So..........Where do Republicans go from here?

I would never have predicted this before last month, but, based on what i have been seeing, i sadly predict that they will double down on stupid. Sure, it makes no sense whatsoever. yet, that seems to be the only thing they know. Besides, the republicans have become so immersed in the culture of "No", that they seem to be unable to think outside that box, and actually embrace any positive stance on any issue or group of people, other than the tea party. It is sad, because the nation needs a two party system, and this is a road to repuiblican failure.
The problem with the OP is it assumes the TPM want to go anywhere. It's not about the cost of obamacare, because if that were the issue, it's addressable through amending legislation. Moreover, had they not shut down the govt, they'd have gotten spending concessions, and the public news story would be about the exchanges actually preventing Obamacare from going into effect. If people can't enroll, the govt can't tax them for not doing so.

It's really about dislike, distrust of ANYTHING the govt does. There is no social or econ issue they can vote yea upon. They weren't gonna pass immigration in the House before, and they sure won't now. They're happy to have mexicans mow their lawns, but citizenship .... forget about that.

McConnell seems intent on not letting this happen again, and I'd guess he and Reid probably split their differences, and pass a bill. The news says the dems "won," but the WH knows there are no winners here.

But the Senate bill won't be the same as any bill Boehner will send him unless they dump the Hassert rule. In a sane world, the House would send a bill with much more cuts and absolutely no revenue, but not mention Obamacare by name. Then, it'd go to conference. But that won't happen. The TPM in the House will do the same exact thing again.

But, it there's a bill that cuts entitlement spending, and at least does SOMETHING about the debt/gnp projections, and the Senate passed it, and Obama says he'll sign it .... the public is not gonna be happy with another TPM shutdown.
The next time the parties duke it out about ACA and the debt ceiling, the tens of millions of gainfully employed Americans who are ignoring this are going to be in shock.

They will have seen their first paychecks of 2014, seen how much their much-less desirable insurance is going to cost them, and will realize what a cluster-fuck ObamaCare really is.

While polling Americans on their opinion of "the political Parties" is usually meaningless, since they do not vote for "parties" but rather "candidates," there have been a few times when the parties' positions have carried the day. November 2014 will be one of those times. One party will be the party that shoved Obamacare down America's throat, and the other party will be the one that tried to save America from it.

TODAY, the Republicans look ridiculous; by springtime they will be golden.

They don't need to change anything.
There is nothing for them to change. Republicans do not actually do anything at all. They drink and play golf and run to congress for photo ops. They don't even have to leave their offices to filibuster and obstruct. Since they don't vote for/against bills or introduce bills except to screw over the working and poor classes, there's not much to interrupt their constant vacations.

I have repeatedly invited rw's to post a link to accomplishments by Republicans and so far, not one link has been posted.

I have also searched and have found this -

Political Irony ? Shortest List Ever ? Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

The next time the parties duke it out about ACA and the debt ceiling, the tens of millions of gainfully employed Americans who are ignoring this are going to be in shock.

They will have seen their first paychecks of 2014, seen how much their much-less desirable insurance is going to cost them, and will realize what a cluster-fuck ObamaCare really is.

While polling Americans on their opinion of "the political Parties" is usually meaningless, since they do not vote for "parties" but rather "candidates," there have been a few times when the parties' positions have carried the day. November 2014 will be one of those times. One party will be the party that shoved Obamacare down America's throat, and the other party will be the one that tried to save America from it.

TODAY, the Republicans look ridiculous; by springtime they will be golden.

They don't need to change anything.

Another one for "Double Down".
The next time the parties duke it out about ACA and the debt ceiling, the tens of millions of gainfully employed Americans who are ignoring this are going to be in shock.

They will have seen their first paychecks of 2014, seen how much their much-less desirable insurance is going to cost them, and will realize what a cluster-fuck ObamaCare really is.

While polling Americans on their opinion of "the political Parties" is usually meaningless, since they do not vote for "parties" but rather "candidates," there have been a few times when the parties' positions have carried the day. November 2014 will be one of those times. One party will be the party that shoved Obamacare down America's throat, and the other party will be the one that tried to save America from it.

TODAY, the Republicans look ridiculous; by springtime they will be golden.

They don't need to change anything.

Your honor, I rest my case....
The next time the parties duke it out about ACA and the debt ceiling, the tens of millions of gainfully employed Americans who are ignoring this are going to be in shock.

They will have seen their first paychecks of 2014, seen how much their much-less desirable insurance is going to cost them, and will realize what a cluster-fuck ObamaCare really is.

