Socialism doesn't scare them anymore

Capitalism worked fine for me.
In fact it was pretty easy. You find something that interests you that has a chance of upward mobility and go to work everyday and apply yourself.
Low and behold before you know it you have expendable income.
Which you then invest.

The ugly side?
We finally got around to doing last years taxes....$103,000 thousand MF'n bucks!!!
What a Fucken kick in the teeth!!!
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.

Nobody believes that. People understand that capitalism is much more than working hard. It's a matter of taking your money and investing in it, thus creating your own income.

In many instances, people fail, but in the process, learn things. You can work as hard as you desire, but if you are blue collar, you'll never get rich working for somebody else. It's a well known factor.

My favorite economist, and former fill-in host on the Rush Limbaugh show, Dr. Walter E Williams said many times, that when he was teaching college, he would be asked by one or more students "Dr. Williams, what is the secrete to financial success?" To that, Williams always responded that the key to success is pleasing your fellow man.

If you make a good hamburger, you please your fellow man by a few, be it feeding your family or friends. If you take your delicious hamburger, and open your own restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the thousands. If you decide to franchise your restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the millions, and financial success grows equally.
I suspect you’re one of those under the misapprehension that our crony capitalist system (really Fascism) works for the vast majority of Americans, if only they would learn to invest and please their fellow man.

The billionaires laugh at people like you.

It only works for people that take the opportunity to be part of it. If you are going to stay at your job running a drill press, you are not participating. You are simply working for somebody that is participating.
So now if everyone would just apply their God given talents, all would be rich. LOL. WTF man.
Anyone can increase their net worth if they want to.
Yes but few ever get rich. Now with the system so stacked against most Americans, many can see the unfairness. Millions of Americans are living in or near poverty, while billionaires get sweetheart deals from Uncle.

Money is political power in our corrupt nation. The ultra rich have enormous political power. I don’t think this a good thing. Do you?

Define rich.

Some would say a person who can live modestly off of his lifetime of savings with little worry about meeting his expenses is a rich man.

The fact is you don't need millions of dollars to live such a life.
You’re ignoring the problem. Over 50% of Americans have $0 net worth. Millions live in poverty. We are the richest third world nation in the world.

Can we debate the problem rather than post platitudes?
Sure. Lets start with the fact that of that 50% that have $0 net worth have that because of their own poor choices in life.

GM made poor choices. Taxpayers bailed them out with billions of dollars. Should those who make poor choices live with those choices or not?
Absolutely they should live with them. Now here is the part where you play some kind of emotional blackmail by pointing out that the workers shouldn't be held to account for the bad decisions of management.

You'd be wrong, but emotions as thought is always wrong.

I'm not nor have I ever argued that. Now, Trump is getting ready to provide more bail out money on top of the billions and billions his administration has already doled out. Are you going to vote for that to continue?

Why is it just his administration? All spending bills originate in the House.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

People in this country have absolutely no concept or any notion of what real poverty is or even what it looks like. If they did maybe they would stop whining and maybe they'd even feel ashamed for whining. They should. From what I've seen it's often a matter of choice. I've seen it and I know what it looks like and it's something that I've never seen in this country.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

People in this country have absolutely no concept or any notion of what real poverty is or even what it looks like. If they did maybe they would stop whining and maybe they'd even feel ashamed for whining. They should. From what I've seen it's often a matter of choice. I've seen it and I know what it looks like and it's something that I've never seen in this country.
Yeah we need to live like they do in Haiti, to be grateful we live in the richest nation in the world.

Don’t be stupid.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.

Nobody believes that. People understand that capitalism is much more than working hard. It's a matter of taking your money and investing in it, thus creating your own income.

In many instances, people fail, but in the process, learn things. You can work as hard as you desire, but if you are blue collar, you'll never get rich working for somebody else. It's a well known factor.

My favorite economist, and former fill-in host on the Rush Limbaugh show, Dr. Walter E Williams said many times, that when he was teaching college, he would be asked by one or more students "Dr. Williams, what is the secrete to financial success?" To that, Williams always responded that the key to success is pleasing your fellow man.

If you make a good hamburger, you please your fellow man by a few, be it feeding your family or friends. If you take your delicious hamburger, and open your own restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the thousands. If you decide to franchise your restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the millions, and financial success grows equally.
I suspect you’re one of those under the misapprehension that our crony capitalist system (really Fascism) works for the vast majority of Americans, if only they would learn to invest and please their fellow man.

