So republicans, WHY was it justified for Trump to fire Comey?

He should have been fired by Obama on July 5th.

FBI does not DECIDE whether or not to prosecute.

That is the job of the AG.

It is the job of the FBI to (Spolier alert).....INVESTIGATE.

They do not make decisions on whether to pursue prosecution based on the investigative findings.
Perhaps you are right, but Lynch put Comey in that position by publicly stating that she would go by that recommendation. So Obama should have fired Lynch also, but we all know that would never happen. Obama enjoyed having a Justice department that covered his ass.
1. The FBI's reputation was harmed under his guidance
2. He botched the Clinton email investigation
3. The administration feels he cannot effectively lead the bureau going forward
I wonder if Trump and the people in his administration have any idea how historic this firing is. We could probably assume that other administrations would have that context, but this one? There's just no way to know.

If he doesn't follow this up with a truly independent Russia investigation, he's really asking for trouble.
Can you hear it, sounds like swamp draining to me, no one now to cover for the Clinton crime syndicate.
All you sheep still eating on the Russian story the MSM is spoon feeding you, could someone show some evidence or shut up about it, damn

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Yes they do, too many former high-level Justice department and FBI personnel recommended it.

It's all right there in the letters, but this is you:

The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Wrong, they deserve a medal for being true patriots.
Tell me, Patty, before Comey was fired, did you at all during Trump's 100 days think "man when is Trump going to fire Comey?"

No of course you didn't. You just pretend it was a great move because Trump did it. You can't even think for yourself.

Yes I did. I thought, why hasn't Trump fired this weasel yet.

Thinking for yourself entails something other then mewling the latest Dim talking point, and that's all you know how to do.
The letters don't mean dick to this thread. Why do YOU think his firing was justified?

Because most of the FBI and a lot of former FBI and the heads of the Justice department and former employees recommended it.
Um anyone who recommended it is culpable to Trump's ties to Russia.

Wrong, they deserve a medal for being true patriots.
Tell me, Patty, before Comey was fired, did you at all during Trump's 100 days think "man when is Trump going to fire Comey?"

No of course you didn't. You just pretend it was a great move because Trump did it. You can't even think for yourself.

Yes I did. I thought, why hasn't Trump fired this weasel yet.

Thinking for yourself entails something other then mewling the latest Dim talking point, and that's all you know how to do.

You posted that before the election, right?
Trump fired Comey all of a sudden because of something Comey did in July that was unfair to Hillary Clinton
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.
Well the libs have been calling for his head for some time. So being the dishonest corrupt beings they are they are now feigning outrage to try to score some desperately needed brownie points. The reason they do things like that is because they have nothing to run on other than how evil the other guy is.

Hope this helps.
"We're only at the beginning of the story", says Krauthammer.

Yep, that's definitely how this one feels.
Clinton probably would have fired Comey anyways.

But can you imagine how batshit crazy conservatives would have gone had she done that?
It is long past time Comey was fired. Why?

- He revealed Hillary was under investigation during the election but did not reveal Trump was as well.

- The media was reporting leaks under Obama that the FBI did not trust Comey - he 'lost' his team / agency

- Days before the election he publicly announced he was re-opening the investigation on Hillary (1 of 2, 2nd is on-going)

- Just days ago Comey admitted / testified that Hillary Clinton did break the law but stated criminal charges were not pursued because she was / is TOO STUPID to know she was breaking the law and jeopardizing national security - this is no legal defense. The FBI (and Obama administration) protected Hillary because she was the DNC's 'Chosen One'.

- Comey Seized / exercised power he did not have as FBI Director: HE made the decision not to indict Hillary, even though he has now come out and said she broke the law.

"Under the traditional division of authority between the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors, the former investigate the facts of a case, but the latter make the decision on whether to bring federal charges in court. Comey seized the power over making the decision whether to charge Hillary Clinton and her aides from the career Justice Department prosecutors who handle such difficult cases and made the decision himself. For that decision alone, Comey should have resigned, and if he would not go willingly, the White House properly had grounds to remove him."
---- Comey had to go: The FBI needs a fresh start

- He testified that Huma Abedin forwarded classified information to her unsecured personal laptop at her home - this is a crime. Once again Comey closed the case and refused to recommend indictment.
-- The US Government can NOT afford to have a 'rogue' / 'biased' Director of the FBI un-covering crimes but making the decision himself if the individual should be brought up on charges, no matter who the individual is and/or what party they belong to.

