Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who

There's a difference between Nazi Germany and the Republican Party of today, but it's small. One must wonder how the victims of Nazi Germany would fare if Tom Delay had gotten his way and we had one political party always in power - his, the GOP.

See: A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust-Victims

The rights of these victims of Nazi Germany are rights the founders determined were natural rights as one can see if they read the Declaration of Independence. Yet these same people are regularly vilified by today's conservative. Want evidence, simply read the post by them in any thread on the death of Trayvon Martin.

Nazi were Socialists, Dear

Your response is why I know you're stupid.

Who Am I?

I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder

My father was a Communist, a government employee and had multiple children with several woman

My father was not interested in my Mom and me so he abandoned us and we moved around a lot when I was young

I was not raised in the country that elected me

In my mid 30’s I wrote an autobiography highlighting my early years, political ideas, and thoughts on race

I then wrote a second book further describing my political ideas and ambitions

I’ve always maintained an exaggerated sense of self-importance

I require constant admiration

I believe in Universal Health Care

I believe capitalism is evil

I am an anti-Semite

I believe in curtailing the rights of the people to own guns

I used economic turmoil to springboard myself to political power

I destroy my political enemies

I love using Grecian Temples as a backdrop to give speeches

Louis Farakan thought very highly of me

One of my very first actions was to seize control of my nation’s car companies
There's a difference between Nazi Germany and the Republican Party of today, but it's small. One must wonder how the victims of Nazi Germany would fare if Tom Delay had gotten his way and we had one political party always in power - his, the GOP.

See: A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust-Victims

The rights of these victims of Nazi Germany are rights the founders determined were natural rights as one can see if they read the Declaration of Independence. Yet these same people are regularly vilified by today's conservative. Want evidence, simply read the post by them in any thread on the death of Trayvon Martin.

Nazi were Socialists, Dear

Your response is why I know you're stupid.

You need to be educated and you are the one who is stupid.
NSDAP - National Socialist German Worker's Party
English short form - Nazi.
The Nazi's were socialist's and Hitler was voted into office.
Yup. Us socialists are evul and un-murkin !
I gotta pay my Luxury tax on my shack this week.
I pay six times more than my neighbor since his shack is worth less than 250 grand.
Being 1% sucks ! I need to move back ! NOT
like socialism is some great evil.

Man am I tired of this crop of right wing reactionary fools with too many dead braincells filling their heads
Yup. Us socialists are evul and un-murkin !
I gotta pay my Luxury tax on my shack this week.
I pay six times more than my neighbor since his shack is worth less than 250 grand.
Being 1% sucks ! I need to move back ! NOT

Sounds like you live in CA.

Lots of these folks are from CA. 14 of them.

A lot of them are from MA and NY too.

Looks like 6 in MA and 9 in New York.

But don't dare call the president a socialist. That's racist!

Why would you call him that? He's not a member of the caucus is he? Was he one when in the Senate?

As for doesn't work if that is the only thing you are doing. Same thing goes for capitalism. What works is a healthy dose of both.

As an aside...

New Washington Post/ABC Poll: Americans View Tea Party Less Favorably Than Russia, Socialism

Democrats are always arguing, all we need is just a little more socialism and things will be nice.
Nazi were Socialists, Dear

Your response is why I know you're stupid.

You need to be educated and you are the one who is stupid.
NSDAP - National Socialist German Worker's Party
English short form - Nazi.
The Nazi's were socialist's and Hitler was voted into office.

Thanks for sharing. I understand how concrete your thinking is and my post was anything but. It requires a small application of cogitation, an alien activity for some.
Creating the Autoban does not make Hitler a socialist...but thanks for playing.
Your response is why I know you're stupid.

You need to be educated and you are the one who is stupid.
NSDAP - National Socialist German Worker's Party
English short form - Nazi.
The Nazi's were socialist's and Hitler was voted into office.

Thanks for sharing. I understand how concrete your thinking is and my post was anything but. It requires a small application of cogitation, an alien activity for some.

Yes, like the left think that the right is defending Zimmerman (they aren't) when they are just trying to tone down the lefts hateful rhetoric.

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