So Who's Really Being Intolerant ?

Actually, Public accomodation laws are unconstitutional...if it is your property, a business, then you should decide who you serve or don't serve.....regardless of religious orientation.......
Everything alive is an animal.
That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
Your argument is, that if it is good enough for animals, then it is ok. So logic dictates that you are saying homosexuals are animals. For an animal cannot control themselves, much like a pedophile might argue in court.

No, the argument was that the statement that homosexuality is unnatural is, in fact, wrong.
It is not wrong. Of course homosexuality is unnatural, a clear-cur defiance of NATURE's design, and anyone who can't see that must be awfully stupid. However there are some who CAN see it, but WON'T.
Elections are more relevant to the feelings on an issue of the entire country than polls are?

Word, so, what % of people vote?

Everything alive is an animal.
That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
Your argument is, that if it is good enough for animals, then it is ok. So logic dictates that you are saying homosexuals are animals. For an animal cannot control themselves, much like a pedophile might argue in court.

No, the argument was that the statement that homosexuality is unnatural is, in fact, wrong.
It is not wrong. Of course homosexuality is unnatural, a clear-cur defiance of NATURE's design, and anyone who can't see that must be awfully stupid. However there are some who CAN see it, but WON'T.

Once again, when the activity is observed in numerous species in unconnected contexts, it is obviously a natural act.

Also, if you are claiming that "Nature's design" is the issue, then you must include any oral or manual sexual activities between straight couples as unnatural. because that is not what they were designed to do.

The reproductive organs are used in several ways (as the joke told earlier illustrates). One of the uses is reproduction. But there are also other uses, including pleasure. To claim it is unnatural in one instance and natural in another is simply hypocritical.
Actually, Public accomodation laws are unconstitutional...if it is your property, a business, then you should decide who you serve or don't serve.....regardless of religious orientation.......

Personally, I agree with this.
Everything alive is an animal.
That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

Everything alive is an animal.
That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

I have shown you to be wrong numerous times. In this thread, your claims about homosexuality being unnatural have been shown to be wrong.
You have NEVER shown me to be wrong (except in you deluded mind). My FACTS about homosexuality being unnatural are self-evident. The body parts (HETEROsexual) are NATURE. This is the word that NATURAL is from (an adjective derived from the word NATURE) I have shown YOU to be wrong, and very clearly.
Lev. 18:22 for starters.

I'm sorry, but you will have to find new testament references calling it an abomination. Since almost all the rest of Leviticus is routinely ignored.

I don't think it's ignored. There are I believe three passages in the NT that basically says homosexuality is a sin.

So it is a sin, but not an abomination?

Ok, then let any baker who is without sin refuse to bake the cake.
So you are encouraging there to be MORE sin ?

Was that what Jesus was doing when he said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? Wow. Who knew that jesus encouraged more sinning.
And the part, that no one wants to bring up in that story, is at the end, Jesus told the prostitute to, 'go , and sin no more.'

There is a huge difference in serving a homosexual and encouraging a homosexual.

A man might have to serve a criminal, yet that man should not be forced to serve the criminal who raped his child, or one who robbed him. A baker should not be forced to bake a cake for a man who is celebrating getting out of jail.

Though again I ask, why would you want to do business with someone you know despises you? Or believes you to be a lower form of life? Why would the KKK want a black baker to make them a cake? When he could easily poison all of them, or at least give them the runs, with a little chocolate ex-lax.
Everything alive is an animal.
That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

I have shown you to be wrong numerous times. In this thread, your claims about homosexuality being unnatural have been shown to be wrong.
You have NEVER shown me to be wrong (except in you deluded mind). My FACTS about homosexuality being unnatural are self-evident. The body parts (HETEROsexual) are NATURE. This is the word that NATURAL is from (an adjective derived from the word NATURE) I have shown YOU to be wrong, and very clearly.

You have shown nothing of the kind.

There are numerous examples of homosexual behavior in nature. It happens in numerous species for several reasons. To claim it doesn't is simply a lie.

And since it happens in nature, it is, by definition, natural.
Actually, Public accomodation laws are unconstitutional...if it is your property, a business, then you should decide who you serve or don't serve.....regardless of religious orientation.......

Personally, I agree with this.
yeah, I do too, why should anyone be allowed to bring a gun into your business, if you have a no gun policy?

No shoes, no shirt, no service, used to mean something, now, we could go to an upscale restaurant, and have to eat next to a barefoot man, with no shirt on.

That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
Your argument is, that if it is good enough for animals, then it is ok. So logic dictates that you are saying homosexuals are animals. For an animal cannot control themselves, much like a pedophile might argue in court.

No, the argument was that the statement that homosexuality is unnatural is, in fact, wrong.
It is not wrong. Of course homosexuality is unnatural, a clear-cur defiance of NATURE's design, and anyone who can't see that must be awfully stupid. However there are some who CAN see it, but WON'T.

