So..........Where do Republicans go from here?

The next time the parties duke it out about ACA and the debt ceiling, the tens of millions of gainfully employed Americans who are ignoring this are going to be in shock.

They will have seen their first paychecks of 2014, seen how much their much-less desirable insurance is going to cost them, and will realize what a cluster-fuck ObamaCare really is.

While polling Americans on their opinion of "the political Parties" is usually meaningless, since they do not vote for "parties" but rather "candidates," there have been a few times when the parties' positions have carried the day. November 2014 will be one of those times. One party will be the party that shoved Obamacare down America's throat, and the other party will be the one that tried to save America from it.

TODAY, the Republicans look ridiculous; by springtime they will be golden.

They don't need to change anything.
And it is thinking like this that will lead to the republican failure. Do you really think that Democratic candidates will not be screaming about this come election time? The thing is this, IF Obamacare is going to be the failure you predict why did the republicans blow $24 billion in taxpayer money and their reputation to try to end it? You are living in a bubble and the 24% rating of your party will not improve until your party improves. It is people like you, unable to see themselves for what they are and unable to change that will be the death of the republicans. Good riddance to you.
I am puzzled by the stay the course tactics of our USMB Republicans. I guess it comes with being Conservative. After beating the Obamacare dead horse for three years and losing time and again, you would think that Republicans would choose a new track

How do you propose shaking off that 24% approval rating by beating the same Obamacare drum that got you there in the first place?
it's interesting imo that the chant has changed from Freedom Works and Heritage "we must stop obamacare before it starts because once the gummit hands out tax credits, the voters will never give them back ... look at soc sec and medicare...."


TPM "it's such a disaster, we must use any means necessary to prevent it going into effect because if it starts THE NATION WILL PERISH"

hINT we lost between 5 and 10 TRILLION IN IRAQ.

Vietnam didn't sink us.

The Japanese economy didn't take over the world.

It's just a stupid law for JFC sake.
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All signs point to compromise and negotiation in budget talks. They may still think they have some power regarding Obamacare but by 2016, even if they by some miracle take the WH, Obamacare will be entreanched and they won't be able to take it away.

They are still on this issue thanks to the Teaparty but they should really move along.

I agree with you, but if the GOP does begin showing colors of compromise and even reality, I will be shocked. They are still reeling from their botched shutdown fiasco. Soon they will have to decide what to do with immigration reform.

If they let it die or do nothing, they are cooked and will be putting Texas in the purple color. It is an easy choice for the GOP. They can tell the TP to take a walk and survive or they can keep moving to the far right and risk extinction.

Karl Rove knows that. He will be fighting to keep the loony Baggers out of the primaries next year. I cannot wait to see the battle!
OK. I really think that you should get your oppertunity. Put Cruz and Bachmann on the ballot in 2016. Give America a real choice, and see how that works out.

Y'all must really be afraid of cruz who can actually articulate an argument. I wouldn't trust bachmann any more than you would on the prez ticket.

Oh my yes. We are terrified of Mr "Green Eggs and Ham". Please don't run him! Please Please Please don't run him! NOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!

Thanks bod, you've proven my point. Lol.
Republicans ran on Obamacare in 2010 and it paid big dividends
They tried again in 2012 and they crashed and burned

The Health Exchanges take effect in 2014. Over the next few months, people will get signed up even if they have to handjam the policies. You will have people who have been waiting for two years suddenly having health insurance. Republicans running on a "We will take away your health insurance" platform will fail

Worse for Republicans, they overplayed their Obamacare hand in the shutdown. It became blatantly obvious that Republicans have a political agenda when it comes to Obamacare and they don't have Americas best interests at heart

If Republicans put all their eggs once again in the "Ban Obamacare" basket in 2014...they will lose

Reps were burned on running against Obamacare in the last election because people actually thought Obamacare was a good thing. Now they KNOW what it is. And that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
You keep saying "health coverage" couldn't be more wrong. Coverage is not coverage if you never get any bills paid by the plan. You keep ignoring this.
A person who is 30 years old, very healthy and is underemployed like so man millions others are, who is living VERY close to their paycheck - will never, not today not tomorrow voluntarily pay out $3500 a year with zero expectation of getting anything in return for it. Will not happen.
Like I say - I will be glad to expand on this discussion on November 16th when we will get the real numbers including age group participation. The critically important young participation will simply NOT be there. And for those of this group that are - WILL BE SUBSIDIZED...which further hurts the exchange.
Republicans ran on Obamacare in 2010 and it paid big dividends
They tried again in 2012 and they crashed and burned

The Health Exchanges take effect in 2014. Over the next few months, people will get signed up even if they have to handjam the policies. You will have people who have been waiting for two years suddenly having health insurance. Republicans running on a "We will take away your health insurance" platform will fail

