Socialism is Good


Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Jul 8, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - Socialism is Good (社会主义好) - English subtitles[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - OBAMA SONG OFFICIAL VIDEO - Michael Franti and Spearhead[/ame]

Ah, those were the days...and how things have changed.
explain where obama is being socialist again? non partisan sources please, not just claims and conspiracy theories
Well, Socialism is bad for the top ten percent, who own 90 percent of the stock. And by the way, this is not a made-up statistic.

Who owns the media? The rich. Who speaks on the media? Even proported liberal Katie Couric gets paid 15 million plus, each year. The rich own the media, the people on the media are rich, the talking heads who convince you how bad socialism is, are well, rich.

The brainwashing against Socialism is perhaps the biggest bit of brainwashing that comes over the savagely capitalistic media. The lack of any talking about our out-sized defense budget, and constant Hitlerian interference in the world, our need for constant wars, is not allowed. Our media spans the right-center, to the insanely right-wing these days.

Brainwashing, teaching, a fine line exists between them. Only those able to step back, look at themselves and others in this world, will ever be able to break the bonds. Certain types in society, authoritarian types, will never break from their brainwashing dogma. These were the supporters of Hitler, and Mussolini, and Tojo of Japan during WW 2. They thought they were right, and supporters and enemies were tortured into compliance.

Capitalism--Socialism--Communism is more of a scale, a number line, than are they any specific place. Like one tunes in a station on an old transistor radio, to try to find the perfect place, we have to tune in our economic situation. At times, a slightly different setting works better than at other times. Dogmatically staying with a certain position results in 20 percent unemployment rates that we've got now.

We could stand to move a bit left, to bring some jobs home, and to shift some of the maldistributed income we've dumped on the rich, into creating jobs for the poor. Certainly one can't claim capitalism is a great system, with our current employment situation, with our massive crime statistics, with 45,000 dying each year for lack of affordable health care, or insurance companies' bad behavior.

You have to look at everything you've ever learned, and decide whether it is brainwashing or not, but with our society failing as badly as it is, you've got to think we're really screwed up somehow, and we've been moving clearly to the right for decades now, shoveling heaping piles of money on the rich, and what have we ended up with? Of course, we've ended up with some oversized cash-stuffed rich folks, and about a sixth of the population without jobs, or a pot to piss in. But the real mistake those who still hang tenatiously to a job make is in thinking that at some point it won't hit them, hit their families, or their children. Don't make that mistake. Let's tune this thing in a little better, for coverage for all of us, and stop burying the rich, with money, by digging our own graves.
explain where obama is being socialist again? non partisan sources please, not just claims and conspiracy theories

hes introducing the government into the field of healthcare, something never done before in the usa
explain where obama is being socialist again? non partisan sources please, not just claims and conspiracy theories

hes introducing the government into the field of healthcare, something never done before in the usa

That's not true. The government is already highly involved with healthcare. That's why there are so many problems with it.
people here need to understand sarcasm, I was making fun of those old people yelling "get government hands of my medicare" at the townhalls or that its socialism to have the government involved in medical care when it already spends billions a year on it
It makes no difference whether Obama is a socialist or a fascist. His policies are statist. You are no more free, ultimately, under either economic system. The question is only what type of bonds have you been constrained by? Does it really matter if your bonds are made of nylon or dacron?

The point is, you've lost your freedom.
It makes no difference whether Obama is a socialist or a fascist. His policies are statist. You are no more free, ultimately, under either economic system. The question is only what type of bonds have you been constrained by? Does it really matter if your bonds are made of nylon or dacron?

The point is, you've lost your freedom.

i've lost no freedoms...
It makes no difference whether Obama is a socialist or a fascist. His policies are statist. You are no more free, ultimately, under either economic system. The question is only what type of bonds have you been constrained by? Does it really matter if your bonds are made of nylon or dacron?

The point is, you've lost your freedom.

i've lost no freedoms...

OK, let's talk you down.

We are speaking in this thread in the prospective. That is, what will occur if some course of action is taken. We are not speaking in the retrospective, analyzing what has occurred. So your saying what has not already happened to you is of no moment to what is being discussed on the thread.

Please reframe your response if you wish to participate in a relevant manner.
It makes no difference whether Obama is a socialist or a fascist. His policies are statist. You are no more free, ultimately, under either economic system. The question is only what type of bonds have you been constrained by? Does it really matter if your bonds are made of nylon or dacron?

