So republicans, WHY was it justified for Trump to fire Comey?

I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

A. To watch snowflakes make spectacles of themselves.
B. Pacify liberals.
C. Comey is a NUT-JOB.
D. Comey's performance was poor and he doesn't know his place.
Once again liberals prove to be cause and effect challenged, generally because they're emotionally unstrung. Here's the narrative.

Trump fired Comey because he fears he knows something. Way to go Comey, he does his own investigations too. All is lost because Comey was fired. The left has become such failures, because Trump and Putin stroke one-another. Now Trump can hire a yes-man who won't reveal what Comey was going to.

Not only has Comey lost his job, but he's lost his ability to speak. Fucking Trump, he's like Hitler all over again.
Maybe cause he's not investigating the leaks , or the dnc server thats hidden or the unlawful unmaskings......
What happened to the those mythical servers? I remember the DNC was scared of the Obama administration and the FBI. The FBI offered to help and provided warnings before the breach.
I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.

If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

I think that was that was not even near the top of the list of reasons of why the President and Sessions said was the reason....

And the reason they gave, that Hillary was treated unfairly by Comey and Comey broke a lot of the Department's protocol just seems so laughable, when they used it during the campaign and they praised Comey for what they say now is "wrong doing" just doesn't pass logical muster....

The only way to know you are correct in your assumption, is if they let the Russian investigation continue and keep themselves out of it, completely and allow an independent prosecutor to head it...

ONLY THEN we we know the TRUTH.....whether this was about Comey treating Hillary unfairly, and unjustly,


it's about trying to shut down the investigation on the Russians/Putin election interference/ possible trump team criminal actions/collusion etc.

Really? "Russian investigation"? The one that's been going on since July 2016 yet nothing's been found?

Ahh, no.

Marion, it is a Counterintelligence investigation, not just a simple FBI investigation.... it's for espionage, and they are super super duper secretive... even Clapper, FBI Dir. Comey's Boss, did not know the FBI COUNTER INTELLIGENCE division was investigating the Trump team as well in their Russian investigation...this is on the Hush one is talking about what the FBI has actually found...(cuz they haven't told the congressional investigators the details...once it hits congress, even if classified, there are always leaks imo....)

sometimes counter intelligence investigations on espionage take years....and before they are done with the Russian espionage investigation, they may find that the Trump team did nothing criminal and hopefully announce that before the other investigation ends, the Counter Intelligence investigation on the Russians will still continue imo...
If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

I think that was that was not even near the top of the list of reasons of why the President and Sessions said was the reason....

And the reason they gave, that Hillary was treated unfairly by Comey and Comey broke a lot of the Department's protocol just seems so laughable, when they used it during the campaign and they praised Comey for what they say now is "wrong doing" just doesn't pass logical muster....

The only way to know you are correct in your assumption, is if they let the Russian investigation continue and keep themselves out of it, completely and allow an independent prosecutor to head it...

ONLY THEN we we know the TRUTH.....whether this was about Comey treating Hillary unfairly, and unjustly,


it's about trying to shut down the investigation on the Russians/Putin election interference/ possible trump team criminal actions/collusion etc.

Really? "Russian investigation"? The one that's been going on since July 2016 yet nothing's been found?

Ahh, no.

Marion, it is a Counterintelligence investigation, not just a simple FBI investigation.... it's for espionage, and they are super super duper secretive... even Clapper, FBI Dir. Comey's Boss, did not know the FBI COUNTER INTELLIGENCE division was investigating the Trump team as well in their Russian investigation...this is on the Hush one is talking about what the FBI has actually found...(cuz they haven't told the congressional investigators the details...once it hits congress, even if classified, there are always leaks imo....)

sometimes counter intelligence investigations on espionage take years....and before they are done with the Russian espionage investigation, they may find that the Trump team did nothing criminal and hopefully announce that before the other investigation ends, the Counter Intelligence investigation on the Russians will still continue imo...

Whatever, it will continue in your mind, I get it. However, it will be done within 6 weeks with no collusion found, good night.

There was nothing there to begin with. Flynn had talk with a guy (Russian) at a cocktail party and that's it.
Silly liberals, can't you get your stories in-line? Let's take a walk into the liberal head for a moment, who have changed their narrative from Comey was in-bed with Trump to Trump fired him because he's scared.

Wouldn't Comey then have more reason to take down Trump? There's such an animal as investigations, for which Comey does none, and he can be subpoenaed. So what the fuck are you going to do when your new-found narrative collapses, just like everything you dream-up to stroke your emotional responses? Come to terms with the fact you're just an irrational people.
He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

I think that was that was not even near the top of the list of reasons of why the President and Sessions said was the reason....

