Someone explain to me how Trump "failed" on Covid?

Paul Motter

Gold Member
Aug 29, 2018
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
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If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.

Just another vague democratic response with no specific points, facts or figures, to paint a non-real picture of a serious situation solely to win an election. It's all about the power for democrats. Name-calling and slander. Disrespectful and irresponsible - sad.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
It can't be explained because It isn't so.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?
It's really simple - ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
Someone explain to me how Trump "failed" on Covid?
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

  • It was the democrats who mocked and dragged their feet when Covid first became an issue.
  • It was the democrats who insisted we had to close all business and shut down the economy, indefinitely, forever if need be! Forever and a day no matter what the cost to human lives, business and the economy who now call it "Trump's economy."
  • It was democrats who invoked massively failed policies killing tens of thousands in places like NYC. Then they inflated the numbers as high as possible, called the number proof of a failed policy and justification for removing a president. Then repeated it on every news channel hoping idiots would buy it.
The banana republic socialist-globalist cretins in the giovernment-media complex are trying to steal your country again.
If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

The right man wins the election, eh, Marc?

Then I guess Trump was the right man in 2016.

Now in 2020, a 3-time loser whose done nothing in 47 years but sponge off the taxpayer lying to and defrauding the public is apparently the right man for you.
He's infecting more White House Staff as we speak.
(100 people make his bed, etc)
The nutbag left the Hospital too soon.


If you don't understand by now, maybe it'll finally sink into your thick skull on the night of November 3rd.

See ya then.

Just another vague democratic response with no specific points, facts or figures, to paint a non-real picture of a serious situation solely to win an election. It's all about the power for democrats. Name-calling and slander. Disrespectful and irresponsible - sad.
What? He was very specific. They intend to lie and cheat until Nov. 3rd and they are not going to apologize for it.

What didn't you understand about that reply?
Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world.
What data are you basing this on? Q2 GDP growth was like negative 30%. There has been no Q3 release.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

“Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts."

When this report came out we had very few cases, however anyone with at brain understood what it meant for us.

Furthermore we had 50 state responses not a comprehensive national one.

The whole WH and Hierarchy are getting sick.. (he apparently whiffed on tests or knowingly got other people sick)
and we've had perhaps 150,000 excess deaths..
and he has Never had a Plan..
and wouldn't wear a mask?

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The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?

A better question is other than perhaps their ever-loving China, there's not a PROG here that can give an example where a person in a leadership role goofed on COVID, not one. Thus PROGS are just bitches.

Have to appreciate Cuomo, the PROG-savior early into the COVID experience. Look WTF he ended up doing, PROGS are crickets.

And cowards, we all know it too. Even PROGS know it, they just can't hack it up, because they're cowards.
The democratic lies that Trump "failed on COVID" are nothing more than vague, unsupported personal attacks.

First - it is the Democrats holding up COVID relief checks, not Trump. There is currently a bill ready for Pelosi to sign to send us checks, but she will not sign it because it would make Trump look good, and she would rather see US suffering.

Second: The U.S. is currently in the #1 position in the world for economic recovery since COVID hit. Our post-pandemic GDP (gross domestic product) is the best in the world. That can only come from excellent economic management by the government in the face of a humanitarian crisis that CHINA is to blame for - not Trump.

Third: I keep hearing that "our COVID deaths are the worst in the world - worse than Europe." Another effing LIE! Our fatality rate is #9 in the world, not the worst. Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK are far worse. Furthermore, we had a system where every death that happened in 2020 was chalked up to COVID, no matter how people died. The truth is the average age of a recorded COVID fatality in the U.S. was a person over 70, with co-morbidities (other problems that also could have killed them). Take away New York alone and our numbers would be far better. Thanks, Cuomo.

Worst of all, the Democrats are purposely keeping the economy closed and citizens denied relief solely because they need to make Trump look as bad as possible to win the election. Is that the mentality you want in our leaders?

We know Paul, you, Mango Menace and his know-nothing radiologist advocate "herd mentality". We've been through this my friend. INFINITY. Trump failed in every manner possible. It would take far too much bandwidth to explain it all over again.

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