Worse for Republicans, they overplayed their Obamacare hand in the shutdown. It became blatantly obvious that Republicans have a political agenda when it comes to Obamacare and they don't have Americas best interests at heart

If Republicans put all their eggs once again in the "Ban Obamacare" basket in 2014...they will lose

Reps were burned on running against Obamacare in the last election because people actually thought Obamacare was a good thing. Now they KNOW what it is. And that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
You keep saying "health coverage" couldn't be more wrong. Coverage is not coverage if you never get any bills paid by the plan. You keep ignoring this.
A person who is 30 years old, very healthy and is underemployed like so man millions others are, who is living VERY close to their paycheck - will never, not today not tomorrow voluntarily pay out $3500 a year with zero expectation of getting anything in return for it. Will not happen.
Like I say - I will be glad to expand on this discussion on November 16th when we will get the real numbers including age group participation. The critically important young participation will simply NOT be there. And for those of this group that are - WILL BE SUBSIDIZED...which further hurts the exchange.

You are speaking in terms of hope. You HOPE the ACA will fail. You HOPE that people will not be able to sign up. That is the only HOPE that the GOP has. They are a party that HOPES the economy will crash or that we will fall into another recession. That is sad.

You dwell on and HOPE for the worst. It must be tortuous to be in such pain day after day.
Republicans ran on Obamacare in 2010 and it paid big dividends
They tried again in 2012 and they crashed and burned

The Health Exchanges take effect in 2014. Over the next few months, people will get signed up even if they have to handjam the policies. You will have people who have been waiting for two years suddenly having health insurance. Republicans running on a "We will take away your health insurance" platform will fail

Worse for Republicans, they overplayed their Obamacare hand in the shutdown. It became blatantly obvious that Republicans have a political agenda when it comes to Obamacare and they don't have Americas best interests at heart

If Republicans put all their eggs once again in the "Ban Obamacare" basket in 2014...they will lose

Reps were burned on running against Obamacare in the last election because people actually thought Obamacare was a good thing. Now they KNOW what it is. And that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
You keep saying "health coverage" couldn't be more wrong. Coverage is not coverage if you never get any bills paid by the plan. You keep ignoring this.
A person who is 30 years old, very healthy and is underemployed like so man millions others are, who is living VERY close to their paycheck - will never, not today not tomorrow voluntarily pay out $3500 a year with zero expectation of getting anything in return for it. Will not happen.
Like I say - I will be glad to expand on this discussion on November 16th when we will get the real numbers including age group participation. The critically important young participation will simply NOT be there. And for those of this group that are - WILL BE SUBSIDIZED...which further hurts the exchange.

Again you are listening to the Republican echo chamber. Depending on what state you live in, some of the Exchange rates are very good or very bad. If you can find better coverage on the open are welcome to try
For most Americans, Obamacare will have little to no impact. They keep their company paid plans and go about their lives

That is why I question why Republicans would make Obamacare a one trick pony issue for 2014
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The fine for a person described above is like $100 a YEAR. I don't agree with it. And people may want to change it. But it's not like the govt drafted the guy and sent him to Vietnam.
The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

If they want to do something popular, I suggest mass suicide. My only question is, which campaign-finance kleptocrat will get the contract to sell the Kool Aid?
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The recent shutdown debacle has brought Republican Party approval down to 24%. The 2014 elections are still a year away. What do Republicans do between now and then to recover?

1. Double down: Move farther to the right, continue to attack Obamacare, shutdown government again in January

2. Lay Low: A year can be a long time and Americans are known to be easily distracted. Keep a low profile for six months and then come back with a cut taxes, ban abortion, fight gay marriage and protect guns agenda

3. Go on the offensive: Start chasing votes. Push an effective jobs bill. Work on immigration reform. Push fiscal responsibility. Rebrand the party

If they want to do something popular, I suggest mass suicide. My only question is, which campaign-finance kleptocrat will get the contract to sell the Kool Aid?

That was out of line. Where do you get off suggesting the opposing party commit mass suicide? You sick freak. Negged. Making a passive reference to that mass suicide Jonestown. Ironically, James Jones was a liberal.
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Republicans ran on Obamacare in 2010 and it paid big dividends
They tried again in 2012 and they crashed and burned

The Health Exchanges take effect in 2014. Over the next few months, people will get signed up even if they have to handjam the policies. You will have people who have been waiting for two years suddenly having health insurance. Republicans running on a "We will take away your health insurance" platform will fail

Worse for Republicans, they overplayed their Obamacare hand in the shutdown. It became blatantly obvious that Republicans have a political agenda when it comes to Obamacare and they don't have Americas best interests at heart

If Republicans put all their eggs once again in the "Ban Obamacare" basket in 2014...they will lose

Reps were burned on running against Obamacare in the last election because people actually thought Obamacare was a good thing. Now they KNOW what it is. And that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
You keep saying "health coverage" couldn't be more wrong. Coverage is not coverage if you never get any bills paid by the plan. You keep ignoring this.
A person who is 30 years old, very healthy and is underemployed like so man millions others are, who is living VERY close to their paycheck - will never, not today not tomorrow voluntarily pay out $3500 a year with zero expectation of getting anything in return for it. Will not happen.
Like I say - I will be glad to expand on this discussion on November 16th when we will get the real numbers including age group participation. The critically important young participation will simply NOT be there. And for those of this group that are - WILL BE SUBSIDIZED...which further hurts the exchange.

