Social or Fiscal Conservative?

As a conservative which of the following best describes you

  • Fiscal Conservative, Limited government Conservative

    Votes: 18 75.0%
  • Social Conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Neither fit me let me explain.

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
As a conservative do you consider yourself a Fiscally Responsible Limited Government Conservative, A Social Conservative or both? Or do none of the choices cover you. Please explain.
This is why I go libertarian every time.

There's nothing inherently "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) about so-called "social conservatives"...They're just as strident a brand of small-minded do-gooder nanny statists, as any Fabian socialist/progressive out there.
This is why I go libertarian every time.

There's nothing inherently "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) about so-called "social conservatives"...They're just as strident a brand of small-minded do-gooder nanny statists, as any Fabian socialist/progressive out there.

I took a test once it said I was a libertarian , that is if you believe in that kind of stuff.:lol:
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This is why I go libertarian every time.

There's nothing inherently "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) about so-called "social conservatives"...They're just as strident a brand of small-minded do-gooder nanny statists, as any Fabian socialist/progressive out there.

Yep, Though until more Fiscal Conservative that favor Smaller government make the jump. The libertarian Party will still remain powerless. So today our best hope of returning Fiscal conservatives to power is still through the dreaded Republican party.
This is why I go libertarian every time.

There's nothing inherently "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) about so-called "social conservatives"...They're just as strident a brand of small-minded do-gooder nanny statists, as any Fabian socialist/progressive out there.

Yep, Though until more Fiscal Conservative that favor Smaller government make the jump. The libertarian Party will still remain powerless. So today our best hope of returning Fiscal conservatives to power is still through the dreaded Republican party.
Sorry...I quit buying that bill of goods back in '95.

Besides that, the GOP is loaded down with feet-of-clay sqush sellouts like Juan McQuisling...You can have 'em.
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Yeah...I'm a real fence-sitter. :rolleyes:

Oh...And if that's your idea of effective demopublicratican voter outreach and persuasion, don't quit your day job.
Neither fit me let me explain. Monopolies suck. I don't support conserving any type of government. I'm a loon.
I'm the only social/fiscal conservative? I find that hard to believe.

First and foremost, the federal government has usurped the power of the states.

But I'm also 100% pro-life and oppose gay marraige.
I'm the only social/fiscal conservative? I find that hard to believe.

First and foremost, the federal government has usurped the power of the states.

But I'm also 100% pro-life and oppose gay marraige.

Yep, only one so far. I cannot reconcile how someone could be fiscally conservative wanting a smaller government and then go socially conservative that requires a larger government and restrictions on freedoms. Don't worry though, there are a few other social cons here too, you're not alone :)
I am a fiscal conservative. I'd close 50% or more of government agency offices. I am also a social liberal. I oppose using the power of government merely to assure that Citizen A lives his private life in a way that Citizen B "needs" him to in order for Citizen B to be comfy.
I'm the only social/fiscal conservative? I find that hard to believe.

First and foremost, the federal government has usurped the power of the states.

But I'm also 100% pro-life and oppose gay marraige.

Yep, only one so far. I cannot reconcile how someone could be fiscally conservative wanting a smaller government and then go socially conservative that requires a larger government and restrictions on freedoms. Don't worry though, there are a few other social cons here too, you're not alone :)

I don't see how opposing killing the unborn grows 100% fiscal conservatives oppose government protection of the right to live?
I'm the only social/fiscal conservative? I find that hard to believe.

First and foremost, the federal government has usurped the power of the states.

But I'm also 100% pro-life and oppose gay marraige.

Yep, only one so far. I cannot reconcile how someone could be fiscally conservative wanting a smaller government and then go socially conservative that requires a larger government and restrictions on freedoms. Don't worry though, there are a few other social cons here too, you're not alone :)

I don't see how opposing killing the unborn grows 100% fiscal conservatives oppose government protection of the right to live?

IYO abortion is murder. Not in mine. Why do you insist on foisting your values on me? Why do you insist on getting government involved in this?
Yeah...I'm a real fence-sitter. :rolleyes:

Oh...And if that's your idea of effective demopublicratican voter outreach and persuasion, don't quit your day job.

Face it, you come to late to be a libertarian. The infrastructure has been built for you by socialists, you just want to use them. The government & treasury is in place, you just want to take it over. The preserved national forests and federal land has been cared for, you just want to sell it.

You can never attain the Libertarian dream, because you didn't work or suffer for it. You want a free handout by confiscating the land and selling it off to the highest bidders, along with the infrastructure. How clever of you, you blue streaked devil in waiting.

I don't complain about some of the ideas, I rail against the sneaky way libertarians go about grabbing the country. Were this a greedy Con, his ideas would get him tarred and feathered, or worse. And like Ron paul, libertarians fall short of freedom everytime they would convenience tax me for what they stole from the people. Getting f-ed once is enough, but to turn around and want to do it twice is a real arse-hole ripper.
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I don't know what the heck I am anymore. What is a social conservative now days?

We need a one maybe..
I don't know what the heck I am anymore. What is a social conservative now days?

We need a one maybe..

The hell with labels, Kat. I say we do what we think is right on an issue by issue basis.

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