So sick of the media BS about blacks are so scared of whites now - it is BS!

Let's tell it as it is.

It just happens to be the current zeitgeist: African Americans live in constant fear of being mistreated by big mean Caucasian people.

Our dynamic President Biden was sent to Buffalo to perpetuate this nonsense.

If anyone is living in fear, it is those non-African Americans who are sucker punched on the sidewalks and public transportation and those store owners who are brazenly looted by people who know that nothing will happen to them.

African Americans are living the good life. They are admitted into college without any academic requirements; they are handed jobs just because of their ethnicity; they continue to party to the wee hours; and Hollywood has guaranteed them that they will always have a certain number of Oscars.

They are darn lucky to be living in the United States of America.
If living the "good life" means you are allowed to go to college (and no, students are not allowed into college without meeting academic requirements, unless they are rich legacy admission students) -- that is something white folks have always been able to do and still do...yet, you fragile morons are still the biggest bunch of whiney muthafuckas on the planet....why isn't your life good enough if you feel its good enough for black folks?

Or can only be happy if you feel you are doing better than black folks?
Yes, but when blacks murder whites, it's usually for a good reason - like they want you car or your money or they're just on drugs and don't know what they're doing.

When whites murder blacks it's usually because they're black, or they're trying to steal your car or rob your home or something....

Wholly fuck I can't believe you wrote that, and oh shit another leftist gave you the thumb's up.

You're a wack job Richard. Thus you're a leftist.
If living the "good life" means you are allowed to go to college (and no, students are not allowed into college without meeting academic requirements, unless they are rich legacy admission students) -- that is something white folks have always been able to do and still do...yet, you fragile morons are still the biggest bunch of whiney muthafuckas on the planet....why isn't your life good enough if you feel its good enough for black folks?

Or can only be happy if you feel you are doing better than black folks?

Yeah....and blacks get into college through affirmative action which fucks over the better,smarter students.
First, Blacks in every big city are offing each other in record numbers. Crook County is going to go over 1000 homicides again (1009 last year), with the record at 1229 I. 1991. The vast majority are black victims killed by black perps.

Second, most homicide is homogeneous, blacks kill blacks, whites kill whites (except for Asians they are more likely to be killed by other races), but blacks are far more likely to kill other races (esp whites), then they are to be victims of whites.

So stop the BS about blacks are living in fear it is such crap!
Law abiding blacks are scared of white cops, they weren't lying and smartphones proved it. But it's always good to get the racist outlook on these things...
Law abiding blacks are scared of white cops, they weren't lying and smartphones proved it. But it's always good to get the racist outlook on these things...
... and the police cameras are proving a vast majority of police interactions are not as media, BLM and other related groups / individuals claim it to be.
Law abiding blacks are scared of white cops, they weren't lying and smartphones proved it. But it's always good to get the racist outlook on these things...
Bullshit! First, nearly double the amount of whites are killed by the police then Blacks, despite the fact Black males commit over 50% of the homicides in the country and are much more likely to resist arrest. Second, there are tens of millions of interactions between the public and the police and only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent end in lethal force (to which the vast majority are justified).

There are between 50-60 million interaction between the police and the public in any given year. Roughly 1000 people are killed by police. The highest percentage who are killed are WHITE. In fact whites double the number of blacks killed in many years, despite the fact Blacks males commit more then half of all homicides in America, are more likely to resist arrest including shooting at the police and a great proportion of these police shootings are in dangerous neighborhoods aka the Ghetto.

The numbers don't lie, only leftist, politicians and the media does:
2017: 458 White; 222 Black
2018: 459 White - 228 Black
2019: 424 White - 251 Black
2020: 459 White - 243 Black
2021: 302 White - 177 Black
2022: 389 White - 225 Black

Bullshit! First, nearly double the amount of whites are killed by the police then Blacks, despite the fact Black males commit over 50% of the homicides in the country and are much more likely to resist arrest. Second, there are tens of millions of interactions between the public and the police and only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent end in lethal force (to which the vast majority are justified).

There are between 50-60 million interaction between the police and the public in any given year. Roughly 1000 people are killed by police. The highest percentage who are killed are WHITE. In fact whites double the number of blacks killed in many years, despite the fact Blacks males commit more then half of all homicides in America, are more likely to resist arrest including shooting at the police and a great proportion of these police shootings are in dangerous neighborhoods aka the Ghetto.

The numbers don't lie, only leftist, politicians and the media does:
2017: 458 White; 222 Black
2018: 459 White - 228 Black
2019: 424 White - 251 Black
2020: 459 White - 243 Black
2021: 302 White - 177 Black
2022: 389 White - 225 Black

so blacks are only twice as liable to be killed by cops.... Poverty causes crime and blacks have 110th the wealth of whites. It is so past due to tax the rich and giant corporations and invest in America and Americans again it's ridiculous, only brainwashed fools like you don't agree. Part of that is to and the ridiculous war on drugs and try having a real mental health system. We have the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness anywhere in the modern world by far after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and brainwashing the rubes.... And ten times as many people in prison per capita than anywhere else. No wonder everybody shooting each other with so many guns everywhere and 26% of the country supposedly mentally ill to one extent or another. Excellent job.

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