Again you are listening to the Republican echo chamber. Depending on what state you live in, some of the Exchange rates are very good or very bad. If you can find better coverage on the open are welcome to try
For most Americans, Obamacare will have little to no impact. They keep their company paid plans and go about their lives

That is why I question why Republicans wwould make Obamacare a one trick pony issue for 2014

It is becoming more and more obvious that the Repubs are more afraid that the ACA will be successful than they are that it will fail.

If they are so sure it will fail, why don't they let it? Won't it help them in 2014? And the way it looks right now, they will need all the help they can get.
Reps were burned on running against Obamacare in the last election because people actually thought Obamacare was a good thing. Now they KNOW what it is. And that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
You keep saying "health coverage" couldn't be more wrong. Coverage is not coverage if you never get any bills paid by the plan. You keep ignoring this.
A person who is 30 years old, very healthy and is underemployed like so man millions others are, who is living VERY close to their paycheck - will never, not today not tomorrow voluntarily pay out $3500 a year with zero expectation of getting anything in return for it. Will not happen.
Like I say - I will be glad to expand on this discussion on November 16th when we will get the real numbers including age group participation. The critically important young participation will simply NOT be there. And for those of this group that are - WILL BE SUBSIDIZED...which further hurts the exchange.

Again you are listening to the Republican echo chamber. Depending on what state you live in, some of the Exchange rates are very good or very bad. If you can find better coverage on the open are welcome to try
For most Americans, Obamacare will have little to no impact. They keep their company paid plans and go about their lives

That is why I question why Republicans wwould make Obamacare a one trick pony issue for 2014

It is becoming more and more obvious that the Repubs are more afraid that the ACA will be successful than they are that it will fail.

If they are so sure it will fail, why don't they let it? Won't it help them in 2014? And the way it looks right now, they will need all the help they can get.

How is it successful? Interesting, your travesty of a website should be a bad omen.

Regardless of what Republicans do, it will fail on it's own. And when it does it will leave a giant crater in our healthcare system. Who will pick up the pieces?
Reps were burned on running against Obamacare in the last election because people actually thought Obamacare was a good thing. Now they KNOW what it is. And that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
You keep saying "health coverage" couldn't be more wrong. Coverage is not coverage if you never get any bills paid by the plan. You keep ignoring this.
A person who is 30 years old, very healthy and is underemployed like so man millions others are, who is living VERY close to their paycheck - will never, not today not tomorrow voluntarily pay out $3500 a year with zero expectation of getting anything in return for it. Will not happen.
Like I say - I will be glad to expand on this discussion on November 16th when we will get the real numbers including age group participation. The critically important young participation will simply NOT be there. And for those of this group that are - WILL BE SUBSIDIZED...which further hurts the exchange.

Again you are listening to the Republican echo chamber. Depending on what state you live in, some of the Exchange rates are very good or very bad. If you can find better coverage on the open are welcome to try
For most Americans, Obamacare will have little to no impact. They keep their company paid plans and go about their lives

That is why I question why Republicans wwould make Obamacare a one trick pony issue for 2014

It is becoming more and more obvious that the Repubs are more afraid that the ACA will be successful than they are that it will fail.

If they are so sure it will fail, why don't they let it? Won't it help them in 2014? And the way it looks right now, they will need all the help they can get.

I understand that come Nov 2014, Republicans will be screaming Obamacare fail, Fail, FAIL at the top of their lungs
Much the same way Republicans screamed Obama is the worst president in history!

Americans just listen and smirk. Republicans being Republicans. After the shutdown debacle, the lack of Republican objectivity when it comes to Obamacare became painfully obvious.

Americans just don't believe Republicans anymore
Again you are listening to the Republican echo chamber. Depending on what state you live in, some of the Exchange rates are very good or very bad. If you can find better coverage on the open are welcome to try
For most Americans, Obamacare will have little to no impact. They keep their company paid plans and go about their lives

That is why I question why Republicans wwould make Obamacare a one trick pony issue for 2014

It is becoming more and more obvious that the Repubs are more afraid that the ACA will be successful than they are that it will fail.

