Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

so murderer trump said that so it MUST be true.comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg:
Makes no sense to say it now and not immediately after the kill.
It’s not about the Dems pooping their pants. It’s about millions of people in Iran plus the world not know why we did what we did. Dodging questions about what the imminent attack was, escalating it to a point where mistakes were fired at our bases and thousands of soldiers being deployed over seas... no, poopy pants is the least of the issues

So you do believe that crap about "blowing up the embassy". That's disappointing.
Even the OP got to admit, that's some weak TDS right there. "Has been very strange."

What is strange is these people with <70 IQs.
was that statement supposed to make sense mr high IQ?
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
Yeah this is a great situation to play political games designed to piss off the Dems. Wonderful tactic.
President Trump wasn't playing any games. That's not how he rolls. He does the best of his alternatives to save American lives. The Democrats don't care they just want to get rid of the President. They didn't care for the election outcome, and they think it's okay to interfere with the President's office because of their thinking they can take presidential matters into their own hands rather than doing their legislative jobs.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Because they would never have gotten anywhere near your Embassy, and that story is a total lie.

Soleimani was on his way to meet with the head of Hezbollah, the Iraqi's and emissary's from the Saudi's to reduce tensions in the regions when he was killed. Trump doesn't want peace. He's wants a "boogey man" nation he can point to as the "enemy of America".

He can and should point to Russia as your enemy. He has gone after China, but not effectively. Xi is playing him for a chump, just like Kim did.
I’m wondering if Trump saying that has got some people freaking out right now. Pompeo was asked over and over again that same question, including during a classified hearing and he dodged a direct answer. If it was bombing the embassy why wouldn’t he have said that?. Then Trump goes out and says it on national TV. I have a feeling theres more to come.
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

they keep falling for all these boogeymen invented by the corporate controlled media over and over and over again and again and again that they were evil men,first oswald,then bin laden who the media condemned were murderers " even though they BOTH denied it which is not the behaviour of a so called madman.":rolleyes: then gaddfi,NOW they are falling for the lLATEST boogeyman invented by the government always blatantly ignoring how our government is the most evil government in the world and our media LIES all the fucking time.:rolleyes:

beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
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Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

but they did do that,,just not in a way that will ever satisfy you,,,

They said he was on his way to blow up the embassy? Who when where? Maybe I missed it, do you have a link?
It’s not about the Dems pooping their pants. It’s about millions of people in Iran plus the world not know why we did what we did. Dodging questions about what the imminent attack was, escalating it to a point where mistakes were fired at our bases and thousands of soldiers being deployed over seas... no, poopy pants is the least of the issues

So you do believe that crap about "blowing up the embassy". That's disappointing.
You must have missed the skepticism in my post. The messaging makes no sense and I have a feeling there is a mad scramble in the WH coms room right now
Soleiman was already setting the stage for blowing up the embassy by putting in the protesters at the Embassy the week prior...then Iran could have plausible deniability...and blamed it on the mob at the the way...Iranian's living in the states are applauding the death of Soleimani...I think Trump just picked up a new voting block...American Iranians...
The problem with those who do not have a problem with lying is you never know when they are lying.
To Trump, that is the beauty of it all. His supporters have agreed to act in reliance whether they believe or not and the maga hat clueless masses actually believe the cheerleader of the moment for the side, be it a white house spokesman, whoever types his tweets, Hannity, Rush or other. As an independent, it sounds sad, kinda like the one guy who knew and stay awake in "invasion of the body snatchers", old version of course.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
He likes to string out the Democrats for a time so they say stupid stuff before the explanation is given.

Works great.
OTOH billy, it seems you don't need explanations. You accept the Trump Gospel without them. Or better yet, make up one yourself which is a lot more believable than Trump's. Works great for you, Right?

The guy's dead, happily. There's no need for explanation beyond his history.
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Well considering Trump's honesty track record, it likely could have been Trump hadn't decided what story to tell yet.

Hey- Trump could actually be telling the truth this time. Or not. Really no way of telling.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

so murderer trump said that so it MUST be true.comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg:
You're lying. President Trump took out a man who is responsible for killing over 600 American troops with an improvement he made to IEDs in 2003. Not only did over 600 Americans perish due to Soleimani's "creativity" 1600 lost body parts or were maimed for life by the same super killing/maiming instruments. Lady Diana spent a lot of time protesting IEDs and landmines. They are a terrorist's most useful field tool, but unfortunately, our boys took a licking from Soleimani's handiwork.

And I really hate the Democrats guts for making fools of themselves by apologizing to the killer regime who were planning an attack on multiple US embassies. They've run the Impeachment proceedings with willful glee and satisfaction, but they haven't spent a nickel's worth of time trying to find out why President Trump is doing the right thing by stopping terrorists, so they pretend that's wrong too. I hate the thought of what they are doing to destroy America, Americans, American fighters, and promoting the killers of Americans. They deserve the gallows for treason, and they're not quitting because they're losing voters. They are totally deranged in ignoring their responsibilities and I hope every traitor among them gets a pink slip this November in House and wherever they are.
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

but they did do that,,just not in a way that will ever satisfy you,,,

They said he was on his way to blow up the embassy? Who when where? Maybe I missed it, do you have a link?

you didnt get the memo????
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

but they did do that,,just not in a way that will ever satisfy you,,,

They said he was on his way to blow up the embassy? Who when where? Maybe I missed it, do you have a link?

and where does he say salami was "on his way"???

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