So Trump is a racist? I think not.

I think, and I am hopeful, that Trump the right thing...but sometimes he.misses. It he is.willing to evaluate his errors and.fix them. I hope so.

At one of the Trump rallies yesterday or befor, Nathan Seim and some veteran stood up and asked Trump if he would srand with the Patriots to bring constitutionality back, and release the.political prisoners being held currently. Trumps squad bundled them out while trump himself jeered.

Gavin Seim was livid and posted online that Trump did NOT stand with the Patriots. So now I guess Trumps campaign manager is asking for.a meeting with the guys who were hauled out and one of the guys in jail. They maintain they thought Seim and the other were commie protesters, and so didn't listen to them hahaha.

We'll see....if he really does speak out for the guys in jail, if he really does say he'll boot the bastard federal whores and goons off public lands...that would be.pretty impressive.

They definitely still are rough around the edges and they don't know all the players that are out there. On that I can't fault them as long as they remedy the situations quickly. There's a forgiveness factor out there for now.

What happened with Corey and that bitch Michelle Fields got totally out of hand and the media got the better of them temporarily. But it took over a week to turn that situation around. I think they should set up a damage control unit for any situations up and coming because we know damn well Trump's taking fire from all sides.

But if they had like a media SWAT team they could nip situations in the bud.
"81% of whites murdered are murdered by Blacks" .. Donald Trump

TRUTH is that 82% of whites murdered are murdered by white people. .. FBI

Without question Trump is a racist.

That being said .. Trump acting racist fits quite nicely in his act. He has no intention of being president .. he just wants to get Hillary elected while destroying what's left of the Republican Party.
No link to your bogus quote?

For 2013, 86% of white murders were done by whites....90% of black murders were done by blacks....I doubt this has changed much.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

If Trump used anywhere near 80%, he likely referred to black on black murders.

You Trump haters are such pitiful liars!
Last edited:
I dont know if he is a racist or not

But I know one thing for a fact; he is an IDIOT... who cant even form a proper sentence...

So there is a good chance;
he seems like a racist when he is not,
or a non racist when he actually is...

If he would frame his points in a different manner I don't think anybody would think that he is racist. Both his rhetoric AND his policy points, however, indicate anywhere from mild to extreme racism.

Take his wanting to build a "wall." Now, he originally assigned this idea in order to keep the "bad people" out...and by "bad people" he directly means Mexicans, specifically referring to them as "rapists" in a general manner. His rhetoric is unbelievably inflammatory and doesn't even attempt to take a more respectful or "higher ground" when referring to people or groups he doesn't like. If you look at the policy behind the wall...again...this infers real contempt for the Mexican people. First of all, if he were to build a wall and use our money and resources to do so in an attempt to create more safety, in general...that is one thing. Here, however, he repeatedly claims that the Mexican government should pay for OUR wall. Directly blaming them as the reason they have to put it up (because, remember, they are "bad people" and "rapists"). Furthermore, if the wall was built to provide more safety from the drug trade that saturates that border (and nobody denies that this is a reality), then the obvious and easiest solution is actually to attack the drug policies that we have implemented in this country...not try to stop a booming trade that every single president before you has attempted to stop...and failed. Instead, of pointing towards a more rational solution proven to work in other countries, he, again, blames the Mexican people.

I mean if you can't see where people can easily see that he's racist...I don't know what to tell you. When you scape goat an entire people as the cause for your problems (he blames them for everything from taking our jobs away, to drugs, to crime) is almost the epitome of racist rhetoric. Now, I will say that a lot of people mistakenly seem to think that Trump is racist towards blacks...I do not believe this to be the case, I've seen him give us no reason to actually lend any credence to this claim. Being racist towards other peoples (Mexicans / Hispanics primarily, but you can also through in Muslims too...although there are some legitimate reasons for his actions), is something that is well documented throughout his current campaign.

If he would frame his points in a different manner I don't think anybody would think that he is racist. Both his rhetoric AND his policy points, however, indicate anywhere from mild to extreme racism.

Take his wanting to build a "wall." Now, he originally assigned this idea in order to keep the "bad people" out...and by "bad people" he directly means Mexicans, specifically referring to them as "rapists" in a general manner. His rhetoric is unbelievably inflammatory and doesn't even attempt to take a more respectful or "higher ground" when referring to people or groups he doesn't like. If you look at the policy behind the wall...again...this infers real contempt for the Mexican people. First of all, if he were to build a wall and use our money and resources to do so in an attempt to create more safety, in general...that is one thing. Here, however, he repeatedly claims that the Mexican government should pay for OUR wall. Directly blaming them as the reason they have to put it up (because, remember, they are "bad people" and "rapists"). Furthermore, if the wall was built to provide more safety from the drug trade that saturates that border (and nobody denies that this is a reality), then the obvious and easiest solution is actually to attack the drug policies that we have implemented in this country...not try to stop a booming trade that every single president before you has attempted to stop...and failed. Instead, of pointing towards a more rational solution proven to work in other countries, he, again, blames the Mexican people.