And the reason they gave, that Hillary was treated unfairly by Comey and Comey broke a lot of the Department's protocol just seems so laughable, when they used it during the campaign and they praised Comey for what they say now is "wrong doing" just doesn't pass logical muster....

The only way to know you are correct in your assumption, is if they let the Russian investigation continue and keep themselves out of it, completely and allow an independent prosecutor to head it...

ONLY THEN we we know the TRUTH.....whether this was about Comey treating Hillary unfairly, and unjustly,


it's about trying to shut down the investigation on the Russians/Putin election interference/ possible trump team criminal actions/collusion etc.

Really? "Russian investigation"? The one that's been going on since July 2016 yet nothing's been found?

Ahh, no.

Marion, it is a Counterintelligence investigation, not just a simple FBI investigation.... it's for espionage, and they are super super duper secretive... even Clapper, FBI Dir. Comey's Boss, did not know the FBI COUNTER INTELLIGENCE division was investigating the Trump team as well in their Russian investigation...this is on the Hush one is talking about what the FBI has actually found...(cuz they haven't told the congressional investigators the details...once it hits congress, even if classified, there are always leaks imo....)

sometimes counter intelligence investigations on espionage take years....and before they are done with the Russian espionage investigation, they may find that the Trump team did nothing criminal and hopefully announce that before the other investigation ends, the Counter Intelligence investigation on the Russians will still continue imo...

Whatever, it will continue in your mind, I get it. However, it will be done within 6 weeks with no collusion found, good night.

There was nothing there to begin with. Flynn had talk with a guy (Russian) at a cocktail party and that's it.
What ya talkin' about Willis? :rofl: :cuckoo:

Flynn was fired because he called the Russian Agent Ambassador 5 times on the day that Obama issued sanctions against the Russians and offered to get rid of the sanctions when Trump was inaugurated, or something of the sort, and lied to Pence, telling him that he did NOT talk to the Ambassador Agent about Sanctions.....


and goodnight to you as well! :)
Another time what did Russia get out of this ?

Rex Tillerson says sanctions on Russia will remain until Vladimir Putin hands back Crimea to Ukraine

The United States will not lift sanctions on Russia until President Vladimir Putin hands Crimea back to Ukraine, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said late Sunday.

During a phone call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Tillerson said the sanctions—which have crippled Russia’s economy and pushed down the value of the ruble—will “ remain in place until Russia returns control of the Crimean peninsula to Ukraine.”

we need an independent special prosecutor or an independent investigation

the Republicans are likely to obfuscate


the Democrats are likely to exaggerate

time for an Independent investigation.
nothing, because we, as in the American people, and in congress on both the right and left aisle wouldn't let it happen...and Flynn getting fired brought our attention to Flynn's offer....

Trump can't do what he and his man Flynn, apparently wanted....and I think he is showing that he hates it!

Let's see if President Trump appoints someone that is not a Trump crony to the FBI director position, and not going to shut down or curb or delay the investigation in to the espionage by Russians and Trump team possible connections.
nothing, because we, as in the American people, and in congress on both the right and left aisle wouldn't let it happen...and Flynn getting fired brought our attention to Flynn's offer....

Trump can't do what he and his man Flynn, apparently wanted....and I think he is showing that he hates it!

Let's see if President Trump appoints someone that is not a Trump crony to the FBI director position, and not going to shut down or curb or delay the investigation in to the espionage by Russians and Trump team possible connections.

Something like three quarters of the FBI despised Hillary...I think they are not doing shit ..

Comey had to be fired. Whatever findings on anything remotely political would have been tainted as long as he was FBI director, very much in the Loretta Lynch and her DoJ.
nothing, because we, as in the American people, and in congress on both the right and left aisle wouldn't let it happen...and Flynn getting fired brought our attention to Flynn's offer....

Trump can't do what he and his man Flynn, apparently wanted....and I think he is showing that he hates it!

Let's see if President Trump appoints someone that is not a Trump crony to the FBI director position, and not going to shut down or curb or delay the investigation in to the espionage by Russians and Trump team possible connections.

Something like three quarters of the FBI despised Hillary...I think they are not doing shit ..

Yet, Trump is saying the FBI unnecessarily HARMED Hillary and THIS is why they had to let Comey go..... because Comey treated Hillary unfairly and in a harmful manner, that went against FBI and Justice Dept protocol?

Do you truly believe they fired Comey because he harmed Hillary?

I honestly can not get my head around that.... it's the tell tale sign to me, that President Trump fired Comey to shut down the investigation in to him and his team.
nothing, because we, as in the American people, and in congress on both the right and left aisle wouldn't let it happen...and Flynn getting fired brought our attention to Flynn's offer....

Trump can't do what he and his man Flynn, apparently wanted....and I think he is showing that he hates it!

