So republicans, WHY was it justified for Trump to fire Comey?

the way i understand the President just says , Hey get lost 'comey' and any reason will do Billy !!
Getting too close to the scumbags Russian connections like the others he fired
-------------------------------------- i wonder if your 'illary' is getting nervous Edward !!
Why should she? Trump negged on his promise to hire a special prosecutor.
-------------------------------------- its a whole new deal now isn't it . New head of FBI in a few days and i am not predicting anything , just wondering about 'hillary' and mrobamas other crooks Billy .
And just pay no mind to trump and his band of crooks?
Yeah real funny pismoe Laugh at our system of justice going down the drain FN traitor, Republican ,,,But I repeat myself
-------------------------------------- i wonder if your 'illary' is getting nervous Edward !!
Why should she? Trump negged on his promise to hire a special prosecutor.
------------------------------------------ rule of law may be returning to the USA and hilary may be getting nervous Billy !!
Rule of law??? are you a gd American or some foreign AH who wants to see our justice system thrown in the garbage??
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule of Law and not Rule of Men Edward . Even YOU are getting mad and calling names due to my simple question , do you think that 'illary' is getting nervous or mad . Just answer my little question Edward !! [chuckle]
No she's not The BS you repubs piled on her was just mostly that,,, BS
---------------------------------- you are FRANTIC with anger and worry eh Edward ??
Getting too close to the scumbags Russian connections like the others he fired
-------------------------------------- i wonder if your 'illary' is getting nervous Edward !!
Why should she? Trump negged on his promise to hire a special prosecutor.
-------------------------------------- its a whole new deal now isn't it . New head of FBI in a few days and i am not predicting anything , just wondering about 'hillary' and mrobamas other crooks Billy .
And just pay no mind to trump and his band of crooks?

Howbout just pay no mind to you. ;) Look for fair and honest justice in America

soon, and some may be retroactive. I'm not not talking everywhere, the system

isn't perfect, but this is a step to make it better.
Better?? Not until the trump pos is gone
Getting too close to the scumbags Russian connections like the others he fired
-------------------------------------- i wonder if your 'illary' is getting nervous Edward !!
Why should she? Trump negged on his promise to hire a special prosecutor.
-------------------------------------- its a whole new deal now isn't it . New head of FBI in a few days and i am not predicting anything , just wondering about 'hillary' and mrobamas other crooks Billy .
And just pay no mind to trump and his band of crooks?
Yeah real funny pismoe Laugh at our system of justice going down the drain FN traitor, Republican ,,,But I repeat myself
It went down the drain under the Obama administration. What you snowflakes are whining about is the return of justice.
He doesn't need a reason to fire the asshole.
If you fire the person who is investigating you

Yes, you need a reason
Then you should have no trouble posting a link to back that up. I'll wait but I won't hold my breath.
Comey testified before Congress that the FBI is investigating Trump
No, stupid, post a link to the law that says he needs a reason to fire the MF.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

You dumb fuck, those letters don't give any specific reason why he was fired. Be an adult and admit it.

Yes they do, too many former high-level Justice department and FBI personnel recommended it.

It's all right there in the letters, but this is you:

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Wrong, they deserve a medal for being true patriots.
-------------------------------------- i wonder if your 'illary' is getting nervous Edward !!
Why should she? Trump negged on his promise to hire a special prosecutor.
-------------------------------------- its a whole new deal now isn't it . New head of FBI in a few days and i am not predicting anything , just wondering about 'hillary' and mrobamas other crooks Billy .
And just pay no mind to trump and his band of crooks?

Howbout just pay no mind to you. ;) Look for fair and honest justice in America

soon, and some may be retroactive. I'm not not talking everywhere, the system

isn't perfect, but this is a step to make it better.
Better?? Not until the trump pos is gone

It's going to be a long 8 years for you, snowflake.
and the Rule of Law has been messed up all of mrobamas reign . Remember 'ben ghazi' , remember Fast and Furious , remember the private meeting between 'loretta lynch' and her airplane tarmac meeting with 'illarys' husband just a short time before the election . But hey , with President Trump and Jeff Sessions we may see a return of Rule of Law as the Washington Swamp is drained Edward .
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

You dumb fuck, those letters don't give any specific reason why he was fired. Be an adult and admit it.

Yes they do, too many former high-level Justice department and FBI personnel recommended it.

It's all right there in the letters, but this is you:

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Wrong, they deserve a medal for being true patriots.
Tell me, Patty, before Comey was fired, did you at all during Trump's 100 days think "man when is Trump going to fire Comey?"

No of course you didn't. You just pretend it was a great move because Trump did it. You can't even think for yourself.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

You dumb fuck, those letters don't give any specific reason why he was fired. Be an adult and admit it.

Yes they do, too many former high-level Justice department and FBI personnel recommended it.

It's all right there in the letters, but this is you:

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh yeah, I'm sure all these people are culpable with some sort of "Russian collusion made up by CNN from "anonymous sources". :cuckoo:

Tough shit LWNJ's.

Elections have consequences.

Don't like it?

Go out and win some elections.

Until then, get in the back of the bus.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

You dumb fuck, those letters don't give any specific reason why he was fired. Be an adult and admit it.

Yes they do, too many former high-level Justice department and FBI personnel recommended it.

It's all right there in the letters, but this is you:

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh yeah, I'm sure all these people are culpable. :cuckoo:

You're such an idiot. Trump just got these people to pretend firing Comey was a good idea so they made retrospective recommendations
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Comey is an honest, bipartisan man who found himself between a rock and a hard place. He also got too close to the truth about Trump and the Russians. Trump is nothing but a fucking fascist.

So a bit of humor here on what is otherwise a dark day in America:


No....he was a dishonest political hack....who refused to prosecute hilary, after listing her crimes, and who has refused to prosecute huma abedin, after listing her crimes......he needed to go years ago...
So why did Trump himself neg on this promise to investigate Hillary?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i think but don't know for sure but the call to go after a criminal may be totally up to the Attorney General , Jeff Sessions . After all Attorney GENERAL Jeff Sessions is the boss in going after criminals if my thinking is correct Billy !!
Yes they do, too many former high-level Justice department and FBI personnel recommended it.

It's all right there in the letters, but this is you:

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh yeah, I'm sure all these people are culpable. :cuckoo:

You're such an idiot. Trump just got these people to pretend firing Comey was a good idea so they made retrospective recommendations

Tell me again how Micheal Mulkasey, former Attorney General is culpable in this alleged "Russian Collusion" nonsense.

Please do elaborate to the best of your knowledge.

Do you know the difference between ignorant and stupid?

Ignorant is not knowing any better.

Stupid is knowing better and doing it anyway.

Are you ignorant or stupid? Which is it? From the way you're going on,

apparently it's one or the other.
Coney was inept stumbling and bumbling switching back and forth over did he want to screw over Hillary or Trump
Yes they do, too many former high-level Justice department and FBI personnel recommended it.

It's all right there in the letters, but this is you:

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh yeah, I'm sure all these people are culpable. :cuckoo:

You're such an idiot. Trump just got these people to pretend firing Comey was a good idea so they made retrospective recommendations
Trump got Eric Holder to pretend anything.

Hot damn. Trump is better than I thought.

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