The point is, you've lost your freedom.

i've lost no freedoms...

OK, let's talk you down.

We are speaking in this thread in the prospective. That is, what will occur if some course of action is taken. We are not speaking in the retrospective, analyzing what has occurred. So your saying what has not already happened to you is of no moment to what is being discussed on the thread.

Please reframe your response if you wish to participate in a relevant manner.

that was a relevant response, you're saying i've lost my freedom, and i'm saying i haven't.
explain where obama is being socialist again? non partisan sources please, not just claims and conspiracy theories

hes introducing the government into the field of healthcare, something never done before in the usa

That's not true. The government is already highly involved with healthcare. That's why there are so many problems with it.

Its also worth mentioning that Health Care isn't an industry that responds well to free Market ideas. In small communities Hosptials pretty much run with out competition, as do doctors. If a smaller community wants a hospital, it pretty much requires tax payer funding to start one. Add to that the fact that folks don't think with their pocket books when their own health, or the health of a family member is on the line.

Combine that with the cost of maintaining a sterile environment in order to guarantee that patients have the greatest possible chance of recovery, and its pretty easy to see why attempting to apply free market principles to health care is almost always a failure. Conservatives may not like it, but health care isn't naturally a capitalistic venture, its a socialist one.

Of course, the current debate is all about Health Insurance, not Health Care. Everyone can get at least life saving treatment under the law (and under the Hippocratic Oath) and access to prescription drugs for those that can't afford it is available. My Dad, until the day he died, qualified for free drugs to control his epilepsy through the drug companies, not the government.

Should everyone be guaranteed access to health insurance, and should everyone be required to have health insurance is the big question.
explain where obama is being socialist again? non partisan sources please, not just claims and conspiracy theories

hes introducing the government into the field of healthcare, something never done before in the usa
medicare, medicaid, VA hospitals. Nope! Never been done before!:cuckoo:

You forgot Tribal indian health care. They have no option now but to use government run health care. If you want a real window into what it will look like, why not just look there?
It makes no difference whether Obama is a socialist or a fascist. His policies are statist. You are no more free, ultimately, under either economic system. The question is only what type of bonds have you been constrained by? Does it really matter if your bonds are made of nylon or dacron?

The point is, you've lost your freedom.
Ya mean I lost the "freedom" to get laid off, lose my health insurance and go bankrupt paying inflated bills to hospitals and medical specialists? Oh no! Whatever shall I do without that precious "freedom"?

Conservatives equate "freedom" with exploitation. They equate health care reform with socialism.

Can any redefinition offered by Conservatives be seen as anything other than bullshit?
i've lost no freedoms...

OK, let's talk you down.

We are speaking in this thread in the prospective. That is, what will occur if some course of action is taken. We are not speaking in the retrospective, analyzing what has occurred. So your saying what has not already happened to you is of no moment to what is being discussed on the thread.

Please reframe your response if you wish to participate in a relevant manner.

that was a relevant response, you're saying i've lost my freedom, and i'm saying i haven't.

I explained what the deal is. If you can't understand it, that's on you.
Yes Marxism good, capitalism bad, oh no, I lost no freedom, show me sources, non partisan. Talk about ignornance.

Oh I know, there has never been pure Marxism, yet everywhere its tried people die, people are murdered.

The problem with Marxists is they think the top 10% should give them stocks for free, the Marxists dont think they should work, all is bad, even though Capitalism gives all you whiners everything you have. From the computer you type on to the internet you connect it to. All developed by Capitalism, so you want more, go work, hell, quit taxing the rich so they can make more jobs.

You see, the rich were clever enough to get rich, mostly by making jobs for you guys. Soak the rich and watch them move than you can starve like they did in Marxist Russia.

Yep just like a radio dial, except when you start moving towards Marxism no one wants to here it, just like static and noise.
Oh I know, there has never been pure Marxism...


There's never been pure Capitalism either. Anywhere. Most of the time the economy of the world is like a manifold: Locally its one thing (usually closer to socialism because in smaller communities true Captialistic open market systems lead to monopolies), while globally its another (typcially Captialism as trade on the international scale is only loosely controlled by treaty and is prone to a more open market approach).

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