While polling Americans on their opinion of "the political Parties" is usually meaningless, since they do not vote for "parties" but rather "candidates," there have been a few times when the parties' positions have carried the day. November 2014 will be one of those times. One party will be the party that shoved Obamacare down America's throat, and the other party will be the one that tried to save America from it.

TODAY, the Republicans look ridiculous; by springtime they will be golden.

They don't need to change anything.

So we have another Republican advocating that 2014 be about Obamacare. The "all your eggs in one basket" approach is highly risky

It is betting that Obamacare will not only fail but fail spectacularly. I mean, ALL the rightwing media says it will

Problem for Republicans is you overplayed your Obamacare hand with the shutdown. I doubt if the public will trust you on the issue
Where do Republicans go from here?
typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !
And so, what does the republican party have to offer America? How about an increase in the number of people living in poverty. How about increases in the number of children going to bed hungry. How about the end of Head Start programs that cripple our education system. How about a party that wants to make women into second class citizens and take away their right to make choices regarding their own bodies. How about a party dedicated to taking the vote away from fellow Americans. How about a party that never met a war it didn't like. How about a party that spends like crazy while in power but then screams about spending when out of power. How about a party that believes in the minority controlling the majority. How about a party that believes lying and using misinformation to achieve their goals is patriotic. How about a party that is dedicated to helping the wealthy and ignoring the needy. How about a party that will work for itself but not for America. How about a party that wants to destroy a healthcare system that will cut costs while giving 30 million people a chance to get health insurance for the first time. How about a party that believes it is patriotic to kill every single bill offered by the other party even when those bills are good for ALL Americans. How about a party that believes it is acceptable to hold America hostage to get it's way. How about a party who refuses to live by the Constitution and believes it can ignore any laws it wishes. How about a party that is controlled by fear of not being elected to office. How about a party that believes only whites should rule the country or be allowed to vote. That is what the republicans offer America. NO THANK YOU!
Where do Republicans go from here?
typical liberal bullshit :up:

where we go from here is still trying our damn best to keep this once great country from becoming the pie-in-the-sky utopia you commies so damn desperately want and need, if you bassturds had any sense of patriotism you would join us in defeating these unpatriotic communistic Obozocare and debt ceiling rises.., don't you Obozoites know you are going to pay and pay big time for your, "His Holinesscare" ??

i really need some serious enlightenment about why you people defend something that is actually hurting you socially, financially and politically......., explain please !
And so, what does the republican party have to offer America? How about an increase in the number of people living in poverty. How about increases in the number of children going to bed hungry. How about the end of Head Start programs that cripple our education system. How about a party that wants to make women into second class citizens and take away their right to make choices regarding their own bodies. How about a party dedicated to taking the vote away from fellow Americans. How about a party that never met a war it didn't like. How about a party that spends like crazy while in power but then screams about spending when out of power. How about a party that believes in the minority controlling the majority. How about a party that believes lying and using misinformation to achieve their goals is patriotic. How about a party that is dedicated to helping the wealthy and ignoring the needy. How about a party that will work for itself but not for America. How about a party that wants to destroy a healthcare system that will cut costs while giving 30 million people a chance to get health insurance for the first time. How about a party that believes it is patriotic to kill every single bill offered by the other party even when those bills are good for ALL Americans. How about a party that believes it is acceptable to hold America hostage to get it's way. How about a party who refuses to live by the Constitution and believes it can ignore any laws it wishes. How about a party that is controlled by fear of not being elected to office. How about a party that believes only whites should rule the country or be allowed to vote. That is what the republicans offer America. NO THANK YOU!

Republicans MUST lose - forever - those who seeing the political wind, let their already questionable soft spine turn into jelly, like twice loser John McCain, whose "heroism" and political acuity was amply illustrated by being captured by illiterate Viet Congs, losers like McCain boot licker Lindsay Graham, back stabbers like Peter King, Bob Corker, pork loaders like Mitch McConnell and the rest of the so called Republican caucus, whose only ambition is to get re-elected and get rich at tax payers' expense.

When these losers and all those who are like these are primaried out maybe then the GOP can start the recovery.
Next up on the agenda is immigration reform. Under normal circumstances, I would predict that the republicans will succed in the alientation of every American with a Hispanic heritage. However, they have already done that, so I guess it will be "steady as she goes' through this issue.
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So, from the astute USMB Republican minds I have seen so far, they seem to be pushing for an Obamacare sucks campaign in 2014

While there is no doubt that it worked beyond their wildest dreams in 2010. Efforts since then have failed spectacularly. Given how their latest Kill Obamacare attempt blew up in their faces, I would question why Republicans would continue on this track

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