So What Was the Value of Milo's Free Publicity from the Berkeley Riots Last Night?

How much free publicity did Milo get from the Leftwing Riots at Berkeley last night?

  • None at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Probably a few thousand USD worth, no more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tens of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Hundreds of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Millions; the Left just gave Milo a Gold Mine he can exploit for the rest of his life

    Votes: 12 50.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It must be considerable, but I cant find any estimate anywhere.

1) The guy has a book that is already a best seller; how many more books will he sell after all the free attention from the President of the USA himself, not to mention all the libtards defending the violence shown him and other Trump supporters?

2) Milo is an entertainer, like Rush Limbaugh, and he has become not only a person being discussed across the nation and the UK, but he is getting sympathetic publicity as the victim of fascist attacks from the left. He has now pretty much become a household name. What is that worth?

3) Milo now has fans of all conservative students across Western Civilization who have or soon will hear of this man's courage and ability to speak the Truth to power. This will be worth an incredible amount of value in an unending curiosity, a sort of William F Buckley stature among a great many conservatives and libertarians of this young generation.

So what is the total value of all this, from just one stupid ass Dimmocrat riot?
Hopefully a lot. This guy seems to be working wonders with normalizing gay people among American conservatives.
I never heard of him until I saw him on Tucker tonight. He was entertaining and articulate and I would buy his book.
That milo guy looks and acts like the second coming of Liberace. Does he play the piano. lol
That milo guy looks and acts like the second coming of Liberace. Does he play the piano. lol
Roflmao, what an utterly pointless and rankly stupid comment.

Are you a professional clown or do you just do message boards?
You know I think those berkley people went overboard. They should have let him speak just to see how gay his mannerisms are. Body language speaks volumes
You know I think those berkley people went overboard. They should have let him speak just to see how gay his mannerisms are. Body language speaks volumes

So you think only conservative homosexuals have the right to free speech on college campuses if they can parade it around for you?

You are a silly joke of a person.
It must be considerable, but I cant find any estimate anywhere.

1) The guy has a book that is already a best seller; how many more books will he sell after all the free attention from the President of the USA himself, not to mention all the libtards defending the violence shown him and other Trump supporters?

2) Milo is an entertainer, like Rush Limbaugh, and he has become not only a person being discussed across the nation and the UK, but he is getting sympathetic publicity as the victim of fascist attacks from the left. He has now pretty much become a household name. What is that worth?

3) Milo now has fans of all conservative students across Western Civilization who have or soon will hear of this man's courage and ability to speak the Truth to power. This will be worth an incredible amount of value in an unending curiosity, a sort of William F Buckley stature among a great many conservatives and libertarians of this young generation.

So what is the total value of all this, from just one stupid ass Dimmocrat riot?

Spent 1/2 hour after dinner listening to an interview with Milo Yiannapolous. The target of the Beserkely riots. The guy is actually brilliant. Should have been given the Daily Show after Jon Stewart left instead of the dead cheese they found. He's learned how to defuse the Left-Progressive constant accusations that anyone who doesn't support their politics is a bigot, homophobe nazi. And he PLAYS off of the misconceptions and misrepresentations of him in the media.

He's a powerful force. Because he is virtually untouchable and yet so hated. I imagine George Soros has a bounty on his head.

You ever hear the old America child's tale about B'rer Rabbit and the Tar Baby? Now VERY "politically incorrect". Probably banned from childrens' libraries now in the US. BUT -- Milo is the Tar Baby. The more the left attacks him, the more they get stuck and caught in their own hate and hypocrisy..


The only downside is -- he has now weaponized the virus that infects the left. All those years of spineless Conservatives sitting there and being pounded as racist, bigot homophobes and nazis for disagreeing with the leftist goals and policies. And NOW -- from my "bleacher seat" I can see a larger but fairer "civil war" begin...
That milo guy looks and acts like the second coming of Liberace. Does he play the piano. lol
Roflmao, what an utterly pointless and rankly stupid comment.

Are you a professional clown or do you just do message boards?

Yes, lol at your derpiness.

No not me. Milo yes. But not me.
roflmao, no you, totally you.

The funniest part is that you just dont get it.
You know I think those berkley people went overboard. They should have let him speak just to see how gay his mannerisms are. Body language speaks volumes
Holy shit are you actually calling gay mannerisms a thing you can make fun of? Nobody else can point that out but you can, as long as the targeted person is someone you don't agree with.
You ever hear the old America child's tale about B'rer Rabbit and the Tar Baby? Now VERY "politically incorrect". Probably banned from childrens' libraries now in the US. BUT -- Milo is the Tar Baby. The more the left attacks him, the more they get stuck and caught in their own hate and hypocrisy..


You typed "Tar Baby"! That makes you a racist white supremacists who wants to put all dark skinned people into death camps and you probably pull the wings off little butterflies to make Baby Jesus cry!

roflmao, yes, I totally agree with you.

But which is funnier, the left compounding their enemies value through sheer stupidity or the fact that they still just dont get what it is that they are doing?

I cant decide. :eusa_think:
Holy shit are you actually calling gay mannerisms a thing you can make fun of? Nobody else can point that out but you can, as long as the targeted person is someone you don't agree with.
He thinks he has White Liberal Privilege.

One day he may find out otherwise.
You ever hear the old America child's tale about B'rer Rabbit and the Tar Baby? Now VERY "politically incorrect". Probably banned from childrens' libraries now in the US. BUT -- Milo is the Tar Baby. The more the left attacks him, the more they get stuck and caught in their own hate and hypocrisy..


You typed "Tar Baby"! That makes you a racist white supremacists who wants to put all dark skinned people into death camps and you probably pull the wings off little butterflies to make Baby Jesus cry!

roflmao, yes, I totally agree with you.

But which is funnier, the left compounding their enemies value through sheer stupidity or the fact that they still just dont get what it is that they are doing?

I cant decide. :eusa_think:

Does that mean I can now put my Uncle Remus baby books back on the shelf? :biggrin: Seems the "tar baby" analogy applies to a LOT of politics in America lately..

You should have heard it when my loving Black Nanny read it to me as a child...

He IS rather flamboyant about his homosexuality, and that is a big part of his message, that he can be gay and NOT be a prisoner of the left-wing plantation. That's probably WHY the left hates him so much, BECAUSE he's gay, and that makes him MORE DANGEROUS. If Milo were straight, they probably would have let him speak last night because he'd be just another run-of-the-mill conservative.

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