The billionaires laugh at people like you.

It only works for people that take the opportunity to be part of it. If you are going to stay at your job running a drill press, you are not participating. You are simply working for somebody that is participating.
So now if everyone would just apply their God given talents, all would be rich. LOL. WTF man.
Anyone can increase their net worth if they want to.
Yes but few ever get rich. Now with the system so stacked against most Americans, many can see the unfairness. Millions of Americans are living in or near poverty, while billionaires get sweetheart deals from Uncle.

Money is political power in our corrupt nation. The ultra rich have enormous political power. I don’t think this a good thing. Do you?

Define rich.

Some would say a person who can live modestly off of his lifetime of savings with little worry about meeting his expenses is a rich man.

The fact is you don't need millions of dollars to live such a life.
You’re ignoring the problem. Over 50% of Americans have $0 net worth. Millions live in poverty. We are the richest third world nation in the world.

Can we debate the problem rather than post platitudes?

How many of those 50% of Americans have more than one video game system, a big screen television, cable or satellite services with at least 300 channels, the highest speed internet, the newest iPhone?

If your stat is true, and I doubt it is, it's not an income problem for them, it's a spending problem in many cases.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

People in this country have absolutely no concept or any notion of what real poverty is or even what it looks like. If they did maybe they would stop whining and maybe they'd even feel ashamed for whining. They should. From what I've seen it's often a matter of choice. I've seen it and I know what it looks like and it's something that I've never seen in this country.

I've talked with people who came here from other countries. They laugh at what we call poverty.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

They don't know what suffering is until socialism takes over......they have been lied to their entire lives by the democrat party teachers in their schools, the democrat party activists in the news rooms, to the democrat party activists in Hollywood....

They are going to suffer more than they have ever known if they vote for biden........

the democrats ruined the economy just before Bush came into office...under clintons tax increases that managed to finally end the Reagan the democrats destroying the housing market with their policies....

The democrats, not capitalism, failed these people......and if they give more power to the democrats, they will be eating their pets, without the toilet paper to wipe their rear ends.....
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.

Nobody believes that. People understand that capitalism is much more than working hard. It's a matter of taking your money and investing in it, thus creating your own income.

In many instances, people fail, but in the process, learn things. You can work as hard as you desire, but if you are blue collar, you'll never get rich working for somebody else. It's a well known factor.

My favorite economist, and former fill-in host on the Rush Limbaugh show, Dr. Walter E Williams said many times, that when he was teaching college, he would be asked by one or more students "Dr. Williams, what is the secrete to financial success?" To that, Williams always responded that the key to success is pleasing your fellow man.

If you make a good hamburger, you please your fellow man by a few, be it feeding your family or friends. If you take your delicious hamburger, and open your own restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the thousands. If you decide to franchise your restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the millions, and financial success grows equally.
I suspect you’re one of those under the misapprehension that our crony capitalist system (really Fascism) works for the vast majority of Americans, if only they would learn to invest and please their fellow man.

The billionaires laugh at people like you.

It only works for people that take the opportunity to be part of it. If you are going to stay at your job running a drill press, you are not participating. You are simply working for somebody that is participating.
So now if everyone would just apply their God given talents, all would be rich. LOL. WTF man.
Anyone can increase their net worth if they want to.
Yes but few ever get rich. Now with the system so stacked against most Americans, many can see the unfairness. Millions of Americans are living in or near poverty, while billionaires get sweetheart deals from Uncle.

Money is political power in our corrupt nation. The ultra rich have enormous political power. I don’t think this a good thing. Do you?

Define rich.

Some would say a person who can live modestly off of his lifetime of savings with little worry about meeting his expenses is a rich man.

The fact is you don't need millions of dollars to live such a life.
You’re ignoring the problem. Over 50% of Americans have $0 net worth. Millions live in poverty. We are the richest third world nation in the world.

Can we debate the problem rather than post platitudes?

How many of those 50% of Americans have more than one video game system, a big screen television, cable or satellite services with at least 300 channels, the highest speed internet, the newest iPhone?

If your stat is true, and I doubt it is, it's not an income problem for them, it's a spending problem in many cases.
Yeah they don’t deserve those things, in the richest nation in the world. Fucking ingrates.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

People in this country have absolutely no concept or any notion of what real poverty is or even what it looks like. If they did maybe they would stop whining and maybe they'd even feel ashamed for whining. They should. From what I've seen it's often a matter of choice. I've seen it and I know what it looks like and it's something that I've never seen in this country.
Yeah we need to live like they do in Haiti, to be grateful we live in the richest nation in the world.

