Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich

[SIZE=+1]No need to meet GOP halfway[/SIZE]
by Gene Lyons
For President Obama to treat individual Republicans with civility is one thing. Etiquette, however, has its limits. Embracing bipartisanship as a political goal can be a snare and a delusion. It has certainly seemed so of late, as GOP congressmen responded to Obama's friendly overtures by voting unanimously against his desperately needed economic stimulus, persevering in their party's cultlike faith in tax cuts and aligning themselves with a bombastic radio talker who brags that he wants the president to fail.

[SIZE=-1]"I admit it - I want this president to fail."[/SIZE] The last time we had a new Democratic president, essentially the same thing happened. Republican congressmen voted against Bill Clinton's 1993 tax and budget proposals, uniformly predicting doom. Raising marginal income tax rates a few points on the wealthy, they charged, would lead to economic ruin. Instead, the exact opposite happened. Over the ensuing eight years, the nation witnessed the creation of 25 million new jobs, a balanced federal budget and steadily rising prosperity. Today, an act of historical memory is required to recall that when Bush took office in 2001, people actually worried about paying down the national debt too fast. No problem. The new president embraced what it's tempting to call Limbaughnomics, the absurd belief that tax cuts invariably lead to greater government revenues and more and better jobs. Instead, Bush presided over a sluggish economy, the worst record of job creation since World War II, growing inequality and the current banking crisis, a direct result of "free market" deregulatory fundamentalism combined with a speculative real estate bubble that sustained the illusion of prosperity until it burst. Oh, and yes, runaway budget deficits, thanks mainly to the combination of Bush's tax cuts and the war in Iraq.
let's SOAK the middle class instead, to pay for all of congress's bailouts to Wall Street and spending sprees, that'll work! It will at least keep the Rich happy! :eek:
How about the Gov takes care of defense and infrastructure and gets out of all the other little businesses they inserted themsleves into, and then they hardly need to tax anybody.

the budget is almost 3 trillion a year now, we only collect a trillion in income taxes a year....

i would love to see it like you say....but it will not pay for what they have spent and added to our national debt the past 8 years....our interest payment on this debt, is 400 billion a year now! JUST the interest payment, no paying down the debt with the $400 billion a year.... and not even for the money they have recently spent or committed to spend that will be borrowed and added to the 11 trillion national debt!!!!

everyone's taxes will go up in one manner or another....higher cigarette taxes and liquor taxes and gas taxes will hit the middle class and poor more than the wealthy by sheer numbers alone....

the borrowing and using the middle class's and those with less' social security taxes to pay for what income taxes should fund is also putting the burden on them, instead of the richest among us....

raising taxes on the wealthiest slightly, would not necessarily be putting more taxes, solely on them, as some seem to think!


I agree with most...

Except, our national debt is not created in the past 8 years only.
Funny, we had the greatest transfer in the history of the world from the middle class to the top 1% under Bush. No bid contracts, tax breaks. How come Republicans never, ever defend the middle class? Not ever? Why is that?
Soak the middle class, lose the middle class.

And we all know what they call a country without a middle class don't we?
they have spent and added to our national debt the past 8 years....
Which pales in comparison to what's happened in just the last six months..... Tripled and almost quadrupled what we saw the entire last eight years. And it WILL be quadrupled, probably before the end of this latest session of Congress.

simply not true and i have seen no numbers to support such MM, if you have numbers to show in 6 months they spent what bush did in 8 years, 4 fold....then please share!


good morning!

The Congressional Budget Office projects that the annual deficit will grow to $984 billion for the first eight months of the current fiscal year, compared with a $319 billion shortfall for the same time period last year.

Congressional Budget Office - Home Page

And this is just the budget deficit, not the national debt you were referring to.

Both are different from spending, which you moved the goalposts to in your last post.

First you claim Bush's 5 trillion added to the national debt the last 8 years would be quadrupled this term, but when challenged to back your parroted GOP hate radio lie, you switched to the annual deficit. But since that doesn't help you either, you dishonestly used the phony annual deficit that Bush used which doesn't include spending on Iraq or Katrina because he knows CON$ are too STUPID to do simple arithmetic.

If you simply take Bush's 5 trillion of new debt over his 8 years and divide by 8 you get an average of $625 billion per year annual deficit.

Quadruple that and you get 2.5 trillion. The CBO does not project a 2.5 trillion annual deficit for the current budget.
No stat from any CON$ervative source can ever be trusted.

ummmm............problem s0n..............

nobody cares about your convoluted breakdown:lol: Frankly........its irrelevant.

The bottom line is everyone and their brother has the perception that our new president is spending $$ in historic fashion and is bankrupting the country. They can figure out that being in deficit at the rate of over 1 trillion/year far surpasses ANY spending deficit ever seen in the history of our country.

