So trump cheated and broke the law to win in 2016?

trump played the system in 2016. He payed off women, had his buddy Pecker kill stories, and the tried to hide it by falsifying records. He was elected in 2016 through illegal means.

Twice Impeached
Proven sexual abuser
Now 34 felonies

trump may be the death of the repub party.

trump played the system in 2016. He payed off women, had his buddy Pecker kill stories, and the tried to hide it by falsifying records. He was elected in 2016 through illegal means.

Twice Impeached
Proven sexual abuser
Now 34 felonies

trump may be the death of the repub party.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump beat Crooked Hillary despite massive disadvantages including the media and money.

By the way, it's "Paid" not "Payed". LOL
He broke election laws by falsely recording the money he paid Stormy, which has been proven, as legal fees...when it was to benefit his campaign.
Grabbing a Starbucks on the way to a campaign rally for a little pick me up also benefits his campaign. It's also possible that he just wanted coffee as he had done mornings prior to running for president.
Most NDA won't stand up to legal scrutiny.

Tell me why you feel that way.
Most NDA won't stand up to legal scrutiny.

Tell me why you feel that way.

Limitations of NDAs
Even if a breach of the NDA is identified, it can be difficult to prove damages or to obtain an injunction. Public interest: In some cases, there may be a public interest in disclosing certain information, such as in cases of illegal activity, public health and safety, or government transparency.
Meanwhile, her campaign funded opposition research that created a fake dossier that ended up starting a fake investigation.

Paul Singer ordered the dossier. He's a Republican billionaire.
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I want you to understand what this case is. Most people really dont. Trump paid a girl to keep quiet, which is legal, and a year after winning the election he wrote "for lawyer fees" in his personal records. Can anyone explain to me why any of that is criminal, or even immoral, other than cheating on his wife? Why would we ever want any of that to be illegal? What exactly is the issue?

What is this conviction? Its fuckin crazy! :laugh:
Falsifying business records 34 counts. Pretty simple
Meanwhile, her campaign funded opposition research that created a fake dossier that ended up starting a fake investigation.
Once again. The Dossier did not start an investigation. It had begun months before.

And the Dossier was never even used politically. It only became public knowledge AFTER the election

So just stop

Limitations of NDAs
Even if a breach of the NDA is identified, it can be difficult to prove damages or to obtain an injunction. Public interest: In some cases, there may be a public interest in disclosing certain information, such as in cases of illegal activity, public health and safety, or government transparency.

NDAs are perfectly legal and some have limitations.

Is that all?
Once again. The Dossier did not start an investigation. It had begun months before.

And the Dossier was never even used politically. It only became public knowledge AFTER the election

So just stop

Once again. The Dossier did not start an investigation. It had begun months before.

It's true, the corrupt Obama DOJ was corrupt.
Most NDA won't stand up to legal scrutiny.

Did he pay for NDAs on the front end?

What stopped Trump from bragging about his sexual escapades?
trump could have taken the stand and defended himself. He did not. And the reason he did not is he knows he is lying and he knows if the prosecution got him on the stand he would have to perjure himself.
Meanwhile, her campaign funded opposition research that created a fake dossier that ended up starting a fake investigation.
and he was a Fake president for four years, as he mislead voters by paying off a porn star and then recording it illegally as legal expense when it was really ca campaign expense.
and he was a Fake president for four years, as he mislead voters by paying off a porn star and then recording it illegally as legal expense when it was really ca campaign expense.
We certainly now know that he committed crimes in order to get elected
He broke election laws by falsely recording the money he paid Stormy, which has been proven, as legal fees...when it was to benefit his campaign.
You say he won the 2020 election. Now you say he was not found guilty of falsely reporting money paid to a porn star to keep her quiet as legal expense. You really need to watch something other than FOX news.
We certainly now know that he committed crimes in order to get elected
He mislead voters when he paid Stormy off. The Access Hollywood tape had just come out and he knew another scandal like Stormy would sink his WH chances. He will never admit it, cause he is a lying coward...but that is what happened.

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