Some folks are thinking the same as me.

You have fellow conservatives advocating for the murder of Democrats. Some posts on that in this very thread. I haven’t seen you once say anything of that.

Now why is that?

Probably because I don't believe you. You're a bit of a demagogue and not known for integrity.

Post #89:

"Up until this Summer I never believed in violence until I saw what liberals do to innocent people. Now I only hope and pray to God they are exterminated MS13 style.

Edit....The AOC squad exterminated 13th century like "

Post 92:

"Of course not. Just anyone who believes in the squad...Make a list of them and throw gas at the entire family."
Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?

Do you plan on using "Zyklon B" to solve the white people problem?

Oh, and we had our revolution over the last 4 years. You Maoists called in your masters in China to end it with the massive fraud of this election. Xi showed his "dominion" over America.

Zyklon B? Is that a planet on Star Trek or something?

We've had 4 years of cancerous growth. America will be in remission starting 1/20/2021. You're welcome.
You're deflecting and you're still not answering the question.

Your statement: "I fully intend to do it. I've already donated to funds to make it happen."

WHEN do YOU intend to do it? You haven't answered that yet. You've dodged it a few times now.

You honestly don't grasp that there are lawsuits underway at this moment?

You really are on drugs..

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.
Looks like those FEMA camps are going to finally come in handy. :04:
That's a good way to get shot in the face.
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

Wow, you may NOT be a troll, you may just be a drunk or drug addict.

Sitting around won't do it, but stumble over to the nearest Open Society hate post and you can be the plaintiff in a frivolous lawsuit.

Excellent. So then this is all you had in mind when you tried to explain how one can “resist”. Maybe you should have just said that instead of the idiotic rant you made that had NOTHING to do with any of that.

See that? That wasn’t so hard now was it? That’s what happens when you read a post and respond to it.

Now then, is that all these idiots in the OP are going to do to “resist”? Is that all? If it is, then I’m not impressed.
You think somebody's trying to impress you?
No...but you are entertaining us. You guys have been talking about shooting people for like 10 years now. You're not going to do shit. You know you're not going to do shit. We know you're not going to do shit.
You would rather we shot than entertained you?

Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?
If you're all that eager for bloodshed I'm sure BLM's tendencies to shoot cops or anyone else that interferes with their joyful looting and burning should keep you satisfied until you idiots manage to provoke a war.

You guys are the ones talking about civil war and shooting people.
The OathKeepers have a website where you can join.

One problem I see is that some people may be hesitant to sign up because right off the bat you have to give your full information (understandable).

But we have seen the ATF for example raid gun businesses for the purpose of getting their customer database, then start going after those customers.
this is an unprecedented attack on Americans by the government.

Likewise, many might fear the government might raid The OathKeepers HQ and demand their member list (or hack it and take it)

since the Federal Government is already considering the oathKeepers as a Domestic Terrorist organization, they will probably use that logic to go after it's members and ban them all from owning guns.
I didn’t ask you to name names. That’s a lie.

I asked you if you would condemn the people who advocate for murdering innocent people. And you refused to do so.

Says a lot about you doesn’t it? You claim to be against these things but you won’t condemn the people advocating for it. That is, as long as they don’t play for your team.

Watch this. I condemn anyone who advocates murdering any innocent person, regardless of their political affiliation.

Why can’t you say that? Because you’re a piece of shit. You have no convictions that stem as anything beyond blue and red.

You’re complicit with the insane death threats of people because “Go Team Red!”

Be better.

Will you condemn those who advocate for murdering innocent people? Will you condemn the democrat Brown Shirt of ANTIFA who advocate violence and engage in violence? (not a chance?)

Watch me and learn something you fucking moron.

I condemn ANYONE who advocates the murdering of innocent people.

I condemn Antifa and anyone else who commits violence, arson, looting, and theft.

How’s that? Now it’s your turn. Let’s see you do the same. We know that Mac-7 won’t.

I've always condemned the initiation of violence. I don't know anyone on the right who has advocated violence,

But I condemn democrats, Nazis, Marxists and all the other violent scum.