I mean if you can't see where people can easily see that he's racist...I don't know what to tell you. When you scape goat an entire people as the cause for your problems (he blames them for everything from taking our jobs away, to drugs, to crime) is almost the epitome of racist rhetoric. Now, I will say that a lot of people mistakenly seem to think that Trump is racist towards blacks...I do not believe this to be the case, I've seen him give us no reason to actually lend any credence to this claim. Being racist towards other peoples (Mexicans / Hispanics primarily, but you can also through in Muslims too...although there are some legitimate reasons for his actions), is something that is well documented throughout his current campaign.
What you 'jump to conclusion' people fail to see is that Trump never meant ALL Mexicans are bad people, just as he never meant ALL Muslims are bad people in his idea to temporarily ban Muslim immigrants from entry. He wants the wall to keep out all but those Mexicans that can be vetted to show that they are not criminals. He wants to temporarily ban all Muslims in order to filter out the goddamned terrorists disguising themselves as refugees from oppression.

The wall will have doors through which people in Mexico can enter LEGALLY into the US. The ban on Muslim entry is temporary and intended only to protect US citizens from an onslaught of Muslim assholes like those that have silently invaded Europe and turned once beautiful cities into cesspools.

It's only birdbrain assholes that do not listen to the Mexicans that have THANKED TRUMP for his efforts to keep the lowlifes out....or to the moderate Muslims that AGREE WITH his efforts to keep radical Muslims out.

There is nothing racist about wanting to keep criminals and terrorists out of the country.
Yeah I've never thought he was racist. He doesn't bow before PC bullshit and that works in his favor.

If he would frame his points in a different manner I don't think anybody would think that he is racist. Both his rhetoric AND his policy points, however, indicate anywhere from mild to extreme racism.

Take his wanting to build a "wall." Now, he originally assigned this idea in order to keep the "bad people" out...and by "bad people" he directly means Mexicans, specifically referring to them as "rapists" in a general manner. His rhetoric is unbelievably inflammatory and doesn't even attempt to take a more respectful or "higher ground" when referring to people or groups he doesn't like. If you look at the policy behind the wall...again...this infers real contempt for the Mexican people. First of all, if he were to build a wall and use our money and resources to do so in an attempt to create more safety, in general...that is one thing. Here, however, he repeatedly claims that the Mexican government should pay for OUR wall. Directly blaming them as the reason they have to put it up (because, remember, they are "bad people" and "rapists"). Furthermore, if the wall was built to provide more safety from the drug trade that saturates that border (and nobody denies that this is a reality), then the obvious and easiest solution is actually to attack the drug policies that we have implemented in this country...not try to stop a booming trade that every single president before you has attempted to stop...and failed. Instead, of pointing towards a more rational solution proven to work in other countries, he, again, blames the Mexican people.

I mean if you can't see where people can easily see that he's racist...I don't know what to tell you. When you scape goat an entire people as the cause for your problems (he blames them for everything from taking our jobs away, to drugs, to crime) is almost the epitome of racist rhetoric. Now, I will say that a lot of people mistakenly seem to think that Trump is racist towards blacks...I do not believe this to be the case, I've seen him give us no reason to actually lend any credence to this claim. Being racist towards other peoples (Mexicans / Hispanics primarily, but you can also through in Muslims too...although there are some legitimate reasons for his actions), is something that is well documented throughout his current campaign.

Telling criminals and criminal regimes just where they stand in the order of things isn't racist. I think it's hilarious that he puts the fuckchop Mexican presidents in his place. I'm sick of people and politicians who insist we have to bow before scum. You bow if you like, lickspittle...that's what cowards do. But I appreciate those who refuse to, despite the fact that dweebs call them names for it.
"81% of whites murdered are murdered by Blacks" .. Donald Trump

TRUTH is that 82% of whites murdered are murdered by white people. .. FBI

Without question Trump is a racist.

That being said .. Trump acting racist fits quite nicely in his act. He has no intention of being president .. he just wants to get Hillary elected while destroying what's left of the Republican Party.
No link to your bogus quote?

For 2013, 86% of white murders were done by whites....90% of black murders were done by blacks....I doubt this has changed much.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

If Trump used anywhere near 80%, he likely referred to black on black murders.

You Trump haters are such pitiful liars!

OK asswipe .. post the quote that you think he said .. that doesn't match what planet earth knows he actually said. :0)

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims
Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic
Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic

Media Call Out Donald Trump For Tweeting False, Racially Charged Crime Data
Media Call Out Donald Trump For Tweeting False, Racially Charged Crime Data


If he would frame his points in a different manner I don't think anybody would think that he is racist. Both his rhetoric AND his policy points, however, indicate anywhere from mild to extreme racism.

