So the JR emails..

Is hiring a hit man to kill somebody a crime? (yes / no)

What is that crime? It's not murder, what is it?
If Trump hired a hit man I'm with you on that....he should be in big trouble. I think I've heard it said that the Clinton's have hit men on speed dial.

What else is needed?
Evidence of an agreement to violate a specific criminal statute — in other words, a conspiracy to commit a certain crime.

“Anytime you are talking about coordinating or collusion, you are talking about the possibility of conspiracy charges,” said Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University. “But conspiracy is not a crime that floats by itself in the air. There has to be an underlying federal offense that is being conspired to be committed.”!

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510)

Trump has the prestigious MBA degree from the Wharton School of Business. What happened to Trump Airlines and Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City? Bankrupt!
What else is needed?
Evidence of an agreement to violate a specific criminal statute — in other words, a conspiracy to commit a certain crime.

“Anytime you are talking about coordinating or collusion, you are talking about the possibility of conspiracy charges,” said Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University. “But conspiracy is not a crime that floats by itself in the air. There has to be an underlying federal offense that is being conspired to be committed.”!

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510)

Poor little SnowFlake... Don't you think that "Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University" maybe knows more about that law than YOU do?

Just maybe?
11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510)
You are a coward and a fool...don't answer my tough question and like a robot you re post the same ridiculous code that wasn't even violated.
You are a coward and a fool...don't answer my tough question and like a robot you re post the same ridiculous code that wasn't even violated.

A democrat stood up in congress and proposed making foreign interference a federal crime. Let me quote them:

There are citizens of the United States, I blush to admit, born under other flags but welcomed under our generous naturalization laws to the full freedom and opportunity of America, who have poured the poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to bring the authority and good name of our Government into contempt, to destroy our industries wherever they thought it effective for their vindictive purposes to strike at them, and to debase our politics to the uses of foreign intrigue ...

I urge you to enact such laws at the earliest possible moment and feel that in doing so I am urging you to do nothing less than save the honor and self-respect of the nation. Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out.
You are a coward and a fool...don't answer my tough question and like a robot you re post the same ridiculous code that wasn't even violated.

A democrat stood up in congress and proposed making foreign interference a federal crime. Let me quote them:

There are citizens of the United States, I blush to admit, born under other flags but welcomed under our generous naturalization laws to the full freedom and opportunity of America, who have poured the poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to bring the authority and good name of our Government into contempt, to destroy our industries wherever they thought it effective for their vindictive purposes to strike at them, and to debase our politics to the uses of foreign intrigue ...

I urge you to enact such laws at the earliest possible moment and feel that in doing so I am urging you to do nothing less than save the honor and self-respect of the nation. Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out.

I'll take "ad hoc ergo propter hoc" for $400, Alex!

And Woodrow Wilson?

Because the people see through the swamp and will re elect Trump with a landslide again.

Oh...last year''s was a Trump "landslide"?????? The things your can learn from right wing idiots.......LOL

The only landslide was President Reagan's re-election, even Obama supporters tried to make that same claim. Like Nat they're simply delusional, wrapped up in their own little world needing professional help.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.

This is an email released by jr where he is arranging a meeting with someone he believes to be a Russian official because Russia supports trump and wants Hillary to lose and where jr is trying to coordinate when to release this alleged info.

Even if no info really exists I don't see how you can honestly claim this is some leftist tactic
For one, the woman isn't Russian. She's Ukrainian. The email stated there was information against Clinton that may be of interest to the Trump campaign. In other words, opposition information which is disseminated by questionable people in the every election.

You will have to show proof that Jr knew it was a Russian who was going to help his dad. Since that isn't the case.....well....
Goddamn, you are a fucking idiot. The e-mails clearly stated that the Russian government wanted to aid the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

However it's perfectly ok for a government administration to use its power to tap and investigate a private citizen who wants to run for the highest office in the land. This is the standard of election interference the left lives by.
The only landslide was President Reagan's re-election, even Obama supporters tried to make that same claim. Like Nat they're simply delusional, wrapped up in their own little world needing professional help.

ACTUALLY, you and your fellow right wing moron are making false claims about "landslide" victories, since landslide refers to POPULAR votes........LOL

The BIGGEST landslide was:

Warren Harding defeats James Cox, 1920 (26.17% margin)
Say's the one who probably wants the popular vote so that only 2 states (Calf. and New York are the only representation

Well, Peachie-babe.......the term definition.....refers to a VAST majority of popular votes NOT electoral college votes which are fixed.....

My only objection to your fellow right wing moron is his use of "landslide" regarding the fat clown's victory...... lol
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Say's the one who probably wants the popular vote so that only 2 states (Calf. and New York are the only representation

Well, Peachie-babe.......the term definition.....refers to a VAST majority of popular votes NOT electoral college votes which are fixed.....

My only objection to your fellow right wing moron is his use of :landslide" regarding the fat clown's victory...... lol

That means if you think electoral college votes are fixed you want the popular vote
Which means you want only two states with representation and voices.
Talk about morons.
That means if you think electoral college votes are fixed you want the popular vote

NO, moron "fixed" I clearly mean that electoral college votes can ONLY be 538........Maybe you should go back to bed.....
That means if you think electoral college votes are fixed you want the popular vote

NO, moron "fixed" I clearly mean that electoral college votes can ONLY be 538........Maybe you should go back to bed.....

No it was not clear, there are 3 types of definitions the word
Most who use the word means the outcome is dishonest when applied to the electoral college. Not that it is fixed number of votes. We all know it's 538.
No need for insults Mr. high and mighty know it all.

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