CDZ Social media has become too big to remain private.... YES or NO?

No, they're a Company making a decision not to post kook conspiracy theory bullshit...

Then they're not a platform but, rather, a publisher.

This forum permits people to post all sorts of bizarre views because this forum is a PLATFORM. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are PUBLISHERS because they censor a plethora opinions.
This forum has rules and can kick people and ban them.

Twitter, facebook and youtube can do the same - and you can also get off your ass, educate yourself, and build your own successful platform if your feelings don't like it.

And if they arbitrarily and unfairly kick and ban people who don't deserve it, based on their stated rules, and it makes it impossible to actually do what the site is designed for, ie have political discussions,

then they are assholes and morally and ethically in the wrong.

If the site were important enough that their misdeeds were a threat to the well being of the society, then society would have the right to respond.
Like private organizations, private social media sites are at liberty to determine who is or is not a member absent justification.

If a private social media platform doesn’t want to have conservatives as members who spread lies, misinformation, and hate speech, then those individuals can be appropriately banned.

It’s idiotic to suggest that private social media platforms should be subject to government regulation because those platforms don’t want hateful, racist, bigoted conservatives as members.

Well, if we are to use your line of thinking. If they keep the censorship up they are going to fall flat on their faces. Many people are leaving in droves from YT and FB and going to platforms that don't censor such as MeWe and Parlor. I don't even consider myself a conservative and I can see how those such as FB and YT and Google spread their agenda and lie and censor people that are actually telling the truth and they are calling the truthtellers the liars.

Everyone knows by now that these so called fact checkers are nothing but BS and only push things that fits the Powers That Be Agenda. Or whatever you want to call the Cabal.

So in the end if these platforms want to keep censoring people they don't agree with or don't like truth being spread they will become a thing of the past. Many new options are coming available on a daily basis. All I do if I go on FB now is make fun of Mark Zuckerberg and see how many times I can get banned. :D

And THAT is the answer. Start a new social media venue or join a new one. The idea that private property would be co-opted because you don't like them treating like they own it, when they do, is ridiculous.

If I am censored in my free speech I will for sure go somewhere else. As many people are now. They are digging their own graves with their tyrannical platforms.
Again, the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private organizations, such as social media platforms and their subscribers.

There’s nothing ‘tyrannical’ about how social media platforms edit their content.

That as a rightist you’re unhappy with how conservative hate speech is being edited isn’t justification to subject social media platforms to government regulation.

"Hate speech" is you justifying your side's bad behavior.

With bullshit.
There’s nothing ‘tyrannical’ about how social media platforms edit their content.
It is tyrannical- one entity forcing its will on others is tyrannical- it doesn't have to a gov't- the gov't isn't allowed to, allegedly, per the rules for it- private enterprise can, per the rules for it.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work

If they are not applying the standards in a fair manner, according to the terms of service, it is tyranny.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work
Tyranny is tyranny- it doesn't matter where it comes from or what shape it takes. The only difference is one has the choice to accept "terms of service" with Private Enterprise, not so with the gov't.. Most don't realize that differentiation, and demand "official tyranny" (gov't forced) to protect them as long as it coincides with their Party beliefs- there is no such thing as "free" anything. Free is unencumbered. "Terms of service" is, by definition, encumbering.
I feel kind of bad for a sense, they were Programmed with hatred for the last 30 years. DAY IN, DAY OUT being told that 'they're out to get us,' 'we're being wronged,' in some way. That's terrible. If it isn't Democrats want to grab your guns and kill your babies, it's Democrats are evil nafarious deep Staters who are here to rule the world and anyone even in our own party that calls us crazy or laughs us out of court is in on democrats are going to explode the debt until we're bankrupt but we go silent when Republicans do it...Dems are anti big-business, except when big business supports a Dem candidate then now our team can be anti big business because Democrats hate the troops if they don't support the perpetual mid-east now WE'RE the anti perpetual mid-east war team, because they stole the they won't let us say what we want to say on the free platforms they kindly provided for us. Democrats want to OVER REGULATE!! But now since we're a victim about that, too...we'd like our regulations just fine, thanks.