Don’t be stupid.
I've never been stupid but you sure seem to be giving it a good try.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

People in this country have absolutely no concept or any notion of what real poverty is or even what it looks like. If they did maybe they would stop whining and maybe they'd even feel ashamed for whining. They should. From what I've seen it's often a matter of choice. I've seen it and I know what it looks like and it's something that I've never seen in this country.
Yeah we need to live like they do in Haiti, to be grateful we live in the richest nation in the world.

Don’t be stupid.
I've never been stupid but you sure seem to be giving it a good try.
Don’t change the subject, stupid.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.

Nobody believes that. People understand that capitalism is much more than working hard. It's a matter of taking your money and investing in it, thus creating your own income.

In many instances, people fail, but in the process, learn things. You can work as hard as you desire, but if you are blue collar, you'll never get rich working for somebody else. It's a well known factor.

My favorite economist, and former fill-in host on the Rush Limbaugh show, Dr. Walter E Williams said many times, that when he was teaching college, he would be asked by one or more students "Dr. Williams, what is the secrete to financial success?" To that, Williams always responded that the key to success is pleasing your fellow man.

If you make a good hamburger, you please your fellow man by a few, be it feeding your family or friends. If you take your delicious hamburger, and open your own restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the thousands. If you decide to franchise your restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the millions, and financial success grows equally.
I suspect you’re one of those under the misapprehension that our crony capitalist system (really Fascism) works for the vast majority of Americans, if only they would learn to invest and please their fellow man.

The billionaires laugh at people like you.

It only works for people that take the opportunity to be part of it. If you are going to stay at your job running a drill press, you are not participating. You are simply working for somebody that is participating.
So now if everyone would just apply their God given talents, all would be rich. LOL. WTF man.
Anyone can increase their net worth if they want to.
Yes but few ever get rich. Now with the system so stacked against most Americans, many can see the unfairness. Millions of Americans are living in or near poverty, while billionaires get sweetheart deals from Uncle.

Money is political power in our corrupt nation. The ultra rich have enormous political power. I don’t think this a good thing. Do you?

Define rich.

Some would say a person who can live modestly off of his lifetime of savings with little worry about meeting his expenses is a rich man.

The fact is you don't need millions of dollars to live such a life.
You’re ignoring the problem. Over 50% of Americans have $0 net worth. Millions live in poverty. We are the richest third world nation in the world.

Can we debate the problem rather than post platitudes?

How many of those 50% of Americans have more than one video game system, a big screen television, cable or satellite services with at least 300 channels, the highest speed internet, the newest iPhone?

If your stat is true, and I doubt it is, it's not an income problem for them, it's a spending problem in many cases.
Yeah they don’t deserve those things, in the richest nation in the world. Fucking ingrates.

They deserve anything they work for. But then don't complain when you spend your money on those things and have nothing else to show for it. These are called priorities.

You associated no residual income with poverty. People can make 75K a year, and depending on their spending, they could have 0 dollars by the end of the month. They bought too expensive of a new car, too large of a house, take very expensive vacations and so fort. Spending too much money on non-essential things does not define poverty.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

They don't know what suffering is until socialism takes over......they have been lied to their entire lives by the democrat party teachers in their schools, the democrat party activists in the news rooms, to the democrat party activists in Hollywood....

They are going to suffer more than they have ever known if they vote for biden........

the democrats ruined the economy just before Bush came into office...under clintons tax increases that managed to finally end the Reagan the democrats destroying the housing market with their policies....

The democrats, not capitalism, failed these people......and if they give more power to the democrats, they will be eating their pets, without the toilet paper to wipe their rear ends.....

Biden himself said if he were in charge today, the country would remain in lockdown until a vaccine was developed. God knows how long that could take, or if one could even be made.

Imagine what our economy would look like after a year or two in total lockdown. If people think the debt is bad today, it would be nothing compared to what it would cost our government to support most of it's people.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

They don't know what suffering is until socialism takes over......they have been lied to their entire lives by the democrat party teachers in their schools, the democrat party activists in the news rooms, to the democrat party activists in Hollywood....