- He was just accused of lying under oath about Huma Abedin, specifically the NUMBER of e-mails she forwarded to her home (not the fact that she DID forward classified information/e-mails)

- Comey publicly announced that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign for possible involvement with the Russians, even though it is unclear what laws might have been broken by Trump or his White House advisors. At the same time, it appears Comey has refused to publicly announce that President Trump himself was not a target, although Trump yesterday claimed that Comey had told him three times that he was not. (We now know that multiple investigations - by the NSA and FBI - were opened up on Trump and his team under President Obama, investigations that are still on-going).

- Both parties excoriated Comey for his actions at multiple times - their love-hate emotions for Comey have swung back and forth like a pendulum. Both have agreed that at times Comey has made poor decisions, made mistakes, has embarrassed the FBI, and potentially put the election of the President of the United States in jeopardy.

Democrats now are 'lighting the torches and breaking out the pitch forks' over President Trump's firing of Comey. D-Schumer is one of the loudest voices at the moment, despite - as Trump pointed out - Schumer was one of the loudest voices calling for Comey's firing when he announced the re-opening of Hillary's e-mail investigation just before the election, proving the uproar and talks of impeachment over this move is purely political / political grand-standing.

President Trump had every right to fire Comey. As I have said all along, Comey should have been fired so there could have been a 'fresh start' in the FBI. I do have 2 problems with Comey's firing NOW, though.

1. The time to fire Comey was immediately after taking office as President.

2. The news is reporting Comey found out about his firing on TV as he gave a speech to FBI agents in Ca. IF this is true, it is reprehensible. Comey should have been called to the WH and told Face-To-Face he was fired and why. Having him find out from the media on TV as he was giving a speech to the members of his agency was almost as humiliating for Comey as it was for Trump. The way this was handled by the President of the United States - IF his firing was handled the way some media say it went down - reflects extremely poorly on office of the President of the United States and this entire administration.

Again, it was within Trump's authority / right to Fire Comey.

(NOTE: Some Liberals are trying to claim Trump should be Impeached now for firing Comey because Comey's firing is an attempt to stop the 'Russia-Trump Collusion' investigation...except there is not 'Russia-Trump Collusion'. Both Directors of the NSA and FBI testified there was NEVER any evidence of 'collusion', that no evidence of 'Collusion' has been found. The FBI has declared 3 times now that there is no evidence of collusion. The Chairman of the House Intel Committee and Intel Committee member D-Feinstein have declared there is no evidence to support the 'collusion' claim.

Yes, Grand Jury subpoenas have been issued in the investigation of FLYNN, an ex-Obama employee that was picked by Trump, until Trump found out Flynn had NON-criminal/illegal dealings with Russia. That being said, this changes NOTHING regarding the status of the non-existent 'Russia-Trump Collusion' claims. The NSA and FBI still have not found any evidence after 10 months of investigation. The FBI still has said 3 times there is no evidence. The Intel Committee has STILL not found any evidence. Finally, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, there still was NEVER any crime or evidence to even SUGGEST collusion between Russia and Trump.)
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I'm sorry, are you too stupid to know that Jeff Sessions is the current AG and not the former? You know what's even more hilarious about you pointing out the quote the former made? His criticism of Comey was him sending that letter to congress about Hillary days before the election. You dumbasses praised Comey and now you delude yourself into thinking it justified firing Comey.

If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

I think that was that was not even near the top of the list of reasons of why the President and Sessions said was the reason....

And the reason they gave, that Hillary was treated unfairly by Comey and Comey broke a lot of the Department's protocol just seems so laughable, when they used it during the campaign and they praised Comey for what they say now is "wrong doing" just doesn't pass logical muster....

The only way to know you are correct in your assumption, is if they let the Russian investigation continue and keep themselves out of it, completely and allow an independent prosecutor to head it...

ONLY THEN we we know the TRUTH.....whether this was about Comey treating Hillary unfairly, and unjustly,


it's about trying to shut down the investigation on the Russians/Putin election interference/ possible trump team criminal actions/collusion etc.

Really? "Russian investigation"? The one that's been going on since July 2016 yet nothing's been found?

Ahh, no.


You forget that the nominee must be confirmed by the Senate. You don't think the results will be scrutinized by the voting public?
A Republican Senate?

Looks like a cover up
So you, too, think those 46 Democrat Senators are worthless pieces of shit soaking up tax dollars?