You have fellow conservatives advocating for the murder of Democrats. Some posts on that in this very thread. I haven’t seen you once say anything of that.

Now why is that?

Some people just need killing
That's a fact

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.
Looks like those FEMA camps are going to finally come in handy. :04:
That's a good way to get shot in the face.
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

Wow, you may NOT be a troll, you may just be a drunk or drug addict.

Sitting around won't do it, but stumble over to the nearest Open Society hate post and you can be the plaintiff in a frivolous lawsuit.

Excellent. So then this is all you had in mind when you tried to explain how one can “resist”. Maybe you should have just said that instead of the idiotic rant you made that had NOTHING to do with any of that.

See that? That wasn’t so hard now was it? That’s what happens when you read a post and respond to it.

Now then, is that all these idiots in the OP are going to do to “resist”? Is that all? If it is, then I’m not impressed.
You think somebody's trying to impress you?
No...but you are entertaining us. You guys have been talking about shooting people for like 10 years now. You're not going to do shit. You know you're not going to do shit. We know you're not going to do shit.
You would rather we shot than entertained you?

Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?
If you're all that eager for bloodshed I'm sure BLM's tendencies to shoot cops or anyone else that interferes with their joyful looting and burning should keep you satisfied until you idiots manage to provoke a war.

You guys are the ones talking about civil war and shooting people.


While the Right has TALKED about it......the LEFT HAS ACTUALLY DONE IT .

Did you really think you could forever poke the Bear and count on it remaining asleep ??

Was that smart?
You honestly don't grasp that there are lawsuits underway at this moment?

You really are on drugs..

You're either dodging or just really, really stupid.

Let me walk you through this. Slowly.

Your statement: "I intend to join in every possible lawsuit against the Harris regime. If she farts she's getting sued. If she eats with the wrong fork she's getting sued."

Notice the word 'intend'. Do you see it there? I put it in bold and underlined it so that it would be easy for you to find that word. Just let me know if you don't know how to find that word.

Hmmmm, let's see. What does 'intend' mean? Does it mean that you HAVE done something or that you PLAN on doing something in the future? Hmmmm, what does INTEND mean?

Oh I know! How about we check the dictionary!

Intend: to have in mind as something to be done or brought about

Oh I see! So intend means that you haven't done something yet! That makes sense!

Good. Now the question is WHEN do you plan to do that thing you intend to do?

Am I asking when OTHER people will do what they intend??? No, silly, I'm asking when YOU plan to do that thing you intend to do.

Get it now? Yay!
I didn’t ask you to name names. That’s a lie.

I asked you if you would condemn the people who advocate for murdering innocent people. And you refused to do so.

Says a lot about you doesn’t it? You claim to be against these things but you won’t condemn the people advocating for it. That is, as long as they don’t play for your team.

Watch this. I condemn anyone who advocates murdering any innocent person, regardless of their political affiliation.

Why can’t you say that? Because you’re a piece of shit. You have no convictions that stem as anything beyond blue and red.

You’re complicit with the insane death threats of people because “Go Team Red!”

Be better.

Will you condemn those who advocate for murdering innocent people? Will you condemn the democrat Brown Shirt of ANTIFA who advocate violence and engage in violence? (not a chance?)

Watch me and learn something you fucking moron.

I condemn ANYONE who advocates the murdering of innocent people.

I condemn Antifa and anyone else who commits violence, arson, looting, and theft.

How’s that? Now it’s your turn. Let’s see you do the same. We know that Mac-7 won’t.

I've always condemned the initiation of violence. I don't know anyone on the right who has advocated violence,

But I condemn democrats, Nazis, Marxists and all the other violent scum.

You have fellow conservatives advocating for the murder of Democrats. Some posts on that in this very thread. I haven’t seen you once say anything of that.

Now why is that?

Some people just need killing
That's a fact

Yea? Which people is that?
Back on topic........


The way the country is going, anyone who values their freedom should connect with a local militia at this point.

We don't want trouble, but even hundreds of years ago the Founding Fathers KNEW the day would come when evil men
would once against rear their ugly heads and bring back tyranny.