Take his wanting to build a "wall." Now, he originally assigned this idea in order to keep the "bad people" out...and by "bad people" he directly means Mexicans, specifically referring to them as "rapists" in a general manner. His rhetoric is unbelievably inflammatory and doesn't even attempt to take a more respectful or "higher ground" when referring to people or groups he doesn't like. If you look at the policy behind the wall...again...this infers real contempt for the Mexican people. First of all, if he were to build a wall and use our money and resources to do so in an attempt to create more safety, in general...that is one thing. Here, however, he repeatedly claims that the Mexican government should pay for OUR wall. Directly blaming them as the reason they have to put it up (because, remember, they are "bad people" and "rapists"). Furthermore, if the wall was built to provide more safety from the drug trade that saturates that border (and nobody denies that this is a reality), then the obvious and easiest solution is actually to attack the drug policies that we have implemented in this country...not try to stop a booming trade that every single president before you has attempted to stop...and failed. Instead, of pointing towards a more rational solution proven to work in other countries, he, again, blames the Mexican people.

I mean if you can't see where people can easily see that he's racist...I don't know what to tell you. When you scape goat an entire people as the cause for your problems (he blames them for everything from taking our jobs away, to drugs, to crime) is almost the epitome of racist rhetoric. Now, I will say that a lot of people mistakenly seem to think that Trump is racist towards blacks...I do not believe this to be the case, I've seen him give us no reason to actually lend any credence to this claim. Being racist towards other peoples (Mexicans / Hispanics primarily, but you can also through in Muslims too...although there are some legitimate reasons for his actions), is something that is well documented throughout his current campaign.

Nice logical reason.

I love the way media shapes folks perceptions, don't you?

"81% of whites murdered are murdered by Blacks" .. Donald Trump

TRUTH is that 82% of whites murdered are murdered by white people. .. FBI

Without question Trump is a racist.

That being said .. Trump acting racist fits quite nicely in his act. He has no intention of being president .. he just wants to get Hillary elected while destroying what's left of the Republican Party.
No link to your bogus quote?

For 2013, 86% of white murders were done by whites....90% of black murders were done by blacks....I doubt this has changed much.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

If Trump used anywhere near 80%, he likely referred to black on black murders.

You Trump haters are such pitiful liars!

OK asswipe .. post the quote that you think he said .. that doesn't match what planet earth knows he actually said. :0)

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims
Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic
Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic

Media Call Out Donald Trump For Tweeting False, Racially Charged Crime Data
Media Call Out Donald Trump For Tweeting False, Racially Charged Crime Data

I'm sure all those were retweets. Trump doesn't just make stuff up. He sees stuff that he thinks will generate support from the white nationalists, and he runs with it.

Obama and the MSM have spent so much time using the "divide and rule" method of yanking folks around, this was Trump's strategy to mobilize the Republican base. Any time some rube either made up and misquoted a false stat., he ran with it w/o having his shoe string staff check the stats.

This is why Roger Stone left his campaign. They were tight for decades, but that was a blow out disagreement. Stone thought Trump should get some professionals and that he needed to be more careful and professional in his presentation. Trump thought being a regular old troll like folks on the internet, like a common man would be more effective.

Looks like he was right.

It still might come back to haunt him in the GE if folks actually think he is a racist. The media is pretty good at convincing the gullible that everyone is.

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Is it any wonder he re-tweeted the wrong stats and stereo typed when this is floating out there?

5 Devastating Facts About Black-on-Black Crime
5 Devastating Facts About Black-on-Black Crime - Breitbart

You know when you post something from Breitbart, everyone one just thinks, "That person must be an idiot."

Be smart, don't post links to a fringe site. It only reflects negatively on you.

You know, I rarely agree with you, but you are right. I loath Breitbart as well.

OTH, as the article states, FACTS.

So I went to go take a gander, and they are indeed, just that, facts.

I like to try to avoid fallacies whenever I can. So do try to be a sport and try to avoid them yourself? eh?

Genetic fallacy
Genetic fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"81% of whites murdered are murdered by Blacks" .. Donald Trump

TRUTH is that 82% of whites murdered are murdered by white people. .. FBI

Without question Trump is a racist.

That being said .. Trump acting racist fits quite nicely in his act. He has no intention of being president .. he just wants to get Hillary elected while destroying what's left of the Republican Party.
No link to your bogus quote?

For 2013, 86% of white murders were done by whites....90% of black murders were done by blacks....I doubt this has changed much.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

If Trump used anywhere near 80%, he likely referred to black on black murders.