They are going to suffer more than they have ever known if they vote for biden........

the democrats ruined the economy just before Bush came into office...under clintons tax increases that managed to finally end the Reagan the democrats destroying the housing market with their policies....

The democrats, not capitalism, failed these people......and if they give more power to the democrats, they will be eating their pets, without the toilet paper to wipe their rear ends.....

Biden himself said if he were in charge today, the country would remain in lockdown until a vaccine was developed. God knows how long that could take, or if one could even be made.

Imagine what our economy would look like after a year or two in total lockdown. If people think the debt is bad today, it would be nothing compared to what it would cost our government to support most of it's people.

The Chinese will be running the country by then, and they will have the workers working and moving the bodies out of the workshops to clear the way for more work........

If people elect the democrat party, since biden is an empty shell.....they will deserve the hell they have created.......and their children will suffer...
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.

Nobody believes that. People understand that capitalism is much more than working hard. It's a matter of taking your money and investing in it, thus creating your own income.

In many instances, people fail, but in the process, learn things. You can work as hard as you desire, but if you are blue collar, you'll never get rich working for somebody else. It's a well known factor.

My favorite economist, and former fill-in host on the Rush Limbaugh show, Dr. Walter E Williams said many times, that when he was teaching college, he would be asked by one or more students "Dr. Williams, what is the secrete to financial success?" To that, Williams always responded that the key to success is pleasing your fellow man.

If you make a good hamburger, you please your fellow man by a few, be it feeding your family or friends. If you take your delicious hamburger, and open your own restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the thousands. If you decide to franchise your restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the millions, and financial success grows equally.
I suspect you’re one of those under the misapprehension that our crony capitalist system (really Fascism) works for the vast majority of Americans, if only they would learn to invest and please their fellow man.

The billionaires laugh at people like you.

It only works for people that take the opportunity to be part of it. If you are going to stay at your job running a drill press, you are not participating. You are simply working for somebody that is participating.
So now if everyone would just apply their God given talents, all would be rich. LOL. WTF man.
Anyone can increase their net worth if they want to.
Yes but few ever get rich. Now with the system so stacked against most Americans, many can see the unfairness. Millions of Americans are living in or near poverty, while billionaires get sweetheart deals from Uncle.

Money is political power in our corrupt nation. The ultra rich have enormous political power. I don’t think this a good thing. Do you?

Define rich.

Some would say a person who can live modestly off of his lifetime of savings with little worry about meeting his expenses is a rich man.

The fact is you don't need millions of dollars to live such a life.
You’re ignoring the problem. Over 50% of Americans have $0 net worth. Millions live in poverty. We are the richest third world nation in the world.

Can we debate the problem rather than post platitudes?

How many of those 50% of Americans have more than one video game system, a big screen television, cable or satellite services with at least 300 channels, the highest speed internet, the newest iPhone?

If your stat is true, and I doubt it is, it's not an income problem for them, it's a spending problem in many cases.
Yeah they don’t deserve those things, in the richest nation in the world. Fucking ingrates.

They deserve anything they work for. But then don't complain when you spend your money on those things and have nothing else to show for it. These are called priorities.

You associated no residual income with poverty. People can make 75K a year, and depending on their spending, they could have 0 dollars by the end of the month. They bought too expensive of a new car, too large of a house, take very expensive vacations and so fort. Spending too much money on non-essential things does not define poverty.
So, if they aren’t working they die and you’re cool with that.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.

Nobody believes that. People understand that capitalism is much more than working hard. It's a matter of taking your money and investing in it, thus creating your own income.

In many instances, people fail, but in the process, learn things. You can work as hard as you desire, but if you are blue collar, you'll never get rich working for somebody else. It's a well known factor.

My favorite economist, and former fill-in host on the Rush Limbaugh show, Dr. Walter E Williams said many times, that when he was teaching college, he would be asked by one or more students "Dr. Williams, what is the secrete to financial success?" To that, Williams always responded that the key to success is pleasing your fellow man.

If you make a good hamburger, you please your fellow man by a few, be it feeding your family or friends. If you take your delicious hamburger, and open your own restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the thousands. If you decide to franchise your restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the millions, and financial success grows equally.
I suspect you’re one of those under the misapprehension that our crony capitalist system (really Fascism) works for the vast majority of Americans, if only they would learn to invest and please their fellow man.

The billionaires laugh at people like you.

