So you remember what sunk Gary Hart's campaign?

LOL I'm probably more conservative than you are, tourist. I don't lie like a rug, cheat on my wife, and/or my taxes, like your own orange bag O' shit did. Morality is important to me. Oaths are important to me. Smaller government is important to me. Accountability is important to me. Fiscal responsibility is important to me. Freedom of speech is important to me. If you support the orange bag O' shit, it illustrates you give fuck all about the above. You just love what's popular and superficial and you're good, as long as your CULT tells you to be good. Just like a democrat.

So, when the orange bag O' shit attempted to violate the will of the people's vote in the 2020 election with nothing but arrogance and butthurt, I didn't find it fair nor reasonable. I wanted to burn the orange bag O' shit to the ground then and there.

NO ONE, especially a *pResident, gets to violate the constitution and walk away unscathed.

So, stick that tired 'leftist' shtick where the sun don't shine, blowhard. Magaturds have turned the GOP into an entitled bunch of pussies. Congratulations. Cancel culture ruined you turds and turned you into progressives. Fuck you both. :rolleyes:


Every damn thing you claim to oppose are things democratic politicians have done over and again.

Perhaps Hart had affairs with other women, but he was never found by a court to be a sexual offender who slandered his victim. Take a look at trump for a second.

The MAGA cult does not care about trump's offenses and crimes. He has been proven in court to be a sexual offender. He has been proven in court to exercise fraud in his business dealing. He has been indicted with 91 charges...but the MAGA cult does not care.

Remember Gary Hart? His campaign was sunk when a picture surfaced with a woman, other than his wife, was seated on his lap. Trump can sexually assault a woman and still be the Republican nominee. How far has the GOP fallen?
It was Bill Clinton and his followers that were the death knell of politicians being expected to hold to any standard of marital fidelity, and decent treatment of women. I know that the feminists only meant for Clinton to get a pass due to his firm opposition to any reasonable abortion control, but sauce for the goose . . .

That Trump lost a legal skirmish over an absolutely unsupported accusation, that is only a sign of how far the justice system's bias agains him goes.
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Are you eight years old? You write like a middle schooler. You are a MAGA cult member.

Perhaps Hart had affairs with other women, but he was never found by a court to be a sexual offender who slandered his victim. Take a look at trump for a second.

The MAGA cult does not care about trump's offenses and crimes. He has been proven in court to be a sexual offender. He has been proven in court to exercise fraud in his business dealing. He has been indicted with 91 charges...but the MAGA cult does not care.

Remember Gary Hart? His campaign was sunk when a picture surfaced with a woman, other than his wife, was seated on his lap. Trump can sexually assault a woman and still be the Republican nominee. How far has the GOP fallen?
Correct. They don't care. They're at war with Satan and/or Hillary and/or Soros or whomever is terrifying them at the moment, and they don't care about what Trump is. He is their blunt instrument, their last chance, so they'll forgive anything.

The thing is, it could work, unless the Dems can convince enough people otherwise. The polls aren't showing that right now.

I learned in 2016 that America isn't what I thought it was. We'll accept an awful, obscene, juvenile, unAmerican celebrity con man at the top if he says the right things and hates the right people. I don't think the Dems have fully grasped this yet.

Perhaps Hart had affairs with other women, but he was never found by a court to be a sexual offender who slandered his victim. Take a look at trump for a second.

The MAGA cult does not care about trump's offenses and crimes. He has been proven in court to be a sexual offender. He has been proven in court to exercise fraud in his business dealing. He has been indicted with 91 charges...but the MAGA cult does not care.

Remember Gary Hart? His campaign was sunk when a picture surfaced with a woman, other than his wife, was seated on his lap. Trump can sexually assault a woman and still be the Republican nominee. How far has the GOP fallen?
Got pictures? Anyway, it was the Dems who dumped Hart, not the GOP.

Perhaps Hart had affairs with other women, but he was never found by a court to be a sexual offender who slandered his victim. Take a look at trump for a second.

The MAGA cult does not care about trump's offenses and crimes. He has been proven in court to be a sexual offender. He has been proven in court to exercise fraud in his business dealing. He has been indicted with 91 charges...but the MAGA cult does not care.