Once again, when the activity is observed in numerous species in unconnected contexts, it is obviously a natural act.

Also, if you are claiming that "Nature's design" is the issue, then you must include any oral or manual sexual activities between straight couples as unnatural. because that is not what they were designed to do.

The reproductive organs are used in several ways (as the joke told earlier illustrates). One of the uses is reproduction. But there are also other uses, including pleasure. To claim it is unnatural in one instance and natural in another is simply hypocritical.
That the activity is observed in various species doesn;'t mean it is natural It simply means that these species also engage in unnatural acts. I've said that twice before. You're trolling now. Reports are coming up. Bu they won't do much good. Someone in thisforum is messing with my posts . I'm posting and the posts are'nt showing up, I hate this GOD DAMN FUCKING FORUM.
That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

I have shown you to be wrong numerous times. In this thread, your claims about homosexuality being unnatural have been shown to be wrong.
You have NEVER shown me to be wrong (except in you deluded mind). My FACTS about homosexuality being unnatural are self-evident. The body parts (HETEROsexual) are NATURE. This is the word that NATURAL is from (an adjective derived from the word NATURE) I have shown YOU to be wrong, and very clearly.

You have shown nothing of the kind.

There are numerous examples of homosexual behavior in nature. It happens in numerous species for several reasons. To claim it doesn't is simply a lie.

And since it happens in nature, it is, by definition, natural.
Nothing of what kind ? The quote is blank on my computer.
That is FALSE! I was once a biology major in college. Animals are only one branch of the biosphere. There is also the plant kingdom, Monera, Protista, and Fungi.

Monera - Bacteria, cyanobacteria or blue-green algae (BGA) and spirochetes

Protista - Protozoans, slime molds and some unicellular algae

Fungi - Molds, yeasts, mildews, smuts, toadstools and mushrooms.

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

I have shown you to be wrong numerous times. In this thread, your claims about homosexuality being unnatural have been shown to be wrong.
You have NEVER shown me to be wrong (except in you deluded mind). My FACTS about homosexuality being unnatural are self-evident. The body parts (HETEROsexual) are NATURE. This is the word that NATURAL is from (an adjective derived from the word NATURE) I have shown YOU to be wrong, and very clearly.

You have shown nothing of the kind.

There are numerous examples of homosexual behavior in nature. It happens in numerous species for several reasons. To claim it doesn't is simply a lie.

And since it happens in nature, it is, by definition, natural.
Are you saying I said it doesn't happen ? I never said that.
Actually, Public accomodation laws are unconstitutional...if it is your property, a business, then you should decide who you serve or don't serve.....regardless of religious orientation.......

Personally, I agree with this.

As others have mentioned a business derives benefits from roads, bridges, etc. paid for by taxes and regulated by the government. If you wanna stick your business 500 miles from nowhere you can discriminate. Otherwise, your business is subject to government regulation. Can't pick n choose in other words.
Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
Your argument is, that if it is good enough for animals, then it is ok. So logic dictates that you are saying homosexuals are animals. For an animal cannot control themselves, much like a pedophile might argue in court.

No, the argument was that the statement that homosexuality is unnatural is, in fact, wrong.
It is not wrong. Of course homosexuality is unnatural, a clear-cur defiance of NATURE's design, and anyone who can't see that must be awfully stupid. However there are some who CAN see it, but WON'T.

Once again, when the activity is observed in numerous species in unconnected contexts, it is obviously a natural act.

Also, if you are claiming that "Nature's design" is the issue, then you must include any oral or manual sexual activities between straight couples as unnatural. because that is not what they were designed to do.

The reproductive organs are used in several ways (as the joke told earlier illustrates). One of the uses is reproduction. But there are also other uses, including pleasure. To claim it is unnatural in one instance and natural in another is simply hypocritical.
That the activity is observed in various species doesn;'t mean it is natural It simply means that these species also engage in unnatural acts. I've said that twice before. You're trolling now. Reports are coming up. Bu they won't do much good. Someone in thisforum is messing with my posts . I'm posting and the posts are'nt showing up, I hate this GOD DAMN FUCKING FORUM.

On one of your posts you put the new post inside the quote.

And no, I am not trolling at all. I am pointing out that numerous species have same-gender pairings and mating activities. That it happens in nature, in numerous species, and without any similar contextual influences, means it is natural. To claim otherwise is to ignore what "natural" means.

As for you hating this GOD DAMN FUCKING FORUM, I can only say........OFF TOPIC!!!
Actually, Public accomodation laws are unconstitutional...if it is your property, a business, then you should decide who you serve or don't serve.....regardless of religious orientation.......

Personally, I agree with this.