Let's see if President Trump appoints someone that is not a Trump crony to the FBI director position, and not going to shut down or curb or delay the investigation in to the espionage by Russians and Trump team possible connections.

Something like three quarters of the FBI despised Hillary...I think they are not doing shit ..

Yet, Trump is saying the FBI unnecessarily HARMED Hillary and THIS is why they had to let Comey go..... because Comey treated Hillary unfairly and in a harmful manner, that went against FBI and Justice Dept protocol?

Do you truly believe they fired Comey because he harmed Hillary?

I honestly can not get my head around that.... it's the tell tale sign to me, that President Trump fired Comey to shut down the investigation in to him and his team.

I don't know after I read about how Comey lied about those thousands of emails, and remember back around October listening to talk radio about what a big deal it was.. cons were jumping up in joy thinking Hillary was going to jail..

This guy now sounds like he wanted to be J edger Hoover want to be.

News Flash - people who suck at their jobs tend to get fired. Usually right after the do something wrong /again/ like lying...

Also - this is floating around on the underground (haven't fully looked into all the accusations so peruse at your own risk):


1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again.

2. Shortly after the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, the FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency, Bloomberg reported, retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found).

3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban -- but didn't intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented.

4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller's business and personal travel.

5. When the FBI demanded Apple create a "backdoor" that would allow law enforcement agencies to unlock the cell phones of various suspects, the company refused, sparking a battle between the feds and America's biggest tech company. What makes this incident indicative of Comey's questionable management of the agency is that a) The FBI jumped the gun, as they were indeed ultimately able to crack the San Bernardino terrorist's phone, and b) Almost every other major national security figure sided with Apple (from former CIA Director General Petraeus to former CIA Director James Woolsey to former director of the NSA, General Michael Hayden), warning that such a "crack" would inevitably wind up in the wrong hands.

6. In 2015, the FBI conducted a controversial raid on a Texas political meeting, finger printing, photographing, and seizing phones from attendees (some in the group believe in restoring Texas as an independent constitutional republic).

7. During its investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material, the FBI made an unusual deal in which Clinton aides were both given immunity and allowed to destroy their laptops.

8. The father of the radical Islamist who detonated a backpack bomb in New York City in 2016 alerted the FBI to his son's radicalization. The FBI, however, cleared Ahmad Khan Rahami after a brief interview.

9. The FBI also investigated the terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Despite a more than 10-month investigation of Omar Mateen -- during which Mateen admitting lying to agents -- the FBI opted against pressing further and closed its case.

10. CBS recently reported that when two terrorists sought to kill Americans attending the "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, the FBI not only had an understanding an attack was coming, but actually had an undercover agent traveling with the Islamists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. The FBI has refused to comment on why the agent on the scene did not intervene during the attack.
nothing, because we, as in the American people, and in congress on both the right and left aisle wouldn't let it happen...and Flynn getting fired brought our attention to Flynn's offer....

Trump can't do what he and his man Flynn, apparently wanted....and I think he is showing that he hates it!

Let's see if President Trump appoints someone that is not a Trump crony to the FBI director position, and not going to shut down or curb or delay the investigation in to the espionage by Russians and Trump team possible connections.

Something like three quarters of the FBI despised Hillary...I think they are not doing shit ..

Yet, Trump is saying the FBI unnecessarily HARMED Hillary and THIS is why they had to let Comey go..... because Comey treated Hillary unfairly and in a harmful manner, that went against FBI and Justice Dept protocol?

Do you truly believe they fired Comey because he harmed Hillary?

I honestly can not get my head around that.... it's the tell tale sign to me, that President Trump fired Comey to shut down the investigation in to him and his team.

I don't know after I read about how Comey lied about those thousands of emails, and remember back around October listening to talk radio about what a big deal it was.. cons were jumping up in joy thinking Hillary was going to jail..

This guy now sounds like he wanted to be J edger Hoover want to be.

Your point is noted and I agree....the R's were jumping for joy and the D's were pissed at Comey for the whole mess up and shenanigans...

Comey deserved to be fired back then and still...the timing is just off.

Comey IS investigating the Trump team and possibly Prsident Trump,

President Trump should NOT have fired Comey while the Counter Intelligence committee he resides over in to Trump's team, was still looks bad bad bad.

President Trump can redeem himself if he nominates an independent FBI Director.... if he appoints a crony, then it spells..... T R O U B L E.... and crookedness, imo.
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If you've ever watched Comey speaking to the house you'd know he either a) doesn't know or b) can't say so personally I doubt he has much of jack shit to do with the Trump investigation.

Either way though, his no longer being FBI director doesn't mean he can't be brought in to testify, ya know, just like Rice could be...

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