It's just a DECADES long campaign against their mental health and I do kind of feel bad for them. Always told to hate something, always told how they're the victim in some way. eww

Dude. Tens of millions of "boomers" are on your side. They are not a bloc.

All you did there, was talk shit about people, based on you being an asshole and not wanting to have to actually defend your position with a reasonable and credibly supporting argument.
My position is defended by Liberty. Your argument is emotional victimhood mentality. A reasonable person cannot argue with an idealogue with their distorted and emotional axes to grind all the god damn time, and you're not entitled to any fuckin conversation, so go sit on a brick.
There’s nothing ‘tyrannical’ about how social media platforms edit their content.
It is tyrannical- one entity forcing its will on others is tyrannical- it doesn't have to a gov't- the gov't isn't allowed to, allegedly, per the rules for it- private enterprise can, per the rules for it.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work

If they are not applying the standards in a fair manner, according to the terms of service, it is tyranny.
Fair is a subjective term.

and like I said you don't have to use social media.
These companies are supposed to just providing a platform. If they are taking sides, and they are, then they are responsible for their content and should be liable for it.

That they mislead people and fuck up people's lives, and indeed suppress political speech for partisan purposes, COUNTER to their stated purpose or their responsibilities to their share holders,

Makes regulating them a valid issue.

If this argument were raised outside the context of political retribution, I might have more patience with it. But it's not. It's purely Trump "going after" social media companies that won't do his bidding. We should never tolerate that kind of government.

Your rationalization for supporting censorship is noted.

Note whatever you like. I totally support censorship, as long it's not mandated by the state. Twitter and FB's main mistake was in making exceptions for him in the first place. They should have banned him like any other troll and wiped their hands of the whole thing. Instead they placated him, and his followers, because they like all the traffic. For that reason, I don't feel particularly sorry for them being in the crosshairs. But I don't want to see the state dictating to media. Period.

FUnny how so many of the super rich are actually hard core lefties, and use their power to advance the lefty agenda.

It is almost like the class warfare rhetoric of the Left is, like so much of what that have to say, complete bs.

i bet if it were RIGHT LEANING tech companies censoring huge portions of the information that people get, your opinion would be very different.
You mean like Fox News?

Don't you realize that if we give government power over social media, the Democrats will run hog wild with it???

The dems have never waited for us to run wild. They did not need anything from us to use Big Tech, or to politicize the media, or to use violent mobs in the streets.

The issue is real. That dealing with it will be hard, or even not possible, does not mean that the issue is not real.

Businesses, big and small, have a right to their political biases - just like people. They have a right to pick and choose who they cater to and who they snub. They have a right to disagree with the government, and to say so. Despite the claims of socialists and Trump Republicans, they are not "owned" by the state. They are not "public utilities".

The issue here is that FB and Twitter have defied the President and you want to punish them for it. Government shouldn't work that way. A free society doesn't work that way.

If they do that, they are not providing a platform for publishers, but BEING a publisher.

And violating their own stated terms of service with their content creators. Often causing them serious hardship.

AND, if they are harming society with their shitty actions, society has a right to respond.

Again, I just don't buy the weak-ass excuses. I don't believe you give a shit about publishers, or platforms, or terms of service, or harming society. You want to punish FB and Twitter because they didn't cater to Trump as you'd like. It's quite transparent.
These are memes pertaining to the argument within the OP. The underlying issue here, as has always been, is the Victim mentality and the fear-based, irrational/conspiratorial thinking:

View attachment 424574

View attachment 424575

View attachment 424576

YOur argument has been that BIg Tech has the RIGHT to kick anyone off their sites for whatever reason they want.

If they do that, then the people they kick off for no reason, people who often suffer serious financial loss because of it, are indeed, victims.

It is one thing to argue, even dishonestly, a hard core Private Property argument in favor of their actions.

It is another to argue in favor of their right to victimize anyone they want, AND THEN TO RIDICULE their victims for even complaining about it.

Indeed, some of your memes even seen to hint that you might be denying the discrimination is happening, after arguing in defense of the discrimination for dozens of posts.

I take it this is the part of the discussion, where the lib realizes he has lost and just starts throwing shit against the wall, hoping something sticks or at least, if he generations enough noise that it might distract from how badly he failed to support his position.
So, to sum up - "bake the cake"?