Remember Gary Hart? His campaign was sunk when a picture surfaced with a woman, other than his wife, was seated on his lap. Trump can sexually assault a woman and still be the Republican nominee. How far has the GOP fallen?
Then came Clinton. It changed everything. Then came Obama and Hope and Change normalized a lot of things not accepted in the past.

Perhaps Hart had affairs with other women, but he was never found by a court to be a sexual offender who slandered his victim. Take a look at trump for a second.

The MAGA cult does not care about trump's offenses and crimes. He has been proven in court to be a sexual offender. He has been proven in court to exercise fraud in his business dealing. He has been indicted with 91 charges...but the MAGA cult does not care.

Remember Gary Hart? His campaign was sunk when a picture surfaced with a woman, other than his wife, was seated on his lap. Trump can sexually assault a woman and still be the Republican nominee. How far has the GOP fallen?
MAGAtts are sssooooo desperate for what Rump is selling that they're willing to "look the other way" at his profound flaws.

As I've been saying elsewhere...

I now understand 1933 Germany MUCH better than I did prior to 2015.
Then came Clinton. It changed everything. Then came Obama and Hope and Change normalized a lot of things not accepted in the past.

There's a reason why the OP had to stretch back to 1988 - more than 35 years - for this example of Dems dumping a politician over his sexual escapades.
As far as I know the only president found liable for rape was Trump. The only man ever sued for child rape was your man Trump.

Actually if you read the jury verdict sheet, he was found not liable for rape.
I remember Gary Hart but I'm now curious about the forgotten name of the yacht involved in the story. Have to look that up. Here it is, Monkey Business....oh the irony!

There's a reason why the OP had to stretch back to 1988 - more than 35 years - for this example of Dems dumping a politician over his sexual escapades.

There was a unwritten rule around Washington that you didn't talk about screwing around because both sides were doing it - all of the time. Eisenhauer had an affair with his female driver during the war. Kennedy's affair with Marilyn Monroe, among others. Even Nixon was rumoured to have had affairs.

While Newt Gingerich was publically castigating Bill Clinton for his infidelities, Gingerich was having an affair with his Congressional aide, while his wife was in the hospital with cancer.

That changed when Clinton was in office because Republicans had NOTHING else to go after him. Clinton was more popular than REAGAN and that could not be allowed to continue. So they went after his ONLY vulnerablility - his infidelities.

The problem for Republicans is that Bill isn't a sexual predator - he's an opportunist. Men can't see the difference but women can. Clinton likes women and they like him.

Trump hates women. He likes to denigrate and humilate them. He enjoys assaulting women. The cruelty is a feature, not a bug for Trump. He also enjoys humiliating and destroying men. Weak and insecure, Trump lashes out at anyone who so much as disagrees with him. He is your retribution.

Trump's vision of America is "American carnage". He made it happen in 2020. Death, disease and destruction. He allowed race riots to run unchecked all summer because they helped his re-election chances. He allowed the virus to run unchecked creating the worst pandemic in US history since the 1918 flu epidemic, with the worst loss of life in the first world.

He allowed the Chinese to expand their trade routes and alliances because he didn't want to give foreign aid to "shit hole" countries. He closed their embassies and just let Xi take over the world.
He was impeached over perjury and obstruction.

Jonathan Turley argued that Clinton should be impeached because Presidents need to be held to a higher moral standard.

At Trump's first impeachment - for seeking to extort a phony investigation of the Bidens from the Ukrainian President in exchange for Congressionally approved aid, Turley argued that if Trump were impeached for such a minor transgression, no president will be safe from impeachment in future.

Republicans spent 6 1/2 years investigating every rumour they could make up about the Clintons and found a lie about a consenual blow job. 30 years later, they're still claiming that the Clintons are crooks, despite 25+ investigations which say otherwise.
Jonathan Turley argued that Clinton should be impeached because Presidents need to be held to a higher moral standard.

At Trump's first impeachment - for seeking to extort a phony investigation of the Bidens from the Ukrainian President in exchange for Congressionally approved aid, Turley argued that if Trump were impeached for such a minor transgression, no president will be safe from impeachment in future.

Republicans spent 6 1/2 years investigating every rumour they could make up about the Clintons and found a lie about a consenual blow job. 30 years later, they're still claiming that the Clintons are crooks, despite 25+ investigations which say otherwise.
and found a lie about a consenual blow job.

remember who he told that lie to?

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