52 Republicans, 46 Democrats and 2 Independents. What's it take to confirm a new Director and when is the 2018 election?

50 votes

and when is the 2018 election?


Hope that helps

It's a simply majority vote. 50 vs 50 won't cut it. Someone will have to abstain or not be present for 50 to work.

6NOV2018 is the next election: United States Congress elections, 2018 - Ballotpedia
A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 6, 2018.
Heading into the election, the Republican Party holds a 52 seat majority in the Senate. Democrats hold 46 seats, and the remaining two are held by independents who caucus with the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is on the defensive in 2018, as they are left defending 25 seats (two of which are held by independents), while only eight seats up for election in 2018 are held by Republican incumbents. The Democratic Party is further weakened by having to defend seats in a number of states which supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Heading into the election, the Republican Party holds a majority of 241 seats to Democrats' 194 seats in the House. Due to the general lack of competition, it is unlikely that the Democratic Party will be able to flip control of the chamber in 2018. Democratic gains are predicted though, as the party of a newly elected president has historically lost seats in Congress in the following midterm election.

Since 1934, the party of a newly elected president has suffered an average loss of 23 seats in the House in the following midterm. The party of a newly elected president has gained seats in the House in the following midterm only twice since then; Democrats gained nine seats in 1934 following Franklin D. Roosevelt's first presidential election in 1932, and Republicans gained eight seats in 2002 following George W. Bush's election to the presidency in 2000. Due to this trend, more House seats that are currently held by Republican incumbents are expected to be in play than in a normal congressional election.[1]

Depressing to be a Democrat, huh?

Republicans hold the house and Senate in 2018

The Democratic Party is on the defensive in 2018, as they are left defending 25 seats (two of which are held by independents), while only eight seats up for election in 2018 are held by Republican incumbents

LOL, yes. They've been sitting and spinning since losing both Congress and, especially, the WH.

Still, the Republicans shouldn't be too smug because the American voters tend to vote their frustrations by voting for "the other guy". As the link stated, the statistical trend is for the party of the President to lose seats in the House during midterms. This would still leave a Republican House, but with a weaker hold on the majority.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Because he lost all ability to keep the FBI, our countries number one LE agency out of the political hacks stupid games. I mean, it's not like he sold a bunch of guns to murderers or anything, but still.
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If only Obama had fired Comey when he said Hillary was innocent back in July 2016


FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

He wanted to, but it would have appeared as if it were political during an election period.... and hurt the American people's trust in our justice system..

President Trump should have given this decision the same consideration....

his timing is very suspicious....his reason for doing so is suspicious... especially when he PRAISED Director Comey for notifying congress and consequently the public, 11 days out from election day, that he was reopening the Clinton server investigation...Trump called Comey a hero and Courageous.... and now he is supposedly firing him for what Trump and Sessions once praised?

I'm sorry, I call it like it is...and this move of Trump's and Session's, stinks of a cover-up....and the firing was to try to stop the FBI Investigation on the Russian election interference and the Trump and or Trump team involvement and anything criminal, if anything was criminal.

They fired the Head's Head of that FBI investigation and are trying to shut it down.

Could it also be Comey lying about all those thousands of e mails last week?

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

I think that was that was not even near the top of the list of reasons of why the President and Sessions said was the reason....

And the reason they gave, that Hillary was treated unfairly by Comey and Comey broke a lot of the Department's protocol just seems so laughable, when they used it during the campaign and they praised Comey for what they say now is "wrong doing" just doesn't pass logical muster....

The only way to know you are correct in your assumption, is if they let the Russian investigation continue and keep themselves out of it, completely and allow an independent prosecutor to head it...

ONLY THEN we we know the TRUTH.....whether this was about Comey treating Hillary unfairly, and unjustly,


it's about trying to shut down the investigation on the Russians/Putin election interference/ possible trump team criminal actions/collusion etc.

Really? "Russian investigation"? The one that's been going on since July 2016 yet nothing's been found?

Ahh, no.


Ah, forgot all about Ol'DIFI! Yup, even she said along with the presidant that Russia had zero influence on the votes during the election. Chucky best be careful with his hyperbolically BS. Even democrat voters aren't willing to be as stupid as they have been.
Clinton probably would have fired Comey anyways.

But can you imagine how batshit crazy conservatives would have gone had she done that?
Probably just as batshit crazy democrats are now. It's the way the game is played.

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