To wit:

"Your argument has been that the baker has the RIGHT to refuse service for whatever reason they want.

If they do that, then the people they refuse to serve because of their sexual orientation, people who often suffer serious financial loss because of it, are indeed, victims.

It is one thing to argue, even dishonestly, a hard core Private Property argument in favor of their actions.

It is another to argue in favor of their right to victimize anyone they want, AND THEN TO RIDICULE their victims for even complaining about it.

Indeed, some of your memes even seen to hint that you might be denying the discrimination is happening, after arguing in defense of the discrimination for dozens of posts.

I take it this is the part of the discussion, where the con realizes he has lost and just starts throwing shit against the wall, hoping something sticks or at least, if he generations enough noise that it might distract from how badly he failed to support his position."

Same shit, different hypocritical party. I know, I know - it's different when you do it.

Except here, the "bakery" said, sure we will bake that cake, pay in advance, set up your wedding and invite your guests" and then when you have set up to depend on them, with hundreds of guests coming, (or hundreds of thousands of subscribers)

and you show up on the big day, to get your cake, and they are like,

"Dude. You violated our terms of service, fuck off, no cake for you".

That is putting a real hardship on people and negatively impacting the community.

For you to dismiss such valid complaints as "Whining" is just you being an uncaring asshole and a supporting of discrimination and censorship.

"It's different when we do it". Except that it isn't. You're hypocrites.
I feel kind of bad for a sense, they were Programmed with hatred for the last 30 years. DAY IN, DAY OUT being told that 'they're out to get us,' 'we're being wronged,' in some way. That's terrible. If it isn't Democrats want to grab your guns and kill your babies, it's Democrats are evil nafarious deep Staters who are here to rule the world and anyone even in our own party that calls us crazy or laughs us out of court is in on democrats are going to explode the debt until we're bankrupt but we go silent when Republicans do it...Dems are anti big-business, except when big business supports a Dem candidate then now our team can be anti big business because Democrats hate the troops if they don't support the perpetual mid-east now WE'RE the anti perpetual mid-east war team, because they stole the they won't let us say what we want to say on the free platforms they kindly provided for us. Democrats want to OVER REGULATE!! But now since we're a victim about that, too...we'd like our regulations just fine, thanks.

It's just a DECADES long campaign against their mental health and I do kind of feel bad for them. Always told to hate something, always told how they're the victim in some way. eww

Dude. Tens of millions of "boomers" are on your side. They are not a bloc.

All you did there, was talk shit about people, based on you being an asshole and not wanting to have to actually defend your position with a reasonable and credibly supporting argument.
My position is defended by Liberty. Your argument is emotional victimhood mentality. A reasonable person cannot argue with an idealogue with their distorted and emotional axes to grind all the god damn time, and you're not entitled to any fuckin conversation, so go sit on a brick.

YOur post was nothing but hate based on age.

The way you spun EVERY issue you mentioned into a strawman, and then sort of smeared Boomers as a group, as though they all believe your absurd stawmen, was you being a hateful bigot.

It is worth nothing that the group you mention, is almost evenly split between dems and republicans so your complaint is groundless and you are smearing tens of millions of people who are on your side.

INdeed, it seems that it is the YOUNG, who are more acting like a brainwashed bloc, voting in a group...
There’s nothing ‘tyrannical’ about how social media platforms edit their content.
It is tyrannical- one entity forcing its will on others is tyrannical- it doesn't have to a gov't- the gov't isn't allowed to, allegedly, per the rules for it- private enterprise can, per the rules for it.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work

If they are not applying the standards in a fair manner, according to the terms of service, it is tyranny.
Fair is a subjective term.

and like I said you don't have to use social media.

When one group is often banned or silenced for behavior or saying things that another group is allowed to do,

that is unfair.

And saying I don't have to use social media, is not an answer to that, or the other points people have brought up.
These companies are supposed to just providing a platform. If they are taking sides, and they are, then they are responsible for their content and should be liable for it.

That they mislead people and fuck up people's lives, and indeed suppress political speech for partisan purposes, COUNTER to their stated purpose or their responsibilities to their share holders,

Makes regulating them a valid issue.

