Silver Member
- Feb 29, 2016
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If he would frame his points in a different manner I don't think anybody would think that he is racist. Both his rhetoric AND his policy points, however, indicate anywhere from mild to extreme racism.
Take his wanting to build a "wall." Now, he originally assigned this idea in order to keep the "bad people" out...and by "bad people" he directly means Mexicans, specifically referring to them as "rapists" in a general manner. His rhetoric is unbelievably inflammatory and doesn't even attempt to take a more respectful or "higher ground" when referring to people or groups he doesn't like. If you look at the policy behind the wall...again...this infers real contempt for the Mexican people. First of all, if he were to build a wall and use our money and resources to do so in an attempt to create more safety, in general...that is one thing. Here, however, he repeatedly claims that the Mexican government should pay for OUR wall. Directly blaming them as the reason they have to put it up (because, remember, they are "bad people" and "rapists"). Furthermore, if the wall was built to provide more safety from the drug trade that saturates that border (and nobody denies that this is a reality), then the obvious and easiest solution is actually to attack the drug policies that we have implemented in this country...not try to stop a booming trade that every single president before you has attempted to stop...and failed. Instead, of pointing towards a more rational solution proven to work in other countries, he, again, blames the Mexican people.
I mean if you can't see where people can easily see that he's racist...I don't know what to tell you. When you scape goat an entire people as the cause for your problems (he blames them for everything from taking our jobs away, to drugs, to crime) is almost the epitome of racist rhetoric. Now, I will say that a lot of people mistakenly seem to think that Trump is racist towards blacks...I do not believe this to be the case, I've seen him give us no reason to actually lend any credence to this claim. Being racist towards other peoples (Mexicans / Hispanics primarily, but you can also through in Muslims too...although there are some legitimate reasons for his actions), is something that is well documented throughout his current campaign.
Telling criminals and criminal regimes just where they stand in the order of things isn't racist. I think it's hilarious that he puts the fuckchop Mexican presidents in his place. I'm sick of people and politicians who insist we have to bow before scum. You bow if you like, lickspittle...that's what cowards do. But I appreciate those who refuse to, despite the fact that dweebs call them names for it.
I agree. However, calling people criminals and criminal regimes when there is almost no evidence founding those claims...can indeed be easily taken as a racist remark.
I don't care how it's taken. It's not a racist comment.
And please tell me you aren't arguing that the Mexican government isn't criminal. My cousin's husband bounced out of Mexican prison because he was friends with the vp at the time, and he paid off the wardens.
Okay, then please link me to the source that states that the vast majority of Mexican immigrants are criminal, which would mean he made the claim based upon fact and not fiction (thus not falsely accusing an entire people of being something negative that they aren't). I may have missed this statistic, and, if so, I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong.