So..........Where do Republicans go from here?

What is ironic is that our PRESENT health insurance system is failing. Companies can not afford to pay for what is paid for by the government through taxes in every other industrialized nation on the planet. Every insured American under age 65 is at the total mercy of his employer.

Very true

Look at the number of bankruptcies due to healthcare bills in the US vs the rest of the world. Look at the number of Americans whose only healthcare option was emergency rooms. Look at the number of self employed and people who work for small companies who have few affordable options

THAT is a failure of the healthcare system not having an agravating website
Good - what's the plan? I mean... AFTER you get done snarling and name-calling ?

Well, shitstick, Obama is problem #1. Can you figure it out from there, or do you need a calculator, flashlight and a roadmap.

So what's your plan?

Warbler isn't articulate enough for a plan. All he does is neg people and send them messages with the word "penis" in it at least 3 times, often asking if you will perform sexual acts on him.
it's interesting imo that the chant has changed from Freedom Works and Heritage "we must stop obamacare before it starts because once the gummit hands out tax credits, the voters will never give them back ... look at soc sec and medicare...."


TPM "it's such a disaster, we must use any means necessary to prevent it going into effect because if it starts THE NATION WILL PERISH"

hINT we lost between 5 and 10 TRILLION IN IRAQ.

Vietnam didn't sink us.

The Japanese economy didn't take over the world.

It's just a stupid law for JFC sake.

I think Republican Hyperbole about Obamacare has destroyed their credibility. Obamacare is worse than the Holocaust, it is worse than 9-11, it is Socialism, it will lead us to Communism

Its just Health is not the end of the world as we know it

The public is not buying it

Well, the TPM is simply lying. They're afraid to tell voters that their real belief is they are so "low information" they'll take tax credits even if its more debt that will kill us. People see it as a lie. Then the TPM tries the selective funding bills to convince "low information folks" that they didn't shut down the govt. People see a second lie. So, the TPM loses credibilty with those who don't view people as inherently being too stupid to think debt doesn't matter. Moreover, the TPM sees every Obama voter as being "low information," so their numbers aren't gonna be good.

Meanwhile, the govt designed internet exchanges don't work. But, when you're real message is your fellow citizen is too stupid to not use crack, it's a little bit hard to say we need to change the law to let private markets run the thing.
So, from the astute USMB Republican minds I have seen so far, they seem to be pushing for an Obamacare sucks campaign in 2014

While there is no doubt that it worked beyond their wildest dreams in 2010. Efforts since then have failed spectacularly. Given how their latest Kill Obamacare attempt blew up in their faces, I would question why Republicans would continue on this track

During the postwar years the Democratic Party owned the majority consensus. Even Republican Presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal, massive infrastructure investment, and FDRs regulatory structure. The American middle class had the world's highest wages, and economic growth reached its apex in the 50s-60s. And conservative families were happy because the dad's high union wages/benefits allowed the mom to stay home and raise the kids.

BUT... From a policy perspective, Conservatives were in the wilderness. Big Government and the New Deal were firmly in charge, especially in the Solid South which was filled with Dixiecrats.

As a result, the GOP lacked a large dependable coalition for winning elections and pushing through their policies. So they waited for an opening, and that was the Civil Rights Act, which gave Movement Conservatism a way to exploit white backlash over the fact that an intrusive Fed was forcing private businesses to accept blacks.

But it wasn't just race. Movement Conservatism used this as a springboard to create a Backlash Machine which exploited the fears and bigotry of all under educated whites. It convinced these poor souls that blacks and Mexicans and gays and feminists and Muslims and welfare queens and atheists and liberals had stolen their country. It used conservatism as a populism, as men like Karl Rove mad fun of evangelicals in the back of the house. It was a scam created by men like Ronald Reagan who never stepped foot in a church before running for president.

And it worked. They created a home for hate and bigotry and turned the stupid into useful idiots who would do the bidding of the large corporations that owned the GOP and shipped America's middle class jobs to China.

Well, to be honest about it, Clinton signed the big trade deals like Nafta that sent the jobs to low wage countries. George bush sr. probably wouldn't have been able to push it through like Clinton did had he won the white house in 1992. So called liberals like Biden signed onto Nafta also. So democrats are not as pure as the driven snow either that's for sure.
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Just what America needs - a woman who is responsible for American deaths abroad whose married to an impeached, disbarred, lying under oath adulterer.
That's what you call a patriot?
Get fucked

And.....what have YOU got that can beat that?

You DO realize you just made us laugh with the realization that your side is even worse. :D

Hi, you have received -2881 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Speaking of shitsticks, why don\'t you log the fuck off and go floss Obama\'s turds out from between your carpet-munching nasty-assed teeth. I can smell your skanked breath all the way over here on the eastern seaboard, bitch.


Note: This is an automated message.

The Truth hurts, doesn't it, Warbler. :D
So, from the astute USMB Republican minds I have seen so far, they seem to be pushing for an Obamacare sucks campaign in 2014

While there is no doubt that it worked beyond their wildest dreams in 2010. Efforts since then have failed spectacularly. Given how their latest Kill Obamacare attempt blew up in their faces, I would question why Republicans would continue on this track

During the postwar years the Democratic Party owned the majority consensus. Even Republican Presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal, massive infrastructure investment, and FDRs regulatory structure. The American middle class had the world's highest wages, and economic growth reached its apex in the 50s-60s. And conservative families were happy because the dad's high union wages/benefits allowed the mom to stay home and raise the kids.

BUT... From a policy perspective, Conservatives were in the wilderness. Big Government and the New Deal were firmly in charge, especially in the Solid South which was filled with Dixiecrats.

As a result, the GOP lacked a large dependable coalition for winning elections and pushing through their policies. So they waited for an opening, and that was the Civil Rights Act, which gave Movement Conservatism a way to exploit white backlash over the fact that an intrusive Fed was forcing private businesses to accept blacks.

But it wasn't just race. Movement Conservatism used this as a springboard to create a Backlash Machine which exploited the fears and bigotry of all under educated whites. It convinced these poor souls that blacks and Mexicans and gays and feminists and Muslims and welfare queens and atheists and liberals had stolen their country. It used conservatism as a populism, as men like Karl Rove mad fun of evangelicals in the back of the house. It was a scam created by men like Ronald Reagan who never stepped foot in a church before running for president.

And it worked. They created a home for hate and bigotry and turned the stupid into useful idiots who would do the bidding of the large corporations that owned the GOP and shipped America's middle class jobs to China.

Well, to be honest about it, Clinton signed the big trade deals like Nafta that sent the jobs to low wage countries. George bush sr. probably wouldn't have been able to push it through like Clinton did had he won the white house in 1992. So called liberals like Biden signed onto Nafta also. So democrats are not as pure as the driven snow either that's for sure.

You are absolutely correct (imho). There are none without sin. That's for sure.
Given the number of gop senators looking at tea party primary fights, they might be looking at heading back to scrambling for 40 seats. )-:

Seriously, Hillary with 60 senators and the House is not unthinkable. So, the gop may be headed for the outhouse
But as to the actual thread topic.
I think "Where the GOP goes from here" turns on one question. What do they do about the Tea Party? Just climb on board with them 100%, try to humor them, or distance themselves ....
All roads have speed bumps, but which are te smallest?
Just what America needs - a woman who is responsible for American deaths abroad whose married to an impeached, disbarred, lying under oath adulterer.
That's what you call a patriot?
Get fucked

And.....what have YOU got that can beat that?

You DO realize you just made us laugh with the realization that your side is even worse. :D

Hi, you have received -2881 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Speaking of shitsticks, why don\'t you log the fuck off and go floss Obama\'s turds out from between your carpet-munching nasty-assed teeth. I can smell your skanked breath all the way over here on the eastern seaboard, bitch.


Note: This is an automated message.

The Truth hurts, doesn't it, Warbler. :D

The man is a charmer

I can see why all the conservative chicks dig him
The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

#3 would be best.

In fact, a whole strategy can be worked out by talking to the Dems between CRs and re-shaping it to include cuts.

Instead of attacking Democrats, they promote the old tried and true policy of cutting budgets, tax cuts for growth and tell people where they are focusing the cuts on. Of course they should be careful in this, as we see that attacking Obamacare directly did not pan out to well for the GOP politically.

By the time the 2014 election roll around, more of the citizenry will tire of the excessive deficits and debt and the GOP would look like a sensible choice. The shutdown of 2013 is no more than a footnote.
Of course, this is my opinion of what the GOP should do. They probably won't, though.

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