So republicans, WHY was it justified for Trump to fire Comey?

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh yeah, I'm sure all these people are culpable. :cuckoo:

You're such an idiot. Trump just got these people to pretend firing Comey was a good idea so they made retrospective recommendations

Tell me again how Micheal Mulkasey, former Attorney General is culpable in this alleged "Russian Collusion" nonsense.

Please do elaborate to the best of your knowledge.

Do you know the difference between ignorant and stupid?

Ignorant is not knowing any better.

Stupid is knowing better and doing it anyway.

Are you ignorant or stupid? Which is it? From the way you're going on,

apparently it's one or the other.
Okay this is where I have to explain to you why you are retarded. The former attorney general didn't make a recommendation to fire Comey. That letter just cited a quote of him criticizing Comey. That's it, you dumb fuck.
For the millionth time Trump fired Comey for meddling in the last US election, what's so hard to comprehend?


You go on and think what you want boy.

You fail and you're wrong. Now who's what here? Mmk.

"As Attorney General,----------------Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI."


Jeff Sessions

Attorney General
Last edited:
Disagreed, but I'd certainly agree he'd need to be spotless.

The man under investigation being able to name the person responsible for the investigation is automatically tainted

I never liked Comey, but thought he needed to be allowed to do his job
You forget that the nominee must be confirmed by the Senate. You don't think the results will be scrutinized by the voting public?
A Republican Senate?

Looks like a cover up
So you, too, think those 46 Democrat Senators are worthless pieces of shit soaking up tax dollars?

52 Republicans, 46 Democrats and 2 Independents. What's it take to confirm a new Director and when is the 2018 election?

50 votes

and when is the 2018 election?


Hope that helps

It's a simply majority vote. 50 vs 50 won't cut it. Someone will have to abstain or not be present for 50 to work.

6NOV2018 is the next election: United States Congress elections, 2018 - Ballotpedia
A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 6, 2018.
Heading into the election, the Republican Party holds a 52 seat majority in the Senate. Democrats hold 46 seats, and the remaining two are held by independents who caucus with the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is on the defensive in 2018, as they are left defending 25 seats (two of which are held by independents), while only eight seats up for election in 2018 are held by Republican incumbents. The Democratic Party is further weakened by having to defend seats in a number of states which supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Heading into the election, the Republican Party holds a majority of 241 seats to Democrats' 194 seats in the House. Due to the general lack of competition, it is unlikely that the Democratic Party will be able to flip control of the chamber in 2018. Democratic gains are predicted though, as the party of a newly elected president has historically lost seats in Congress in the following midterm election.

Since 1934, the party of a newly elected president has suffered an average loss of 23 seats in the House in the following midterm. The party of a newly elected president has gained seats in the House in the following midterm only twice since then; Democrats gained nine seats in 1934 following Franklin D. Roosevelt's first presidential election in 1932, and Republicans gained eight seats in 2002 following George W. Bush's election to the presidency in 2000. Due to this trend, more House seats that are currently held by Republican incumbents are expected to be in play than in a normal congressional election.[1]
The man under investigation being able to name the person responsible for the investigation is automatically tainted

I never liked Comey, but thought he needed to be allowed to do his job
You forget that the nominee must be confirmed by the Senate. You don't think the results will be scrutinized by the voting public?
A Republican Senate?

Looks like a cover up
So you, too, think those 46 Democrat Senators are worthless pieces of shit soaking up tax dollars?

52 Republicans, 46 Democrats and 2 Independents. What's it take to confirm a new Director and when is the 2018 election?

50 votes

and when is the 2018 election?


Hope that helps

It's a simply majority vote. 50 vs 50 won't cut it. Someone will have to abstain or not be present for 50 to work.

6NOV2018 is the next election: United States Congress elections, 2018 - Ballotpedia
A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 6, 2018.
Heading into the election, the Republican Party holds a 52 seat majority in the Senate. Democrats hold 46 seats, and the remaining two are held by independents who caucus with the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is on the defensive in 2018, as they are left defending 25 seats (two of which are held by independents), while only eight seats up for election in 2018 are held by Republican incumbents. The Democratic Party is further weakened by having to defend seats in a number of states which supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Heading into the election, the Republican Party holds a majority of 241 seats to Democrats' 194 seats in the House. Due to the general lack of competition, it is unlikely that the Democratic Party will be able to flip control of the chamber in 2018. Democratic gains are predicted though, as the party of a newly elected president has historically lost seats in Congress in the following midterm election.

Since 1934, the party of a newly elected president has suffered an average loss of 23 seats in the House in the following midterm. The party of a newly elected president has gained seats in the House in the following midterm only twice since then; Democrats gained nine seats in 1934 following Franklin D. Roosevelt's first presidential election in 1932, and Republicans gained eight seats in 2002 following George W. Bush's election to the presidency in 2000. Due to this trend, more House seats that are currently held by Republican incumbents are expected to be in play than in a normal congressional election.[1]

Depressing to be a Democrat, huh?

Republicans hold the house and Senate in 2018

The Democratic Party is on the defensive in 2018, as they are left defending 25 seats (two of which are held by independents), while only eight seats up for election in 2018 are held by Republican incumbents

You go on and think what you want boy.

You fail and you're wrong. Now who's what here? Mmk.

"As Attorney General,----------------Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI."


Jeff Sessions

Attorney General
I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.
You go on and think what you want boy.

You fail and you're wrong. Now who's what here? Mmk.

"As Attorney General,----------------Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI."


Jeff Sessions

Attorney General
I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.

If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

You figure the far left would be happy that Trump fired the man that cost Hilary the election!

