So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

Far-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From Conservative Political Action Conference (UPDATE) | The Huffington Post.

It seems RW Darling has finally crossed an uncrossable line.

He was dropped like a hot potato from a scheduled CPAC appearance after video emerged of his defending adults having sex with 13-Year Children.

Yep, yet another Republican Conservative Pedophile exposed.

Yiannopoulos has been a RW Hero. He is young (23) Conservative, Jewish and Gay.....well two out three ain't to bad, but then again RePuBliKlans have no problem with Pedo's like Duggard and Ted Nuget.

Cons seem to have a strong affinity for the buggering of underage children. Nuget actually thinks his brand of nut job bat shit crazy might help him run for Senator from Michigan.

Huck-A-Buck actually did a jam with teddy and went so far as to defend the incest in the Duggar Family.

Just a few short days ago Milo was a RWNJ Hero. Now he will be lucky to find a C-List ConJob brain dead enough to share the air with.

Simon and Schuster also killed a book deal with Milo after the tape came out.

You Cons and Your Pedo's......

Fuck you and yours. I love the dude.

He explains so much and so carefully how one comes out. It's hard. I know so many. They are what they are. They allways were my friends.

Isabella baby. I will stand with you for forever.

Hey just cause a hot gay dude in America is afraid of getting tossed off a roof???????
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance
This is the guy that many on the RW wanted heard at Berkeley.

Bod if you are going to go after Milo god help you.

Milo in this interview was trying to explain how an elder gay world personna could help him and others thru the ropes of being a young gay.

NOW and if you really want to go for it Bod I will take you on and fuck you big time bitch.

I don't get you here but I will, I shall Bod do you in. Ready?

Yeah - help him by fucking him. When he was 14.

And Milo supports this.
For those last, valiant defenders of Milo here:

Do you agree with him that "consent" is arbitrary?

Do you agree that "some" 13 year olds can "consent" to sex with adults?

Do you agree that this is a good thing for those kids?
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance

And what better way to silence someone. It's so fucking disgusting that you don't even want to figure out what actually was said, innit?


You sure this is the hill you want to die on?

It was a cheap shot and it was taken out of context. You sure you want to defend the cheap shot taken?
Out of context? Are you high?

He starts off the video bragging about a priest having him suck his dick when he was a kid.

If this is okay with you, you're a sick individual.
Far-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From Conservative Political Action Conference (UPDATE) | The Huffington Post.

It seems RW Darling has finally crossed an uncrossable line.

He was dropped like a hot potato from a scheduled CPAC appearance after video emerged of his defending adults having sex with 13-Year Children.

Yep, yet another Republican Conservative Pedophile exposed.

Yiannopoulos has been a RW Hero. He is young (23) Conservative, Jewish and Gay.....well two out three ain't to bad, but then again RePuBliKlans have no problem with Pedo's like Duggard and Ted Nuget.

Cons seem to have a strong affinity for the buggering of underage children. Nuget actually thinks his brand of nut job bat shit crazy might help him run for Senator from Michigan.

Huck-A-Buck actually did a jam with teddy and went so far as to defend the incest in the Duggar Family.

Just a few short days ago Milo was a RWNJ Hero. Now he will be lucky to find a C-List ConJob brain dead enough to share the air with.

Simon and Schuster also killed a book deal with Milo after the tape came out.

You Cons and Your Pedo's......

Fuck you and yours. I love the dude.

He explains so much and so carefully how one comes out. It's hard. I know so many. They are what they are. They allways were my friends.

Isabella baby. I will stand with you for forever.

Hey just cause a hot gay dude in America is afraid of getting tossed off a roof???????
" I love the dude"........ok.
Hollywood is full of rich queers looking for young totally screwed up Corey Haim
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance

The past few days I had said a few nice things about Milo, but on February 1st and February 2nd and February 3rd, I had already told people in three different threads the actual situation regarding Milo, most people at this forum had never even heard of Milo until about two months ago, this when the Pressitutes in the Propaganda MSM declared incorrectly that Milo was a leader of a Movement, since then we've had the Usual Suspects doing what they do, displaying incredible ignorance and babbling their nonsense, which in itself has been greatly amusing to read their continued ignorance and idiocy.

Also Milo has never been even a Conservative, he has always tended to be more of a Libertarian.

Everyone on the Right who has been aware of Milo, has treated him just as a good Trigger for the social and mental cripples that are SJW such as that disgusting fat bitch Cora Miriam Segal aka Trigglypuff *

Copy and paste of my comments from February 1st.

"Milo cannot be trusted.

He is a leader of no movement, Milo is a self-absorbed, self-publicising cross dressing faggot. He's alright to listen to for amusement purposes but he speaks for nobody only himself."

Thread link.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Copy and paste of my comments from February 2nd.

"Milo isn't Alt-Right, he's already been uncovered as an Infiltrator and also he's just a self-publicist.

You know NOTHING about Milo.

Milo has more in common with the Alt-Left, he's even a cross dressing faggot who engages in buttfucking and dick sucking other men, so the Leftist Maniacs should love Milo."

Thread link.

Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Copy and paste of my comments from February 3rd.

"This Milo interview I don't think went well, Milo as we already know is becoming essentially now a self-publicist, who has illustrated that he'll jump on any train that he thinks is getting traction and use it to further promote himself into the realms of Celebrity Status.

I add Milo did this with the Gamers, even though he himself didn't play Games.

