So, what's the problem with Sarah Palin?

I know you're jealous, but I will not kiss your ass.

Can you get me my next red medal? You can do it Caveboy ! . . . it's a clip away!
Give me some RED ! ! ! Or is Sarah, Your only love and you shot your load
and you missed yourself! Geee.. For the love of it all...
You really are a stupid little person.

Yes, I am for reading this thread. I let this little shit go, long ago…..
But please cry on over her Caveman! As I see true limitations of any eyes
opening as you are being played CaveSHEEPboy! And by this married women, Let Todd
do this job, Hmm I don’t see that.. He must be seeing the $$$’ and getting PUSSY. What do you get?
I made you a STUPID picture, you can save it to the desktop and Jerk Off too it. WTF! And try not to
hit yourself in the eyes. And I am stupid? Great..Cleared that up, as my eyes are wide open!

Ps.. I lost a fucking red medal to here.. So give me some RED! CavemanDave!
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All she would have to do is register Democrat and/or promote abortion to become their heroine of the year. And ANY criticism, no matter how mild, from the Right would be declared hate speech.

But because she is conservative, promotes some Republican candidates, and is extremely successful, she must be trashed, denigrated, belittled, demeaned, and made to look as unattractive as possible and the most digusting language, terminology, and imagery is fair game. Just look at Lakhota's post as evidence of how liberals look at people with whom they disagree.

"Promote" abortion?
NO one promotes abortion.
Is it done too often as convenience? Yes and it makes me sick but no one promotes it.

The Obama Administration promotes it.

Sure, just like you promote man ass fucking. See, because like you, I just said it so it must be true you ass-fucker you
All she would have to do is register Democrat and/or promote abortion to become their heroine of the year. And ANY criticism, no matter how mild, from the Right would be declared hate speech.

But because she is conservative, promotes some Republican candidates, and is extremely successful, she must be trashed, denigrated, belittled, demeaned, and made to look as unattractive as possible and the most digusting language, terminology, and imagery is fair game. Just look at Lakhota's post as evidence of how liberals look at people with whom they disagree.

"Promote" abortion?
NO one promotes abortion.
Is it done too often as convenience? Yes and it makes me sick but no one promotes it.

The Obama Administration promotes it.

"Hey, we want you to have an abortion no matter what"
That is promotion.
Show me.
She was a drag on McCain, THEN criticized him. McCain is a fine man, and a Republican I voted for.

Because, you moron, unlike you, conservatives can think for themselves and decide who they want to support. We don't always agree, nor should we.

I know individualism is a difficult concept for you.

Man, it really hurts your widdle feewings that I'm not kissing your ass, doesn't it?

Get used to it, boy. :lol:
Hi DAVE, I don't know I find all this changing every other week of CONSERVATIVE potential Candidates,very confusing,one week it/people say we want Mitt and Fuck the rest of YOU,then its reversed the following week.....a week later someone else again.

Then someone like Palin could re-enter(although now they say she Fucked a black guy)so maybe not and on it goes.

Yet there is such venom between the candidates more over their supporters,how can they then support the eventual candidate who goes on to tackle the President.??????????Please HELP Dave my mind is in much :doubt: about the whole process....steven:cool:
The only people who give a shit about Palin screwing a black guy are drooling idiot leftists. if there was.....

Can you get me my next red medal? You can do it Caveboy ! . . . it's a clip away!
Give me some RED ! ! ! Or is Sarah, Your only love and you shot your load
and you missed yourself! Geee.. For the love of it all...
You really are a stupid little person.

Yes, I am for reading this thread. I let this little shit go, long ago…..
But please cry on over her Caveman! As I see true limitations of any eyes
opening as you are being played CaveSHEEPboy! And by this married women, Let Todd
do this job, Hmm I don’t see that.. He must be seeing the $$$’ and getting PUSSY. What do you get?
I made you a STUPID picture, you can save it to the desktop and Jerk Off too it. WTF! And try not to
hit yourself in the eyes. And I am stupid? Great..Cleared that up, as my eyes are wide open!

Ps.. I lost a fucking red medal to here.. So give me some RED! CavemanDave!
"Promote" abortion?
NO one promotes abortion.
Is it done too often as convenience? Yes and it makes me sick but no one promotes it.

The Obama Administration promotes it.

Sure, just like you promote man ass fucking. See, because like you, I just said it so it must be true you ass-fucker you
Oh, look -- leftist homophobia.

Oh, but wait, let me guess -- some of your best friends are gay, right?
All she would have to do is register Democrat and/or promote abortion to become their heroine of the year. And ANY criticism, no matter how mild, from the Right would be declared hate speech.

But because she is conservative, promotes some Republican candidates, and is extremely successful, she must be trashed, denigrated, belittled, demeaned, and made to look as unattractive as possible and the most digusting language, terminology, and imagery is fair game. Just look at Lakhota's post as evidence of how liberals look at people with whom they disagree.

"Promote" abortion?
NO one promotes abortion.
Is it done too often as convenience? Yes and it makes me sick but no one promotes it.

The Obama Administration promotes it.

That’s just great, Lets add this up shall we!
1.18 million abortions (in 2009) X 325,000 (cost to educate, medical, HUD etc. first 18yrs)= 38,350,000,000 WOW! Let’s say we cut this down by 20%, thats equal like to 30B in savings! That’s a Conservative in action for me! Save the TAX dollar, by spending well real something much on talking about taking some pills. Humm? But, It would be better if they directly provided abortions and the pills free we’d like save 100b ea year. WTF.. WOW!
It's been a long time since I've seen any new posts bitching and moaning about Sarah Palin. What happened? Did all the liberal fuckwads get tired of throwing stones at her?

Yes, the liberal fuckwads got tired, but the evil Alinsky leftwingbatshits still have her on their daily with-hunt, and the moronic libtards dont have enough sense to realize that she makes them look even more stupid, if that is really possible, so they keep on blabbering away like Jimmy 'the Martian Face' Carville on crack.
When the news broke that Sarah once fucked a black guy she lost her base.

Oh yeah, that's exactly why she is the No. #1 most coveted speaker at Tea Party rallies, why her book remained No. 1 on the NYT best sellers list for weeks--it may still be on that list for all I know--and sold more than 2 million copies, why she was solicited as a commentator on Fox News and still gets good reviews there, why her own television reality show on the Learning Channel pulled the largest audience that channel has EVER had, and why she is the keynote speaker at CPAC this weekend.

You people are really pathetic in your hate of her or any successful conservative woman. You should be ashamed of yourself and embarrassed to make stupid statements like that.

All that out going TeaParty support got them all was that bus too? That’s Right Nowhere!

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