitting on 290+ House bills...I suppose that's ALMOST as if the Democrats had the House as well.

Yea, 190 abortion bills. 50 bills stripping children of school lunches. A couple of bills slashing veterans benefits. Another dozen cutting taxes for corporations with skyrocketing profits. And at least 30 more "stop healthcare for poor Americans".

Are those the bills you are talking about?
Then rdean makes 3 new threads every day about how every bad thing that has happened to America since 1787 is the Republicans' fault, as opposed to the 1 a day he posts now.

Just prove I'm wrong. It really is that simple.
So Republicans take control of both the House and Senate. Then what?

Get Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to STFU.
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

The ONLY job creation strategy republicans have are tax cuts. Tax cuts for the wealthy have been proven to be failures for economic growth. Stimulating supply side means dick if you neglect to stimulate demand.

The Bush tax cut cut taxes for every single taxpayer.
I know this will be impossible for you to logically and calmly reply to but I will ask it anyway - how can Republicans "block" anything when the Senate Majority Leader doesn't even allow debate on the vast majority of bills? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

One word.


They've got a RECORD number of filibusters. Which kills your argument about debate.

Understand now?

That's an English word.

I wonder how many filibusters that have been since Obama took office compared to the number of vacations Obama has taken.

You sit in front of Google. Wait. Tell me. You don't know how to use Google?

Obama "has taken 92 days of vacation since he was sworn in. How many did President (George W.) Bush take by the same point in his presidency? Three hundred and sixty seven. Yes, more than a full year of vacation."

Who vacationed more, Bush or Obama? | PolitiFact

How many times have republicans filibustered Obama

So which number is higher?
The GOP won't have the votes to override any presidential vetoes.

Some are worried about Obama's "legacy".

Talking us out of a two mismanaged wars, one of which was for nothing.

Bringing us back from economic disaster.

Saving the auto industry.

Equal pay for equal work.

Taking out Bin Laden.

Laying out the road for health care and all the ramifications including creating millions of new jobs because people are no longer locked into jobs they can't stand.

He's done so much more. But just that is more than Reagan, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. all put together.

So what's the worst? The GOP controls both houses and holds the country hostage for two years. The Koch Brothers may be able to spend local elections into oblivion, but not national elections.

Republicans will get creamed in 2016. With a shrinking base. And more minorities voting than ever before.

And Republicans will lose major business support.

It's business that wants immigrants with degrees. Why? Because there aren't enough high tech liberal workers to fill the jobs. And Republicans are simply not qualified.

Texas is making community college practically free. So a lot more liberals will be getting an education.

Anyway, I see this as the worst case scenario. There are no GOP policies that anyone wants. And the endless anti abortion bills and end health care bills are tiresome.

The ONLY job creation strategy republicans have are tax cuts. Tax cuts for the wealthy have been proven to be failures for economic growth. Stimulating supply side means dick if you neglect to stimulate demand.

The Bush tax cut cut taxes for every single taxpayer.

Yea, let's see. This guy got $150 dollars and that guy got $150,000.00 dollars. Hmmm, who needed the money more? They guy who got $150 dollars or the guy who got the $150,000.00? And the guy that got the $150,000.00 earned it the hard way. He inherited it.
The ONLY job creation strategy republicans have are tax cuts. Tax cuts for the wealthy have been proven to be failures for economic growth. Stimulating supply side means dick if you neglect to stimulate demand.

The Bush tax cut cut taxes for every single taxpayer.

Yea, let's see. This guy got $150 dollars and that guy got $150,000.00 dollars. Hmmm, who needed the money more? They guy who got $150 dollars or the guy who got the $150,000.00? And the guy that got the $150,000.00 earned it the hard way. He inherited it.

^GOT what do you think it was a gift or something? It was there money to begin with.
You can see/feel the libs/left are sweating already

I think they see the writing on the wall

when it happens, champagne will be called for, dancing in the street

much yelling, we won we won we won we won suck on that and GET OVER IT

Whether or not either side has a veto-proof majority remains to be seen.

Right now Harry Reid has a scheme that'll provoke a veto - it would be delicious if enough Republicans worked with him to override that exercise of Executive Overreach (EO) and jointly hand the wee laddie his ass.

In any case, Presidential Vetoes do not apply to impeachment. Which probably won't happen but is fun to think about....for the fulminations that would erupt like clowns out of a Obamamobile (Chevy Volt).
Absurd amounts of money will continue to be spent on nonsense and the central government will continue to expand its power.

Like anything would really change.
Seems they've been finding plenty to talk about.

And it's only "nut echo chamber mantra" if it's not true. Like "birth certificate" or "dictator" or "Benghazi" or "secret Muslim". Don't you agree?
Err...uhmm Deany-Bub? The Birther crap was started by the Clintons, specifically the Hildebeast.

Oh please. Do you really believe Republicans wouldn't have come up with that once Obama became the nominee?

The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S.

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement - Businessweek

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