So you want a Civil War?

There exists no voter fraud corruption, and you are a liar pedaling the nonsense. Grow the fuck up.

By the way, the election is over dumb ass.

If that is what we are to conclude, then we must also conclude that at least half of the American public are either too stupid or too ignorant to vote. For the sake of our country, I would hope it's a fact that the election was stolen.
A civil war is not necessary. What we should do is have two countries instead of one. Divided this land north to south. Democrats will get the west part of our current country where their precious Mexican border is, and the conservatives will get the east. They won't have to put up with us, and best of all, we won't have to put up with them. Since I'm on the east side, once the Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight.
Of course. I can't believe that this wasn't done years ago. Should have been. There's no reason for us to be bickering all the time. There should be a United Blue States of America, and a United Red States of America. Simple as that.
Whatever fazes out dirty energy, should be the end game for all. I don't give a shit how it gets there, as long as it gets there.

You will when you are shelling out a couple hundred bucks a month more in fuel costs than you are now. Then you will complain it's big oil that's causing the problem, or big business not paying their workers enough that's contributing to the decline of the middle-class. Because remember: It's never Democrat policies like higher corporate or business taxes that do it, or the weak border stance, higher fuel costs, ushering in foreigners into the country suppressing American wages. It's Ronald Reagan's fault. A guy that left office over 30 years ago that will be the cause of our economic decline.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Pot meet kettle. Wearing a hat is not an incitement to violence. The fact that people, like you, decide that the 1st Amendment no longer applies to you is the problem.

Wearing a hat, in itself, is not an incitement for violence. The fact that people, like you, "protest"
while armed and shouting threats AND wearing trump hats is the problem. Tells a story.

Hmm, no one who was wearing a hat was armed and was attacked by YOUR assholes. Had they been armed, I really doubt that your silly folk would have had the balls to attack them. So, it looks like going armed prevents the violence that YOUR people love to engage in.

let's understand each other, asshole. They are not my people and they deserve to be squashed.
I don't care what their political preferences are or what YOUR preferences are, because this is not about politics in my view. It is about behaving like adults in a Democratic society, and not about behaving like hooligans. PEACEFUL protests don't include arms, threats. or intimidation.

And yet YOUR side has engaged in rioting, arson, looting, physical assault, and murder. Asshole.

And yet my "side" has not engaged in any violence. Antifa is on its own side. Are you as dumb as you sound?

That's a laugh. Antifart and blm are both marxist, as are you. You lie worse than Trump

What specific evidence do you have proving they are Marxists? You don't have any do you?

Ummm, the fact that BLM proclaims themselves to be for one, and the fact that antifart was started by Stalin, you ignorant clod.

Who cares who they claim to be for? Not me. And who gives a rat's ass who started it? I don't care who white supremacists and proud boys are for. What they are doing concerns me, not who they are for.
Irrelevant is what that argument is. You are the ignorant clod.

You claim to care what they do and ignore that antifart are doing EXACTLY what the nazi brownshirts did prior to the 2nd world war.


Thanks for the history lesson and so what?
If that is what we are to conclude, then we must also conclude that at least half of the American public are either too stupid or too ignorant to vote. For the sake of our country, I would hope it's a fact that the election was stolen.
It's a fact, and we all know it, including the left, despite their ridiculous pretenses.
You have produced zero evidence of that being the case. You are nothing more than a shit starter, and a pos liar.
Whatever fazes out dirty energy, should be the end game for all. I don't give a shit how it gets there, as long as it gets there.

You will when you are shelling out a couple hundred bucks a month more in fuel costs than you are now. Then you will complain it's big oil that's causing the problem, or big business not paying their workers enough that's contributing to the decline of the middle-class. Because remember: It's never Democrat policies like higher corporate or business taxes that do it, or the weak border stance, higher fuel costs, ushering in foreigners into the country suppressing American wages. It's Ronald Reagan's fault. A guy that left office over 30 years ago that will be the cause of our economic decline.
Your post is so unbelievably ignorant, it's hard to know where to begin. You have no stats or intelligent projections over fuel costs in the future.

"Weak border stance?" Are you fucking kidding me? We are the one's who caused massive illegal immigration with our imperialist agenda; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - No more chicken shit excuses about foreigners. We caused the problem, now give them their countries back. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ronald Reagan has been the reason for our economic decline for forty years;
Whatever fazes out dirty energy, should be the end game for all. I don't give a shit how it gets there, as long as it gets there.