Can you see the Hypocrisy of the far left here?
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Again the problem is--when you're the SUBJECT of an ongoing investigation--(meaning Trump and Company--and their frequents contacts with not only the Russian ambassador but Russian Intelligence officers also) and you FIRE the lead investigator.. There is no doubt about it, this is a COVER-UP.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Comey was due to testify this Thursday (2 days from now) in front of the Senate Intelligence committee. He fires Comey the day after Sally Yates testified and during her testimony she was asked several questions specifically related to the Russian investigation--that she refused to answer and basically stated you'll have to ask those questions of James Comey and other intelligence sources involved in this Russian investigation.

Now if Trump would have fired Comey immediately upon walking in the Oval office door citing his improprities regarding what he did to Hillary Clinton--there would be no issue right now. But the biggest toothless dumbass in this country is not going to believe that Trump fired James Comey over what he did to Hillary Clinton "now." That is absolutely LAUGHABLE.


Everyone remembers this:

As far as Jeff Sessions, he was forced to recuse himself from this Russian investigation because he also lied to congress regarding his contact with the Russian ambassador. Now he will be picking the new FBI chief. That's also laughable.

I have a little voice that is sitting on my shoulder that says--Jeff Sessions probably dragged James Comey into his office yesterday after Sally Yates testified and stated---If you will get off of this Russian Investigation--I will stop the General Inspector's investigation into your malfeasance for interferring into the election. James Comey says no, and today--and very suddenly he's fired. That wouldn't surprise me in the least.

To take this action is sheer panic coming out of the Trump administration. Meaning there is something very serious that they do not want the public to know about. Only one other President has fired the FBI Chief while he was under investigation--and his name was Richard Nixon.

This is why Republicans need to insist upon an independent investigation immediately.
You go on and think what you want boy.

You fail and you're wrong. Now who's what here? Mmk.

"As Attorney General,----------------Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI."


Jeff Sessions

Attorney General
I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.

If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Again the problem is--when you're the SUBJECT of an ongoing investigation--(meaning Trump and Company--and their frequents contacts with not only the Russian ambassador but Russian Intelligence officers also) and you FIRE the lead investigator.. There is no doubt about it, this is a COVER-UP.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Comey was due to testify this Thursday (2 days from now) in front of the Senate Intelligence committee. He fires Comey the day after Sally Yates testified and during her testimony she was asked several questions specifically related to the Russian investigation--that she refused to answer and basically stated you'll have to ask those questions of James Comey and other intelligence sources involved in this Russian investigation.

Now if Trump would have fired Comey immediately upon walking in the Oval office door citing his improprities regarding what he did to Hillary Clinton--there would be no issue right now. But the biggest toothless dumbass in this country is not going to believe that Trump fired James Comey over what he did to Hillary Clinton "now." That is absolutely LAUGHABLE.


Everyone remembers this:

As far as Jeff Sessions, he was forced to recuse himself from this Russian investigation because he also lied to congress regarding his contact with the Russian ambassador. Now he will be picking the new FBI chief. That's also laughable.

I have a little voice that is sitting on my shoulder that says--Jeff Sessions probably dragged James Comey into his office yesterday after Sally Yates testified and stated---If you will get off of this Russian Investigation--I will stop the General Inspector's investigation into your malfeasance for interferring into the election. James Comey says no, and today--and very suddenly he's fired. That wouldn't surprise me in the least.

To take this action is sheer panic coming out of the Trump administration. Meaning there is something very serious that they do not want the public to know about. Only one other President has fired the FBI Chief while he was under investigation--and his name was Richard Nixon.

This is why Republicans need to insist upon an independent investigation immediately.


Nixon didn't fire his FBI Chief, Bill Clinton did though

You go on and think what you want boy.

You fail and you're wrong. Now who's what here? Mmk.

"As Attorney General,----------------Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI."


Jeff Sessions

Attorney General
I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.

If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

Smells more Nixonian every day. It's not the crime, it's the cover-up..
You go on and think what you want boy.

You fail and you're wrong. Now who's what here? Mmk.

"As Attorney General,----------------Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI."


Jeff Sessions

Attorney General
I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.

If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

I think that was that was not even near the top of the list of reasons of why the President and Sessions said was the reason....

And the reason they gave, that Hillary was treated unfairly by Comey and Comey broke a lot of the Department's protocol just seems so laughable, when they used it during the campaign and they praised Comey for what they say now is "wrong doing" just doesn't pass logical muster....

The only way to know you are correct in your assumption, is if they let the Russian investigation continue and keep themselves out of it, completely and allow an independent prosecutor to head it...

ONLY THEN we we know the TRUTH.....whether this was about Comey treating Hillary unfairly, and unjustly,


it's about trying to shut down the investigation on the Russians/Putin election interference/ possible trump team criminal actions/collusion etc.
You go on and think what you want boy.

You fail and you're wrong. Now who's what here? Mmk.

"As Attorney General,----------------Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI."


Jeff Sessions

Attorney General
I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.

If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

I think that was that was not even near the top of the list of reasons of why the President and Sessions said was the reason....

And the reason they gave, that Hillary was treated unfairly by Comey and Comey broke a lot of the Department's protocol just seems so laughable, when they used it during the campaign and they praised Comey for what they say now is "wrong doing" just doesn't pass logical muster....

The only way to know you are correct in your assumption, is if they let the Russian investigation continue and keep themselves out of it, completely and allow an independent prosecutor to head it...

ONLY THEN we we know the TRUTH.....whether this was about Comey treating Hillary unfairly, and unjustly,


it's about trying to shut down the investigation on the Russians/Putin election interference/ possible trump team criminal actions/collusion etc.

Really? "Russian investigation"? The one that's been going on since July 2016 yet nothing's been found?

Ahh, no.


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