If this argument were raised outside the context of political retribution, I might have more patience with it. But it's not. It's purely Trump "going after" social media companies that won't do his bidding. We should never tolerate that kind of government.

Your rationalization for supporting censorship is noted.

Note whatever you like. I totally support censorship, as long it's not mandated by the state. Twitter and FB's main mistake was in making exceptions for him in the first place. They should have banned him like any other troll and wiped their hands of the whole thing. Instead they placated him, and his followers, because they like all the traffic. For that reason, I don't feel particularly sorry for them being in the crosshairs. But I don't want to see the state dictating to media. Period.

FUnny how so many of the super rich are actually hard core lefties, and use their power to advance the lefty agenda.

It is almost like the class warfare rhetoric of the Left is, like so much of what that have to say, complete bs.

i bet if it were RIGHT LEANING tech companies censoring huge portions of the information that people get, your opinion would be very different.
You mean like Fox News?

Don't you realize that if we give government power over social media, the Democrats will run hog wild with it???

The dems have never waited for us to run wild. They did not need anything from us to use Big Tech, or to politicize the media, or to use violent mobs in the streets.

The issue is real. That dealing with it will be hard, or even not possible, does not mean that the issue is not real.

Businesses, big and small, have a right to their political biases - just like people. They have a right to pick and choose who they cater to and who they snub. They have a right to disagree with the government, and to say so. Despite the claims of socialists and Trump Republicans, they are not "owned" by the state. They are not "public utilities".

The issue here is that FB and Twitter have defied the President and you want to punish them for it. Government shouldn't work that way. A free society doesn't work that way.

If they do that, they are not providing a platform for publishers, but BEING a publisher.

And violating their own stated terms of service with their content creators. Often causing them serious hardship.

AND, if they are harming society with their shitty actions, society has a right to respond.

Again, I just don't buy the weak-ass excuses. I don't believe you give a shit about publishers, or platforms, or terms of service, or harming society. You want to punish FB and Twitter because they didn't cater to Trump as you'd like. It's quite transparent.

This has NOTHING to do with Trump and has to do with the long standing larger problem of your side using every avenue available to you, to silence your enemies.

Your calling it "weak ass" or saying "Trump" is you expressing your support for the behavior, but being unable to explain WHY.

The truth is that you WANT censorship and oppression. Because you know that you cannot win any debates based on the merits of your ideas.
These are memes pertaining to the argument within the OP. The underlying issue here, as has always been, is the Victim mentality and the fear-based, irrational/conspiratorial thinking:

View attachment 424574

View attachment 424575

View attachment 424576

YOur argument has been that BIg Tech has the RIGHT to kick anyone off their sites for whatever reason they want.

If they do that, then the people they kick off for no reason, people who often suffer serious financial loss because of it, are indeed, victims.

It is one thing to argue, even dishonestly, a hard core Private Property argument in favor of their actions.

It is another to argue in favor of their right to victimize anyone they want, AND THEN TO RIDICULE their victims for even complaining about it.

Indeed, some of your memes even seen to hint that you might be denying the discrimination is happening, after arguing in defense of the discrimination for dozens of posts.

I take it this is the part of the discussion, where the lib realizes he has lost and just starts throwing shit against the wall, hoping something sticks or at least, if he generations enough noise that it might distract from how badly he failed to support his position.
So, to sum up - "bake the cake"?

To wit:

"Your argument has been that the baker has the RIGHT to refuse service for whatever reason they want.

If they do that, then the people they refuse to serve because of their sexual orientation, people who often suffer serious financial loss because of it, are indeed, victims.

It is one thing to argue, even dishonestly, a hard core Private Property argument in favor of their actions.

It is another to argue in favor of their right to victimize anyone they want, AND THEN TO RIDICULE their victims for even complaining about it.

Indeed, some of your memes even seen to hint that you might be denying the discrimination is happening, after arguing in defense of the discrimination for dozens of posts.

I take it this is the part of the discussion, where the con realizes he has lost and just starts throwing shit against the wall, hoping something sticks or at least, if he generations enough noise that it might distract from how badly he failed to support his position."