You will when you are shelling out a couple hundred bucks a month more in fuel costs than you are now. Then you will complain it's big oil that's causing the problem, or big business not paying their workers enough that's contributing to the decline of the middle-class. Because remember: It's never Democrat policies like higher corporate or business taxes that do it, or the weak border stance, higher fuel costs, ushering in foreigners into the country suppressing American wages. It's Ronald Reagan's fault. A guy that left office over 30 years ago that will be the cause of our economic decline.
Your post is so unbelievably ignorant, it's hard to know where to begin. You have no stats or intelligent projections over fuel costs in the future.

"Weak border stance?" Are you fucking kidding me? We are the one's who caused massive illegal immigration with our imperialist agenda; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - No more chicken shit excuses about foreigners. We caused the problem, now give them their countries back. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ronald Reagan has been the reason for our economic decline for forty years;View attachment 434170
Love those propaganda graphs you commies use. Naive college kids think they're real.
Your post is so unbelievably ignorant, it's hard to know where to begin. You have no stats or intelligent projections over fuel costs in the future.

"Weak border stance?" Are you fucking kidding me? We are the one's who caused massive illegal immigration with our imperialist agenda; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - No more chicken shit excuses about foreigners. We caused the problem, now give them their countries back. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ronald Reagan has been the reason for our economic decline for forty years;

He has? How? Go into detail please.

We didn't cause anything to make people want to come here. It's leftist bullshit from the typical blame America first crowd. They come here because we created the greatest and wealthiest country in the world with decent jobs, ability to make a living, the ability to invest and be your own boss if you desire. Our social programs is another piece of crap that draws flies to it.

UnAmerican Democrats are more than happy to sellout the country for power and greed. They could care less about real Americans. I'll even go as far as to say some Republicans are in that group as well.
What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.

No, what gets added to our debt are the deficits. That is to say, the spending that our income tax revenues don't cover, that's what gets added to the debt. If our income tax revenues only paid the interest, then we'd be on the verge of an economic collapse because once we can not meet our interest payment obligations, nobody will ever lend us a dime and we would be officially bankrupt.
You just made the best case yet for not handing out to the rich, a $2 trillion dollar tax cut.
How much of what other people earn is your fair share?
You are the typical horse and buggy idiot, who feels beholden to corporations. And you must be the horse who hasn't the sense enough to understand that it's the other way around.
It's always funny when people who can't think for themselves believe they can dictate what other people think.
You aren't thinking.
You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. They don't give a shit about you. Before the next election they'll give a few speeches in black churches and say they gonna he'p the po black folk this time fo sho, and you'll make heart eyes at them and pull the D lever exactly as programmed.
So, you take a non-existent argument that you gave up on, and turn into racist rant. You really do have problems. People like you must be miserable souls.
Not at all. I'm satisfied with what I've earned. I don't demand what other people have.

As far as your hollow racism charge, I believe you can succeed on your own without the help of white liberals.

Democrats disagree. And you've taken their side. Pathetic.
You can't be that ignorant of math. No one is that fucking ignorant.
Math says you need white liberals' help to succeed? Well, that's different.
There exists no voter fraud corruption, and you are a liar pedaling the nonsense. Grow the fuck up.

By the way, the election is over dumb ass.

If that is what we are to conclude, then we must also conclude that at least half of the American public are either too stupid or too ignorant to vote. For the sake of our country, I would hope it's a fact that the election was stolen.
You obviously are blind to stupid and ignorance, and that's why you lost. "Stupid and ignorance", is when you believe an election was stolen, when there was zero evidence found.

Stupid and ignorance, is when you vote for someone who has criminal liability, and you ignore that truth, and pretend it never happened.
What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.

No, what gets added to our debt are the deficits. That is to say, the spending that our income tax revenues don't cover, that's what gets added to the debt. If our income tax revenues only paid the interest, then we'd be on the verge of an economic collapse because once we can not meet our interest payment obligations, nobody will ever lend us a dime and we would be officially bankrupt.
You just made the best case yet for not handing out to the rich, a $2 trillion dollar tax cut.
How much of what other people earn is your fair share?
You are the typical horse and buggy idiot, who feels beholden to corporations. And you must be the horse who hasn't the sense enough to understand that it's the other way around.
It's always funny when people who can't think for themselves believe they can dictate what other people think.
You aren't thinking.
You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. They don't give a shit about you. Before the next election they'll give a few speeches in black churches and say they gonna he'p the po black folk this time fo sho, and you'll make heart eyes at them and pull the D lever exactly as programmed.
So, you take a non-existent argument that you gave up on, and turn into racist rant. You really do have problems. People like you must be miserable souls.
Not at all. I'm satisfied with what I've earned. I don't demand what other people have.