As others have mentioned a business derives benefits from roads, bridges, etc. paid for by taxes and regulated by the government. If you wanna stick your business 500 miles from nowhere you can discriminate. Otherwise, your business is subject to government regulation. Can't pick n choose in other words. is unconstitutional...we all benefit from the roads and businesses pay their taxes as is the business that pays the most for those services.....
Don't get so excited. Yes, he was wrong in the way he said it. But I notice you didn't correct the assumption made by another poster that we are not animals.
The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

The protectionist has never been wrong, And YOU KNOW it. :biggrin:

I have shown you to be wrong numerous times. In this thread, your claims about homosexuality being unnatural have been shown to be wrong.
You have NEVER shown me to be wrong (except in you deluded mind). My FACTS about homosexuality being unnatural are self-evident. The body parts (HETEROsexual) are NATURE. This is the word that NATURAL is from (an adjective derived from the word NATURE) I have shown YOU to be wrong, and very clearly.

You have shown nothing of the kind.

There are numerous examples of homosexual behavior in nature. It happens in numerous species for several reasons. To claim it doesn't is simply a lie.

And since it happens in nature, it is, by definition, natural.
Are you saying I said it doesn't happen ? I never said that.

No, that is not what I said. What I am correcting is your inaccurate claim that something observed in nature and in numerous species and locales, is unnatural.
Leviticus 18: 22'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination

Romans 1:26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,…

1 Corinthians 6:9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.…18Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. 19Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?…

Jude 1:7just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire. 8Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties.…

There are plenty more, do you want them?

The Lev. quote calls it an "abomination". But I see nothing from the New Testament that does so. Yes, it is a sin, but I specifically asked where they determined it was an abomination. And since we are told that the Old Testament laws do not apply (when referencing other laws in Leviticus), you need to give examples of it being an "abomination" in the NT.
No I don't, I never said OT laws do not apply.

Ok, so what are the chances that these "christian" businesses are following all the rules and laws in Leviticus? Or are they just being another "cafeteria christian" and picking & choosing which rules are important?
The OP speaks of tolerance, not what is in the Bible. Simply, the gays are not tolerating, while claiming they are the victims of intolerance

And you are angry that people are showing that the christians are being intolerant. It wasn't what you wanted the discussion to be about, so you are throsing a tantrum. Typical.
You are angry that a few businesses and their paid off governors are showing that the gays are intolerant. The discussion is supposed to be about the topic. If you can't keep to it get out of here. You;re nothing but a stinking troll anyway and you know it.
Actually, Public accomodation laws are unconstitutional...if it is your property, a business, then you should decide who you serve or don't serve.....regardless of religious orientation.......

Personally, I agree with this.

As others have mentioned a business derives benefits from roads, bridges, etc. paid for by taxes and regulated by the government. If you wanna stick your business 500 miles from nowhere you can discriminate. Otherwise, your business is subject to government regulation. Can't pick n choose in other words. is unconstitutional...we all benefit from the roads and businesses pay their taxes as is the business that pays the most for those services.....

Businesses consider taxes a cost of doing business. It is factored into the pricing. The customers pay the taxes.
Actually, Public accomodation laws are unconstitutional...if it is your property, a business, then you should decide who you serve or don't serve.....regardless of religious orientation.......

Personally, I agree with this.

As others have mentioned a business derives benefits from roads, bridges, etc. paid for by taxes and regulated by the government. If you wanna stick your business 500 miles from nowhere you can discriminate. Otherwise, your business is subject to government regulation. Can't pick n choose in other words. is unconstitutional...we all benefit from the roads and businesses pay their taxes as is the business that pays the most for those services.....

Businesses consider taxes a cost of doing business. It is factored into the pricing. The customers pay the taxes.

The Lev. quote calls it an "abomination". But I see nothing from the New Testament that does so. Yes, it is a sin, but I specifically asked where they determined it was an abomination. And since we are told that the Old Testament laws do not apply (when referencing other laws in Leviticus), you need to give examples of it being an "abomination" in the NT.
No I don't, I never said OT laws do not apply.

Ok, so what are the chances that these "christian" businesses are following all the rules and laws in Leviticus? Or are they just being another "cafeteria christian" and picking & choosing which rules are important?
The OP speaks of tolerance, not what is in the Bible. Simply, the gays are not tolerating, while claiming they are the victims of intolerance

And you are angry that people are showing that the christians are being intolerant. It wasn't what you wanted the discussion to be about, so you are throsing a tantrum. Typical.
You are angry that a few businesses and their paid off governors are showing that the gays are intolerant. The discussion is supposed to be about the topic. If you can't keep to it get out of here. You;re nothing but a stinking troll anyway and you know it.

Typical. Once again you start getting pissy when the topic doesn't go the way you want.

And yes, there is intolerance on both sides of this argument. To claim otherwise is ignorant.

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