Same shit, different hypocritical party. I know, I know - it's different when you do it.

Except here, the "bakery" said, sure we will bake that cake, pay in advance, set up your wedding and invite your guests" and then when you have set up to depend on them, with hundreds of guests coming, (or hundreds of thousands of subscribers)

and you show up on the big day, to get your cake, and they are like,

"Dude. You violated our terms of service, fuck off, no cake for you".

That is putting a real hardship on people and negatively impacting the community.

For you to dismiss such valid complaints as "Whining" is just you being an uncaring asshole and a supporting of discrimination and censorship.

"It's different when we do it". Except that it isn't. You're hypocrites.

I explained the real difference using your analogy.

You failed to address it, at all. That is you implicitly admitting that my point was valid, that the censorship is real and and is a real problem that does justify regulation of some sort.

Yet you support the censorship by Big Tech, because you know that Free Speech is a threat to your political agenda.
I feel kind of bad for a sense, they were Programmed with hatred for the last 30 years. DAY IN, DAY OUT being told that 'they're out to get us,' 'we're being wronged,' in some way. That's terrible. If it isn't Democrats want to grab your guns and kill your babies, it's Democrats are evil nafarious deep Staters who are here to rule the world and anyone even in our own party that calls us crazy or laughs us out of court is in on democrats are going to explode the debt until we're bankrupt but we go silent when Republicans do it...Dems are anti big-business, except when big business supports a Dem candidate then now our team can be anti big business because Democrats hate the troops if they don't support the perpetual mid-east now WE'RE the anti perpetual mid-east war team, because they stole the they won't let us say what we want to say on the free platforms they kindly provided for us. Democrats want to OVER REGULATE!! But now since we're a victim about that, too...we'd like our regulations just fine, thanks.

It's just a DECADES long campaign against their mental health and I do kind of feel bad for them. Always told to hate something, always told how they're the victim in some way. eww

Dude. Tens of millions of "boomers" are on your side. They are not a bloc.

All you did there, was talk shit about people, based on you being an asshole and not wanting to have to actually defend your position with a reasonable and credibly supporting argument.
My position is defended by Liberty. Your argument is emotional victimhood mentality. A reasonable person cannot argue with an idealogue with their distorted and emotional axes to grind all the god damn time, and you're not entitled to any fuckin conversation, so go sit on a brick.

YOur post was nothing but hate based on age.

The way you spun EVERY issue you mentioned into a strawman, and then sort of smeared Boomers as a group, as though they all believe your absurd stawmen, was you being a hateful bigot.

It is worth nothing that the group you mention, is almost evenly split between dems and republicans so your complaint is groundless and you are smearing tens of millions of people who are on your side.

INdeed, it seems that it is the YOUNG, who are more acting like a brainwashed bloc, voting in a group...
I don't know what the hell tangent youre on about, but Liberty is more important than perpetual victimhood to me, and you don't have to agree.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work
Tyranny is tyranny- it doesn't matter where it comes from or what shape it takes. The only difference is one has the choice to accept "terms of service" with Private Enterprise, not so with the gov't.. Most don't realize that differentiation, and demand "official tyranny" (gov't forced) to protect them as long as it coincides with their Party beliefs- there is no such thing as "free" anything. Free is unencumbered. "Terms of service" is, by definition, encumbering.
no private company can commit tyranny on any person because all you have to do is stop using the service
There’s nothing ‘tyrannical’ about how social media platforms edit their content.
It is tyrannical- one entity forcing its will on others is tyrannical- it doesn't have to a gov't- the gov't isn't allowed to, allegedly, per the rules for it- private enterprise can, per the rules for it.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work

If they are not applying the standards in a fair manner, according to the terms of service, it is tyranny.
Fair is a subjective term.

and like I said you don't have to use social media.

When one group is often banned or silenced for behavior or saying things that another group is allowed to do,

that is unfair.

And saying I don't have to use social media, is not an answer to that, or the other points people have brought up.

