So..........Where do Republicans go from here?

The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

Gee, stupid -- where do YOU go from here

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


Lets mark this one up in the "I have no clue what this thread is about" column
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The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

Gee, stupid -- where do YOU go from here

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time


Lets mark this one up in the "I have no clue what this thread is about" collumn

LOL. With Warts, the situation is no clue, period.
Just what America needs - a woman who is responsible for American deaths abroad whose married to an impeached, disbarred, lying under oath adulterer.
That's what you call a patriot?
Get fucked

LOL. Warts, just keep up the resounding nonsense, do it at the top of your voice, offend as many of your fellow Americans as possible, and that will surely get the candidates of your choice more votes:D
The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

I dare to dream 3 , but they are all so obviously thick as bricks ... It's gonna be 1.
If it goes full rino, old guard, they'll wander in the desert for years.

OK. I really think that you should get your oppertunity. Put Cruz and Bachmann on the ballot in 2016. Give America a real choice, and see how that works out.

Y'all must really be afraid of cruz who can actually articulate an argument. I wouldn't trust bachmann any more than you would on the prez ticket.
All signs point to compromise and negotiation in budget talks. They may still think they have some power regarding Obamacare but by 2016, even if they by some miracle take the WH, Obamacare will be entreanched and they won't be able to take it away.

They are still on this issue thanks to the Teaparty but they should really move along.

I think that is the direction Republicans need to go

They need to convince Americans that there is some sanity remaining in the party. Based on the debacle of the last two weeks, the concept of expanded GOP leadership is pretty scary to many Americans. They need to show that there are, in fact, some adults in the room and that they have the TeaTards under control
its not a matter of where Republicans go from here....its a matter of where WE go from here. We the citizens in this country are the ones who lost, not the politicians. Believe me both rep and dem's are going to fair out beautifully, while you pay the price for it.
And you can take that to the Bank. Taxes are going to rise, grocerys higher, gas higher, Obamacare going to ruin you financially. and IRS will have access to your Bank accts. Nice huh?
Where do Republicans go from here?
typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !

This is a put-on right? Pretty funny.
Rightwinger - I think you know "where it will go from here".
2014 will be about Obamacare.
No one, not even you can spin your way out of what has every indication, actually blazing neon flashing signs - showing that it is an utter failure before it even starts.
The basic ACA plan is a horrible plan that is worse than the plans WalMart offers.
Even on the "better" plans, the deductibles are so outrageously high that you would have to have a catastrophic health need before you would get one penny in "coverage".
And oh...that minor little detail that only 36,000 people have signed up when the administration expected 2,000,000 by Oct. 31st. Numbers so low, that not even the website problems can account for such low participation rates.
And when we learn the details of the numbers on November 15th -- about the age wait Rightwinger...then we will see just how big of a disaster it really is.

Republicans ran on Obamacare in 2010 and it paid big dividends
They tried again in 2012 and they crashed and burned

The Health Exchanges take effect in 2014. Over the next few months, people will get signed up even if they have to handjam the policies. You will have people who have been waiting for two years suddenly having health insurance. Republicans running on a "We will take away your health insurance" platform will fail

Worse for Republicans, they overplayed their Obamacare hand in the shutdown. It became blatantly obvious that Republicans have a political agenda when it comes to Obamacare and they don't have Americas best interests at heart

If Republicans put all their eggs once again in the "Ban Obamacare" basket in 2014...they will lose
The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

McJobs, after the next election
#1 and they'll be all kinds of surprised when it backfires on them.

Where do Republicans go from here?
typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !

^ :blowup:
thought this would fit whine on about where the gop
links in article at site


Posted in: Politics Posted: October 15, 2013

Is The Shutdown Actually A Republican Victory? Op-Ed Suggests Radically Alternative Narrative


Republican victory
All of the polls show it: The Republicans are desperately losing the government shutdown battle and they’re embarrassing themselves by continuing to fight. It begs many questions, but most importantly, why does the GOP continue to fight a battle with no clear goal at the expense of not just their party, but the fate of then entire U.S. government?

Maybe it’s because they’re actually winning.

Though the media has largely painted the GOP as the reckless, kamikaze caucus, Peter Beinart argues in a column for The Daily Beast that Republicans are not only in perfect control of the government shutdown fight, but that they’ll win in the long run no matter what happens.

“If this is Republican surrender,” says Beinart, “I hope I never see Republican victory.”

To wit, Beinart points to the previous shutdown battle of 2011 which culminated in the Budget Control Act which agreed to cut spending by $917 billion over ten years. A part of that agreement led to the 2012 sequester, which ended up creating $1.2 trillion in arbitrary cuts. Though most have agreed that these cuts were “harsh” and “brutal,” the GOP managed to get all of the spending cuts it wanted without raising taxes once.

all of it here
Is The Shutdown Actually A Republican Victory? Op-Ed Suggests Radically Alternative Narrative
Lets put Stephanie down for: Double Down
Just what America needs - a woman who is responsible for American deaths abroad whose married to an impeached, disbarred, lying under oath adulterer.
That's what you call a patriot?
Get fucked

And.....what have YOU got that can beat that?

You DO realize you just made us laugh with the realization that your side is even worse. :D
If it goes full rino, old guard, they'll wander in the desert for years.

OK. I really think that you should get your oppertunity. Put Cruz and Bachmann on the ballot in 2016. Give America a real choice, and see how that works out.

Y'all must really be afraid of cruz who can actually articulate an argument. I wouldn't trust bachmann any more than you would on the prez ticket.

Oh my yes. We are terrified of Mr "Green Eggs and Ham". Please don't run him! Please Please Please don't run him! NOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!
The TeaPs will keep spinning their wheels if they concentrate on ACA.

They need to be working on budget negotiations in entitlement and defense reform.

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