I think Benjamin Franklin said every 200 years or so.

Since the government is openly saying it wants to violate the Constitution by disarming it's citizens, there is no choice.

We told them that President Trump was their best chance at a peaceful correction to the very wrong direction the country was headed, and if they didn't like that option, they really weren't going to like option 2.

Oh well
I didn’t ask you to name names. That’s a lie.

I asked you if you would condemn the people who advocate for murdering innocent people. And you refused to do so.

Says a lot about you doesn’t it? You claim to be against these things but you won’t condemn the people advocating for it. That is, as long as they don’t play for your team.

Watch this. I condemn anyone who advocates murdering any innocent person, regardless of their political affiliation.

Why can’t you say that? Because you’re a piece of shit. You have no convictions that stem as anything beyond blue and red.

You’re complicit with the insane death threats of people because “Go Team Red!”

Be better.

Will you condemn those who advocate for murdering innocent people? Will you condemn the democrat Brown Shirt of ANTIFA who advocate violence and engage in violence? (not a chance?)

Watch me and learn something you fucking moron.

I condemn ANYONE who advocates the murdering of innocent people.

I condemn Antifa and anyone else who commits violence, arson, looting, and theft.

How’s that? Now it’s your turn. Let’s see you do the same. We know that Mac-7 won’t.

I've always condemned the initiation of violence. I don't know anyone on the right who has advocated violence,

But I condemn democrats, Nazis, Marxists and all the other violent scum.

You have fellow conservatives advocating for the murder of Democrats. Some posts on that in this very thread. I haven’t seen you once say anything of that.

Now why is that?

Some people just need killing
That's a fact

Yea? Which people is that?

Bad people

While the Right has TALKED about it......the LEFT HAS ACTUALLY DONE IT .

Did you really think you could forever poke the Bear and count on it remaining asleep ??

Was that smart? must not have ever heard about El Paso...or the guy who mailed bombs to people....or Dylan Root...

Nice contribution there, moron.

Not to worry, that exactly what everyone with a brain thought while reading your garbage.

Another fine contribution. Keep it up.

Throw in a "Ur stupid" next time to raise the substance a little.

Yeah, keep digging tooti're already over your head. Everyone in the thread told you.
That’s always the norm for him that he digs his grave everytime he opens his
Back on topic........


The way the country is going, anyone who values their freedom should connect with a local militia at this point.

We don't want trouble, but even hundreds of years ago the Founding Fathers KNEW the day would come when evil men
would once against rear their ugly heads and bring back tyranny.

I think Benjamin Franklin said every 200 years or so.

Since the government is openly saying it wants to violate the Constitution by disarming it's citizens, there is no choice.

We told them that President Trump was their best chance at a peaceful correction to the very wrong direction the country was headed, and if they didn't like that option, they really weren't going to like option 2.

Oh well

I agree on that.

I just know that we live in a very different world now than we did in the past
and you have to be careful what you post on forums that are public like this one.
Back on topic........


The way the country is going, anyone who values their freedom should connect with a local militia at this point.

We don't want trouble, but even hundreds of years ago the Founding Fathers KNEW the day would come when evil men
would once against rear their ugly heads and bring back tyranny.

I think Benjamin Franklin said every 200 years or so.

Since the government is openly saying it wants to violate the Constitution by disarming it's citizens, there is no choice.

We told them that President Trump was their best chance at a peaceful correction to the very wrong direction the country was headed, and if they didn't like that option, they really weren't going to like option 2.

Oh well

When does Option 2 start? I have to be up in the morning and I don't want to miss it.
Nice contribution there, moron.

Not to worry, that exactly what everyone with a brain thought while reading your garbage.

Another fine contribution. Keep it up.

Throw in a "Ur stupid" next time to raise the substance a little.

Yeah, keep digging tooti're already over your head. Everyone in the thread told you.
That’s always the norm for him that he digs his grave everytime he opens his

Just my opinion......but I think he has a drinking problem. Just from the style of his posts and emotional outbursts.
At some point I just let crazy people go. No need to waste more time with them.

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