So trump cheated and broke the law to win in 2016?

the so called felons donation site crashed because of an overload of donors ... the Marxist left may have just lost the election with their obvious lawfare ..
LOL$ 12 Americans voted to convict him of 34 counts. Some of them were Trump supporters.

trump played the system in 2016. He payed off women, had his buddy Pecker kill stories, and the tried to hide it by falsifying records. He was elected in 2016 through illegal means.

Twice Impeached
Proven sexual abuser
Now 34 felonies

trump may be the death of the repub party.
The organization formerly known as the Republican Party died years ago. The funeral was sparsely attended. There was no eulogy as it was not permitted by the Orange King.

The Trump party is going to be the first major party in history to nominate a convict for president. They are quite thrilled about it.

If you are going to drive your party off a cliff, do it with flames shooting out the windows!
He hid the truth from the American People. You’re not upset about that?

Folks, get ready for a shit load of “whatabout.....”. I guess the whole “Trump is different” argument is no longer operable.
I have come to the conclusion that repubs like to be lied to. They listen to trump and believe him. They listen to FOX news and believe them. They are the epitome of the Animal House episode.

No, there are so many holes in that explanation. First off, if you read the statutes for that federal election crime, it requires that you prove that the person knowingly broke that election law. At no point was it even discussed in that trial. Why would Trump know about some obscure election law? Furthermore, its not illegal to pay hush money, nor should it be. And lastly, Cohen testified that he paid Stormy that money without Trumps knowledge. He later billed Trump for 150k and Trump paid him, then put "for lawyer fees" in his records. That isnt a lie., He paid his lawyer.

You guys made a crime out of nothing. There is nothing immoral anywhere in this. None of this should be criminal and none of you could ever give me a philosophical explanation for why it should be a crime.
Of course, being a devoted trump cult member, you leave out the most important charge. Yes, paying off the porn star is not illegal. But posting it as a "legal expense" is. That is what he was convicted of.

But you will vote for the convicted felon. Have at it, chump.
If that's what it takes to prevent an old fuck from purposely flooding the country with the third-world, then so be it.
The GOP wrote a border bill, the way they wanted it. It would have drastically decreased immigrants crossing from the southern border. TRUMP TOLD THEM NOT TO VOTE FOR THEIR OWN BILL! CAUSE HE IS A POS WHO HATES AMERICA.

trump played the system in 2016. He payed off women, had his buddy Pecker kill stories, and the tried to hide it by falsifying records. He was elected in 2016 through illegal means.

Twice Impeached
Proven sexual abuser
Now 34 felonies

trump may be the death of the repub party.
He engaged in election interference. Hence he accuses Bragg of election interference. Dear Leader is the King of Deflection.

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