The 21%ers will always try to spin some fuzzy-ass math, but the only people who care ar e the ummmmm................21%ers!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::oops:
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Which pales in comparison to what's happened in just the last six months..... Tripled and almost quadrupled what we saw the entire last eight years. And it WILL be quadrupled, probably before the end of this latest session of Congress.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that the annual deficit will grow to $984 billion for the first eight months of the current fiscal year, compared with a $319 billion shortfall for the same time period last year.

Congressional Budget Office - Home Page

And this is just the budget deficit, not the national debt you were referring to.

Both are different from spending, which you moved the goalposts to in your last post.

First you claim Bush's 5 trillion added to the national debt the last 8 years would be quadrupled this term, but when challenged to back your parroted GOP hate radio lie, you switched to the annual deficit. But since that doesn't help you either, you dishonestly used the phony annual deficit that Bush used which doesn't include spending on Iraq or Katrina because he knows CON$ are too STUPID to do simple arithmetic.

If you simply take Bush's 5 trillion of new debt over his 8 years and divide by 8 you get an average of $625 billion per year annual deficit.

Quadruple that and you get 2.5 trillion. The CBO does not project a 2.5 trillion annual deficit for the current budget.
No stat from any CON$ervative source can ever be trusted.

I remember Obama saying he would include the wars in his budget. Are righties ignoring this fact? Because that was my fear when I heard Obama was going to do that. Because you know Rush/O'Reilly/Hannity aren't going to tell voters this if it is true.

So are they counting Iraq spending? If they are, I just want to say I KNEW IT!!

Also, I heard Obama has only spent 10% of the $700 billion stimulus bill so far. In other words, he isn't pissing away the money recklessly like Bush and the Tom Delay GOP did when they ran the entire government. They had zero oversite. And the GOP aren't talking shit about the stimulus because they know the projects are probably good ones and long overdue.

Another post that is irrelevant..................nobody cares.

The perception of a majority of Americans is that the "STIMULUS" was a complete and utter failure. The only people saying it is a success are the internet kook 21%ers and the perpetually dull. But most Americans arent dummies...........they heard Obama say that the country would be saved from high unemployment rates and the stimulus didnt do fact, it got worse.................alot worse. Translation? Obama used taxpayer $$ to pay off his special interests for the gay...............

Politically, Obama might as well have tied a giant lead ball to his leg and thrown it overboard ( see poll disaster:lol: )
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Which pales in comparison to what's happened in just the last six months..... Tripled and almost quadrupled what we saw the entire last eight years. And it WILL be quadrupled, probably before the end of this latest session of Congress.

The Congressional Budget Office projects that the annual deficit will grow to $984 billion for the first eight months of the current fiscal year, compared with a $319 billion shortfall for the same time period last year.

Congressional Budget Office - Home Page

And this is just the budget deficit, not the national debt you were referring to.

Both are different from spending, which you moved the goalposts to in your last post.

First you claim Bush's 5 trillion added to the national debt the last 8 years would be quadrupled this term, but when challenged to back your parroted GOP hate radio lie, you switched to the annual deficit. But since that doesn't help you either, you dishonestly used the phony annual deficit that Bush used which doesn't include spending on Iraq or Katrina because he knows CON$ are too STUPID to do simple arithmetic.

If you simply take Bush's 5 trillion of new debt over his 8 years and divide by 8 you get an average of $625 billion per year annual deficit.

Quadruple that and you get 2.5 trillion. The CBO does not project a 2.5 trillion annual deficit for the current budget.
No stat from any CON$ervative source can ever be trusted.

I remember Obama saying he would include the wars in his budget. Are righties ignoring this fact? Because that was my fear when I heard Obama was going to do that. Because you know Rush/O'Reilly/Hannity aren't going to tell voters this if it is true.

So are they counting Iraq spending? If they are, I just want to say I KNEW IT!!

Also, I heard Obama has only spent 10% of the $700 billion stimulus bill so far. In other words, he isn't pissing away the money recklessly like Bush and the Tom Delay GOP did when they ran the entire government. They had zero oversite. And the GOP aren't talking shit about the stimulus because they know the projects are probably good ones and long overdue.

"I remember Obama saying he would include the wars in his budget. Are righties ignoring this fact?"

I remember this as well, but saying something and doing something is two different things is it not. Further the budgets come from congress not the presidents desk, its up to congress to include war spending, of course, if the budget is passed and a war happens after than we must have supplimental spending to fund a war.

"A budget is more than simply numbers on a page. It is a measure of how well we are living up to our obligations to ourselves and one another."
– President Barack Obama

Lets look at the what the president has stated, Obama is telling us how much he spends does not matter, its a matter of living up to ones obligations as Obama defines obligations.

Your happy with that, all you Obama Kool aid drinkers will address my point, doubtful.

Maybe you guys could call me names.

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