If they are so sure it will fail, why don't they let it? Won't it help them in 2014? And the way it looks right now, they will need all the help they can get.

How is it successful? Interesting, your travesty of a website should be a bad omen.

Regardless of what Republicans do, it will fail on it's own. And when it does it will leave a giant crater in our healthcare system. Who will pick up the pieces?

Where do you get your health insurance?
Republicans ran on Obamacare in 2010 and it paid big dividends
They tried again in 2012 and they crashed and burned

The Health Exchanges take effect in 2014. Over the next few months, people will get signed up even if they have to handjam the policies. You will have people who have been waiting for two years suddenly having health insurance. Republicans running on a "We will take away your health insurance" platform will fail

Worse for Republicans, they overplayed their Obamacare hand in the shutdown. It became blatantly obvious that Republicans have a political agenda when it comes to Obamacare and they don't have Americas best interests at heart

If Republicans put all their eggs once again in the "Ban Obamacare" basket in 2014...they will lose

Reps were burned on running against Obamacare in the last election because people actually thought Obamacare was a good thing. Now they KNOW what it is. And that is not a good thing for the Democrats.
You keep saying "health coverage" couldn't be more wrong. Coverage is not coverage if you never get any bills paid by the plan. You keep ignoring this.
A person who is 30 years old, very healthy and is underemployed like so man millions others are, who is living VERY close to their paycheck - will never, not today not tomorrow voluntarily pay out $3500 a year with zero expectation of getting anything in return for it. Will not happen.
Like I say - I will be glad to expand on this discussion on November 16th when we will get the real numbers including age group participation. The critically important young participation will simply NOT be there. And for those of this group that are - WILL BE SUBSIDIZED...which further hurts the exchange.

You are speaking in terms of hope. You HOPE the ACA will fail. You HOPE that people will not be able to sign up. That is the only HOPE that the GOP has. They are a party that HOPES the economy will crash or that we will fall into another recession. That is sad.

You dwell on and HOPE for the worst. It must be tortuous to be in such pain day after day.

Those who get their news from the rightwing echo chamber accept that Obamacare is a disaster as FACT. I mean every guest expert on Fox says so. Rush Limbaugh and all his caller say so. Even Sarah Palin says so

It must be true
it's interesting imo that the chant has changed from Freedom Works and Heritage "we must stop obamacare before it starts because once the gummit hands out tax credits, the voters will never give them back ... look at soc sec and medicare...."


TPM "it's such a disaster, we must use any means necessary to prevent it going into effect because if it starts THE NATION WILL PERISH"

hINT we lost between 5 and 10 TRILLION IN IRAQ.

Vietnam didn't sink us.

The Japanese economy didn't take over the world.

It's just a stupid law for JFC sake.

I think Republican Hyperbole about Obamacare has destroyed their credibility. Obamacare is worse than the Holocaust, it is worse than 9-11, it is Socialism, it will lead us to Communism

Its just Health is not the end of the world as we know it

The public is not buying it
So, from the astute USMB Republican minds I have seen so far, they seem to be pushing for an Obamacare sucks campaign in 2014

While there is no doubt that it worked beyond their wildest dreams in 2010. Efforts since then have failed spectacularly. Given how their latest Kill Obamacare attempt blew up in their faces, I would question why Republicans would continue on this track

During the postwar years the Democratic Party owned the majority consensus. Even Republican Presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal, massive infrastructure investment, and FDRs regulatory structure. The American middle class had the world's highest wages, and economic growth reached its apex in the 50s-60s. And conservative families were happy because the dad's high union wages/benefits allowed the mom to stay home and raise the kids.

BUT... From a policy perspective, Conservatives were in the wilderness. Big Government and the New Deal were firmly in charge, especially in the Solid South which was filled with Dixiecrats.

As a result, the GOP lacked a large dependable coalition for winning elections and pushing through their policies. So they waited for an opening, and that was the Civil Rights Act, which gave Movement Conservatism a way to exploit white backlash over the fact that an intrusive Fed was forcing private businesses to accept blacks.

But it wasn't just race. Movement Conservatism used this as a springboard to create a Backlash Machine which exploited the fears and bigotry of all under educated whites. It convinced these poor souls that blacks and Mexicans and gays and feminists and Muslims and welfare queens and atheists and liberals had stolen their country. It used conservatism as a populism, as men like Karl Rove mad fun of evangelicals in the back of the house. It was a scam created by men like Ronald Reagan who never stepped foot in a church before running for president.

And it worked. They created a home for hate and bigotry and turned the stupid into useful idiots who would do the bidding of the large corporations that owned the GOP and shipped America's middle class jobs to China.
What is ironic is that our PRESENT health insurance system is failing. Companies can not afford to pay for what is paid for by the government through taxes in every other industrialized nation on the planet. Every insured American under age 65 is at the total mercy of his employer.

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