It only works for people that take the opportunity to be part of it. If you are going to stay at your job running a drill press, you are not participating. You are simply working for somebody that is participating.
So now if everyone would just apply their God given talents, all would be rich. LOL. WTF man.
Anyone can increase their net worth if they want to.
Yes but few ever get rich. Now with the system so stacked against most Americans, many can see the unfairness. Millions of Americans are living in or near poverty, while billionaires get sweetheart deals from Uncle.

Money is political power in our corrupt nation. The ultra rich have enormous political power. I don’t think this a good thing. Do you?

Define rich.

Some would say a person who can live modestly off of his lifetime of savings with little worry about meeting his expenses is a rich man.

The fact is you don't need millions of dollars to live such a life.
You’re ignoring the problem. Over 50% of Americans have $0 net worth. Millions live in poverty. We are the richest third world nation in the world.

Can we debate the problem rather than post platitudes?

How many of those 50% of Americans have more than one video game system, a big screen television, cable or satellite services with at least 300 channels, the highest speed internet, the newest iPhone?

If your stat is true, and I doubt it is, it's not an income problem for them, it's a spending problem in many cases.
Yeah they don’t deserve those things, in the richest nation in the world. Fucking ingrates.

They deserve anything they work for. But then don't complain when you spend your money on those things and have nothing else to show for it. These are called priorities.

You associated no residual income with poverty. People can make 75K a year, and depending on their spending, they could have 0 dollars by the end of the month. They bought too expensive of a new car, too large of a house, take very expensive vacations and so fort. Spending too much money on non-essential things does not define poverty.
So, if they aren’t working they die and you’re cool with that.

I have no idea how you got that out of my reply. I'm merely pointing out what people consider necessities today are not really necessities at all. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. We had one television set for the family, one landline phone, cable wasn't even a thought back then, and our parents took us to McDonald's or like about twice a year. We did have a classic Atari video game system, but games for the thing were about five bucks. We did just fine.

Several years ago an old GF who I remained friends with all these years was stating she couldn't find a decent apartment. She was being foreclosed on. Her choice was to live with her mother (who she doesn't get along with) and getting her own place.

At the time, I had a tenant move out, and told her the place was hers, but I can only discount the rent by a hundred bucks from what I was getting. She took a look at the place and was undecided. She called me two days later to decline my offer, and opted to stay with her mother against her better judgement. She said even with disability, she couldn't really afford it. She went on to give me a list of her expenses, and one of them was $650.00 month car payment.

I went nuts. I yelled at her, WTF are you doing with a $650.00 a month car payment in your situation? That's more than I would be charging you for rent!!!! After extensive talking, she refused to sell the car for an older model. She said she'd die in the car first.

That's what I'm talking about.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

We have bad capitalism. Our politicians are all owned by the wealthy and that leads to very bad capitalism. Good capitalism doesn't have everyone paying off politicians for favors. What we need is good capitalism. Unfortunately I don't see that happening as republicans have move far from it and too many dems think it's bad now.
Capitalism worked fine for me.
In fact it was pretty easy. You find something that interests you that has a chance of upward mobility and go to work everyday and apply yourself.
Low and behold before you know it you have expendable income.
Which you then invest.

The ugly side?
We finally got around to doing last years taxes....$103,000 thousand MF'n bucks!!!
What a Fucken kick in the teeth!!!

I'm with ya on that one, taxes were an eye opener. Reach out to me if you ever figure out a solution to that one.
Capitalism worked fine for me.
In fact it was pretty easy. You find something that interests you that has a chance of upward mobility and go to work everyday and apply yourself.
Low and behold before you know it you have expendable income.
Which you then invest.

The ugly side?
We finally got around to doing last years taxes....$103,000 thousand MF'n bucks!!!
What a Fucken kick in the teeth!!!

I'm with ya on that one, taxes were an eye opener. Reach out to me if you ever figure out a solution to that one.

Is staying out of jail a prerequisite?
Capitalism worked fine for me.
In fact it was pretty easy. You find something that interests you that has a chance of upward mobility and go to work everyday and apply yourself.
Low and behold before you know it you have expendable income.
Which you then invest.

The ugly side?
We finally got around to doing last years taxes....$103,000 thousand MF'n bucks!!!
What a Fucken kick in the teeth!!!

I'm with ya on that one, taxes were an eye opener. Reach out to me if you ever figure out a solution to that one.

Is staying out of jail a prerequisite?

Let's see how crime punishment changes over the next few months, it may be an option.

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