I have nothing against Milo, but he never spoke for any sort of Movement except for the Milo Movement. He's a very intelligent person and a talented entertainer, he also has a tremendous gift for Mega Triggering Leftist Maniacs into launching a full scale riot to prevent him from even speaking now.

Next stop, Milo might get his own programme on the television or something."

Thread link.

Watch: Milo's first interview after violent Berkeley riots

* Cora Miriam Segal aka Trigglypuff, the SJW Anti-Free Speech POS maniac in the below video who was MEGA TRIGGERED by the presence of Milo.

Cora Miriam Segal, a SJW and Radical Militant Feminist, she's also so hideously repulsive it should be illegal for her to appear in public without a bag on her head.

Cora Miriam Segal begins her meltdown of MEGA bedwetting at 41 seconds in.

The below event was about the important of Free Speech, so much for Leftist tolerance for Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

The duration of the video is three minutes and thirty four seconds.

Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance

He's a bit outside my circle of notice, so I know little about him nor have I heard the tape. But considering the reported responses to the alleged statements, something is there. Publishers don't just knee-jerk drop a book deal.
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance
This is the guy that many on the RW wanted heard at Berkeley.

Bod if you are going to go after Milo god help you.

Milo in this interview was trying to explain how an elder gay world personna could help him and others thru the ropes of being a young gay.

NOW and if you really want to go for it Bod I will take you on and fuck you big time bitch.

I don't get you here but I will, I shall Bod do you in. Ready?

You are defending a guy that is advocating pedophilia and then threatening people that detest Milo for it. How classy. :rolleyes:
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance

He's a bit outside my circle of notice, so I know little about him nor have I heard the tape. But considering the reported responses to the alleged statements, something is there. Publishers don't just knee-jerk drop a book deal.
Especially considering contracts are signed & lawsuits will likely be forthcoming
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance
This is the guy that many on the RW wanted heard at Berkeley.

Bod if you are going to go after Milo god help you.

Milo in this interview was trying to explain how an elder gay world personna could help him and others thru the ropes of being a young gay.

NOW and if you really want to go for it Bod I will take you on and fuck you big time bitch.

I don't get you here but I will, I shall Bod do you in. Ready?
What exactly are you going to do? Is it really scary?
And what better way to silence someone. It's so fucking disgusting that you don't even want to figure out what actually was said, innit?


You sure this is the hill you want to die on?

It was a cheap shot and it was taken out of context. You sure you want to defend the cheap shot taken?
Out of context? Are you high?

He starts off the video bragging about a priest having him suck his dick when he was a kid.

If this is okay with you, you're a sick individual.

Ah...those priests again......
First, tinydancer defended Ted Nugent's heterosexual pedophilia - and now she defends Milo Yiannopoulos’ homosexual pedophilia. Wow, tinydancer, you really know htoow to pick 'em. Why are you attracted to perverts?

She was 17. Fuck you bitch.

Which one are you talking about. Apparently there were many. Courtney Love was 12 - and said she didn't even have breasts yet - and he was 28.

Ted Nugent's Jailbait Problem

For those last, valiant defenders of Milo here:

Do you agree with him that "consent" is arbitrary?

Do you agree that "some" 13 year olds can "consent" to sex with adults?

Do you agree that this is a good thing for those kids?


In fact, I dealt with a kid that was 14 years old going to a park to pick up men. He was flaming. There is not a doubt in my mind he was getting paid at least some of the time. In his mind, the world was against him because he was gay. In reality, nobody gave a damn that he was gay. Just go to school and go home because your 14.

Is it a good thing? No. But, don't think it's not happening. They aren't going to find the types of relationships in junior high and high school that all the other kids are going to find. So, they seek elsewhere. Still not ok..........but don't think it's not happening.

I don't even think 16 is a good age for "consent" especially considering the whole piece of the brain that deals with time and consequences doesn't finish growing in until age 26.

Milo sounds like a really confused guy that encountered sexual abuse in a church and accepts responsibility for it.

It's not pedophilia.
For those last, valiant defenders of Milo here:

Do you agree with him that "consent" is arbitrary?

Do you agree that "some" 13 year olds can "consent" to sex with adults?

Do you agree that this is a good thing for those kids?


In fact, I dealt with a kid that was 14 years old going to a park to pick up men. He was flaming. There is not a doubt in my mind he was getting paid at least some of the time. In his mind, the world was against him because he was gay. In reality, nobody gave a damn that he was gay. Just go to school and go home because your 14.

Is it a good thing? No. But, don't think it's not happening. They aren't going to find the types of relationships in junior high and high school that all the other kids are going to find. So, they seek elsewhere. Still not ok..........but don't think it's not happening.

I don't even think 16 is a good age for "consent" especially considering the whole piece of the brain that deals with time and consequences doesn't finish growing in until age 26.

Milo sounds like a really confused guy that encountered sexual abuse in a church and accepts responsibility for it.

It's not pedophilia.
What he encountered was molestation. What he is condoning is pedophilia
And what better way to silence someone. It's so fucking disgusting that you don't even want to figure out what actually was said, innit?


You sure this is the hill you want to die on?

It was a cheap shot and it was taken out of context. You sure you want to defend the cheap shot taken?
Out of context? Are you high?

He starts off the video bragging about a priest having him suck his dick when he was a kid.

If this is okay with you, you're a sick individual.

It's not ok. He attempts to make a joke and it slides down hill from there.

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