Do you people ever stop whining.
I feel kind of bad for a sense, they were Programmed with hatred for the last 30 years. DAY IN, DAY OUT being told that 'they're out to get us,' 'we're being wronged,' in some way. That's terrible. If it isn't Democrats want to grab your guns and kill your babies, it's Democrats are evil nafarious deep Staters who are here to rule the world and anyone even in our own party that calls us crazy or laughs us out of court is in on democrats are going to explode the debt until we're bankrupt but we go silent when Republicans do it...Dems are anti big-business, except when big business supports a Dem candidate then now our team can be anti big business because Democrats hate the troops if they don't support the perpetual mid-east now WE'RE the anti perpetual mid-east war team, because they stole the they won't let us say what we want to say on the free platforms they kindly provided for us. Democrats want to OVER REGULATE!! But now since we're a victim about that, too...we'd like our regulations just fine, thanks.

It's just a DECADES long campaign against their mental health and I do kind of feel bad for them. Always told to hate something, always told how they're the victim in some way. eww

Dude. Tens of millions of "boomers" are on your side. They are not a bloc.

All you did there, was talk shit about people, based on you being an asshole and not wanting to have to actually defend your position with a reasonable and credibly supporting argument.
My position is defended by Liberty. Your argument is emotional victimhood mentality. A reasonable person cannot argue with an idealogue with their distorted and emotional axes to grind all the god damn time, and you're not entitled to any fuckin conversation, so go sit on a brick.

YOur post was nothing but hate based on age.

The way you spun EVERY issue you mentioned into a strawman, and then sort of smeared Boomers as a group, as though they all believe your absurd stawmen, was you being a hateful bigot.

It is worth nothing that the group you mention, is almost evenly split between dems and republicans so your complaint is groundless and you are smearing tens of millions of people who are on your side.

INdeed, it seems that it is the YOUNG, who are more acting like a brainwashed bloc, voting in a group...
I don't know what the hell tangent youre on about, but Liberty is more important than perpetual victimhood to me, and you don't have to agree.

Pointing out that the group you are attacking for being "programmed with hate", supported your side just a hair less than they supported mine,

is not a tangent.

Seriously, ,what is wrong with you? Why do you hate Boomers? Are you really willing to throw tens of millions of your fellow dems under the bus, because other members of their age group, did not agree with you and them?

I see that you are. INteresting. Just agreeing and actively supporting is not enough. if you are found to be part of a group, that as a whole is not supportive of the Left enough that is all it takes to be demonized and marginalized.

LOL!!! I've been warning libs for years, that sooner or later that the mob would turn on them. Thanks for proving me right.
There’s nothing ‘tyrannical’ about how social media platforms edit their content.
It is tyrannical- one entity forcing its will on others is tyrannical- it doesn't have to a gov't- the gov't isn't allowed to, allegedly, per the rules for it- private enterprise can, per the rules for it.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work

If they are not applying the standards in a fair manner, according to the terms of service, it is tyranny.
Fair is a subjective term.

and like I said you don't have to use social media.

When one group is often banned or silenced for behavior or saying things that another group is allowed to do,

that is unfair.

And saying I don't have to use social media, is not an answer to that, or the other points people have brought up.

Do you people ever stop whining.

Complaining about real grievances is not "whining".

That is just you supporting the injustice.
There’s nothing ‘tyrannical’ about how social media platforms edit their content.
It is tyrannical- one entity forcing its will on others is tyrannical- it doesn't have to a gov't- the gov't isn't allowed to, allegedly, per the rules for it- private enterprise can, per the rules for it.
You agree to the terms when you sign up for the FREE service so by definition it is not tyranny

And you do not have to use social media if you don't like the way they work

If they are not applying the standards in a fair manner, according to the terms of service, it is tyranny.
Fair is a subjective term.

and like I said you don't have to use social media.

When one group is often banned or silenced for behavior or saying things that another group is allowed to do,

that is unfair.

And saying I don't have to use social media, is not an answer to that, or the other points people have brought up.

Do you people ever stop whining.

Complaining about real grievances is not "whining".

That is just you supporting the injustice.

It's not a real grievance. It's you stomping your feet and whining "It's not fair"

My god it's fucking Facebook and all Facebook is is a place to sell advertising
This thread is yet another example of the authoritarian right: compel conformity and silence dissent with more government, bigger government.

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