As far as your hollow racism charge, I believe you can succeed on your own without the help of white liberals.

Democrats disagree. And you've taken their side. Pathetic.
You can't be that ignorant of math. No one is that fucking ignorant.
Math says you need white liberals' help to succeed? Well, that's different.
Your Math says you are too stupid to understand Math.
You obviously are blind to stupid and ignorance, and that's why you lost. "Stupid and ignorance", is when you believe an election was stolen, when there was zero evidence found.

Stupid and ignorance, is when you vote for someone who has criminal liability, and you ignore that truth, and pretend it never happened.

Donald Trump was not associated with an FBI investigation in his son that he was part of, that was the guy you voted for. Donald Trump never spent one day in jail his entire life. Like I said, there can't be that many stupid people who would vote for a guy with dementia that has zero positive plans for our country over a guy that proved himself to be the best leader we've had in over 20 year. It makes zero sense.
Your post is so unbelievably ignorant, it's hard to know where to begin. You have no stats or intelligent projections over fuel costs in the future.

"Weak border stance?" Are you fucking kidding me? We are the one's who caused massive illegal immigration with our imperialist agenda; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - No more chicken shit excuses about foreigners. We caused the problem, now give them their countries back. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ronald Reagan has been the reason for our economic decline for forty years;

He has? How? Go into detail please.

We didn't cause anything to make people want to come here. It's leftist bullshit from the typical blame America first crowd. They come here because we created the greatest and wealthiest country in the world with decent jobs, ability to make a living, the ability to invest and be your own boss if you desire. Our social programs is another piece of crap that draws flies to it.

UnAmerican Democrats are more than happy to sellout the country for power and greed. They could care less about real Americans. I'll even go as far as to say some Republicans are in that group as well.
My link outlines everything you need to know; Vulture chart - Google Search

We caused exactly everything for people to want to come here. My links point that out in specific detail. You have to be a raving idiot or a liar, not to comprehend what those links are telling us. There is no Leftist bs to contend with. Only the truth as to what we did to these countries. And how do we know this? Your own defense and ranting tell us nothing, and proves even less. You aren't saying a goddamn thing other than nonsensical rants that make you look like a total idiot. No one has ever made an intelligent argument against the one's I put forward. We have only ourselves to blame.

Why don't you try and make sense for a change instead of blaming Democrats for your own weak, non-existent argument? You are fucking pathetic and disgusting trying to blame others for an argument you don't even have.
Last edited:
You obviously are blind to stupid and ignorance, and that's why you lost. "Stupid and ignorance", is when you believe an election was stolen, when there was zero evidence found.

Stupid and ignorance, is when you vote for someone who has criminal liability, and you ignore that truth, and pretend it never happened.

Donald Trump was not associated with an FBI investigation in his son that he was part of, that was the guy you voted for. Donald Trump never spent one day in jail his entire life. Like I said, there can't be that many stupid people who would vote for a guy with dementia that has zero positive plans for our country over a guy that proved himself to be the best leader we've had in over 20 year. It makes zero sense.
Donald Trump is going to jail over multiple crimes he will be indicted for.

Joe Biden was not part of any investigation into his son.

Anyone who voted for a guy who stole money from a charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, is as bad as Trump. We know who and what Trump is. But it says more about how bad his voters really are.
If that is what we are to conclude, then we must also conclude that at least half of the American public are either too stupid or too ignorant to vote. For the sake of our country, I would hope it's a fact that the election was stolen.
It's a fact, and we all know it, including the left, despite their ridiculous pretenses.
You have produced zero evidence of that being the case. You are nothing more than a shit starter, and a pos liar.
You should talk about "shit starters", you've done nothing this entire thread other than taunt, slander, and curse people. You make no attempt to discuss the topic or anything else. You've more than proven that you are just too stupid and nasty to engage in rational discussion. Pathetic.
Anyone who voted for a guy who stole money from a charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, is as bad as Trump. We know who and what Trump is. But it says more about how bad his voters really are.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh. I'm a Trump voter. Twice, & more is better. What, you think we're rare? Why are you even here if you want to stay away from Trump voters??
Anyone who voted for a guy who stole money from a charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, is as bad as Trump. We know who and what Trump is. But it says more about how bad his voters really are.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh. I'm a Trump voter. Twice, & more is better. What, you think we're rare? Why are you even here if you want to stay away from Trump voters??
Where do you get the idea I think you all are rare? HUH? What's that got to do with anything? And who said I wanted to stay away? Lol! You make shit up as a distraction from the real issue. You, along with the rest of Trump voters are simply bad people. That's my point. And I made a good one.

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