You Trump haters are such pitiful liars!

OK asswipe .. post the quote that you think he said .. that doesn't match what planet earth knows he actually said. :0)

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims
Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic
Trump Retweets Bogus Crime Graphic

Media Call Out Donald Trump For Tweeting False, Racially Charged Crime Data
Media Call Out Donald Trump For Tweeting False, Racially Charged Crime Data

I'm sure all those were retweets. Trump doesn't just make stuff up. He sees stuff that he thinks will generate support from the white nationalists, and he runs with it.

Obama and the MSM have spent so much time using the "divide and rule" method of yanking folks around, this was Trump's strategy to mobilize the Republican base. Any time some rube either made up and misquoted a false stat., he ran with it w/o having his shoe string staff check the stats.

This is why Roger Stone left his campaign. They were tight for decades, but that was a blow out disagreement. Stone thought Trump should get some professionals and that he needed to be more careful and professional in his presentation. Trump thought being a regular old troll like folks on the internet, like a common man would be more effective.

Looks like he was right.

It still might come back to haunt him in the GE if folks actually think he is a racist. The media is pretty good at convincing the gullible that everyone is.


:0) Snoop Dogg as political pundit. :0) Moronic

Neither Obama nor the media made Trump tweet and retweet incredibly racist bullshit. TRUMP did that all by himself .. and, if he did it to attract other racists. then he's a fucking racist.

.. :0) .. and just so you know .. the Snoop thing is a democrat .. always has been.

Snoop Dogg: I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton
Snoop Dogg: I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton
"81% of whites murdered are murdered by Blacks" .. Donald Trump

TRUTH is that 82% of whites murdered are murdered by white people. .. FBI

Without question Trump is a racist.

That being said .. Trump acting racist fits quite nicely in his act. He has no intention of being president .. he just wants to get Hillary elected while destroying what's left of the Republican Party.

I wonder if that fbi stats are including hispanics in with white people...

THat's a common trick leftist propagandists like to use to lie.
So Trump is a racist? I think not.

Trump is a far left liberal. There were SEVERAL Republican candidates who are far more conservative than Donald Trump.

And so the King of the RINOs was chosen by the chumps not for his Republican or conservative credentials. Nope.

Trump won for one reason, and one reason only: His fearmongering about Mexicans and Muslims.

That is the common theme among the aggregate of his supporters.

Trump is a huckster. A huckster is an expert at telling the rubes what they want to hear. And a very large portion of the pseudo-con community wanted to make scapegoats out of Muslims and Mexicans for their failings in life.

Racism? We can debate about Trump, but as far as his supporters there is little doubt. As the saying goes: Where there is smoke, there is fire.
"81% of whites murdered are murdered by Blacks" .. Donald Trump

TRUTH is that 82% of whites murdered are murdered by white people. .. FBI

Without question Trump is a racist.

That being said .. Trump acting racist fits quite nicely in his act. He has no intention of being president .. he just wants to get Hillary elected while destroying what's left of the Republican Party.

I wonder if that fbi stats are including hispanics in with white people...

THat's a common trick leftist propagandists like to use to lie.

How would that lead to 81% of whites being murdered by black people? Here's a clue .. it doesn't.

Black Hispanics are also included in the black data.

Let me get this straight .. you think the FBI is out to discredit white people as 'leftist propaganda?' :0)
So Trump is a racist? I think not.

Trump is a far left liberal. There were SEVERAL Republican candidates who are far more conservative than Donald Trump.

And so the King of the RINOs was chosen by the chumps not for his Republican or conservative credentials. Nope.

Trump won for one reason, and one reason only: His fearmongering about Mexicans and Muslims.

That is the common theme among the aggregate of his supporters.

Trump is a huckster. A huckster is an expert at telling the rubes what they want to hear. And a very large portion of the pseudo-con community wanted to make scapegoats out of Muslims and Mexicans for their failings in life.

Racism? We can debate about Trump, but as far as his supporters there is little doubt. As the saying goes: Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Personally I think Trump's act is designed to get his good friend, Hillary Clinton elected as president.

In other words, I absolutely agree with you.
Name calling, smears and dirt is all the Democrat party has. I don't think they've had a new strategy in my 45 years of voting.

They aren't selling what the majority of the people want. so Dirty lowdown politics is all they ever do.

With Obama it was the worst I've ever seen: with their attacks against a Woman Governor and even her children. how anyone can support such a party is beyond me
Name calling, smears and dirt is all the Democrat party has. I don't think they've had a new strategy in my 45 years of voting.

They aren't selling what the majority of the people want. so Dirty lowdown politics is all they ever do.

With Obama it was the worst I've ever seen: with their attacks against a Woman Governor and even her children. how anyone can support such a party is beyond me

.. as is intelligence .. beyond you

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