So, "Subsidies Today! Subsides Tomarra, Subsidies Forever!" (Better Than Segregation)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
How the GOP plans to keep its base with Budget Sequester, cuts, and end of spending all around! What in fact are little kids learning? Just what did become of Senator Trent Lott, and the rest of the good guys!

Now we have Obama-Family liberals, even at the pricey-school, even when it is not clear why they need--with so many colored children to make friends with, in the D. C. schools(?)!

Famously, Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called O'Christ," didn't even now about St. Patrick's Day. In America, "Green" is everywhere now golden. Known in California for decades: The clear path to wealth and riches was through Civil Service, in that state. The Roman Empire was like that too. The British Empire was like that too! Now even Rev. Jesse Jackson, attends funeral rituals, even in Venezuela.

Education does not include the Story in Matthew 25:14-30. The Servant with the five talents, and the servant with the two Talents--double their money, and enter into the Joy of Their Lord. The Servant with the one talent takes what that servant hast, saves it in the earth at the more or less same interest rate. And so those kids get sent off to the D. C. schools. Those servants can't possibly keep up, in a system like that.

In fact, the whole thing actually comes crashing on down--creating basis for even more subsidies, for the rich and clearly well-educated!

Southern Strategy--probably even as they know it Kenya--when they do! Learning this at Harvard or Yale University, they do not do. . . .as in would you have been better off four years ago, had there been someone from Kenya around, instead(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington knows that a "Well-Regulated Militia" was intended by the Framers. And so the outcome became the famous, General George Armstrong Custer!)
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