So..........Where do Republicans go from here?

Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president. When is the radical left going to stop the whining and blame game and ask the president what he is going to do? It would be nice if Obama led, followed or got the hell out of the way but all we see is political games while the Country goes down the tubes.

Republicans have 28% approval and face an election in a year. Whining about Obama will not help

How are Republicans going to recover?

Like we did in 1996.


Pick up a couple of Senate seats along the way.
Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president. When is the radical left going to stop the whining and blame game and ask the president what he is going to do? It would be nice if Obama led, followed or got the hell out of the way but all we see is political games while the Country goes down the tubes.

Republicans have 28% approval and face an election in a year. Whining about Obama will not help

How are Republicans going to recover?

Like we did in 1996.


Pick up a couple of Senate seats along the way.

You better hope all shutdowns are not the same. 1996 cost ole Newt his job and toppled the GOP leadership

If you want to follow that precedent .......good luck with that
So, from the astute USMB Republican minds I have seen so far, they seem to be pushing for an Obamacare sucks campaign in 2014

While there is no doubt that it worked beyond their wildest dreams in 2010. Efforts since then have failed spectacularly. Given how their latest Kill Obamacare attempt blew up in their faces, I would question why Republicans would continue on this track

During the postwar years the Democratic Party owned the majority consensus. Even Republican Presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon supported the New Deal, massive infrastructure investment, and FDRs regulatory structure. The American middle class had the world's highest wages, and economic growth reached its apex in the 50s-60s. And conservative families were happy because the dad's high union wages/benefits allowed the mom to stay home and raise the kids.

BUT... From a policy perspective, Conservatives were in the wilderness. Big Government and the New Deal were firmly in charge, especially in the Solid South which was filled with Dixiecrats.

As a result, the GOP lacked a large dependable coalition for winning elections and pushing through their policies. So they waited for an opening, and that was the Civil Rights Act, which gave Movement Conservatism a way to exploit white backlash over the fact that an intrusive Fed was forcing private businesses to accept blacks.

But it wasn't just race. Movement Conservatism used this as a springboard to create a Backlash Machine which exploited the fears and bigotry of all under educated whites. It convinced these poor souls that blacks and Mexicans and gays and feminists and Muslims and welfare queens and atheists and liberals had stolen their country. It used conservatism as a populism, as men like Karl Rove mad fun of evangelicals in the back of the house. It was a scam created by men like Ronald Reagan who never stepped foot in a church before running for president.

And it worked. They created a home for hate and bigotry and turned the stupid into useful idiots who would do the bidding of the large corporations that owned the GOP and shipped America's middle class jobs to China.

You almost reached understanding of what has been going on, but your own subservience to power groups created a mental block against following through and realizing that they're is only one side in politics. By your worship of the glittery charisma of spoiled-rotten Heirheads like JFK, you have been suckered into thinking that the false-flag Liberal agenda was both sincere and beneficial to the country. Liberals are agents of the Right Wing, born into privilege like all other political leaders who aren't flunkies. Starting with the 1964 Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Act, all their bills have been designed to disgust normal people and trick them into voting Republican in reaction to this insincere provocation.
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Republicans have 28% approval and face an election in a year. Whining about Obama will not help

How are Republicans going to recover?

Like we did in 1996.


Pick up a couple of Senate seats along the way.

You better hope all shutdowns are not the same. 1996 cost ole Newt his job and toppled the GOP leadership

If you want to follow that precedent .......good luck with that

Gee, now what is that old saying about repeating the same action over and over, each time expecting a different result?

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