Something has got to be done about the police.

See how a bootlicker will follow a white man's lead, now these racist question whether this man is black or not and the boot licker follow suit. Smfh.
It’s racist to call out a middle aged white guy for pretending to be black? Haha

Haha well not surprised you are hearing defending him, since he is in your cult
A black woman is on an anonymous internet site claiming that a black man isn't black, because he doesn't bow down and kiss white folks asses like she does. If anybody's blackness is in question it would be your boot licking ass.
No I am claiming a white middle aged guy that lives in his parents basement isn’t black

Try to keep up
We have the highest incarceration rate in the world. Odd how that happens when no one is held accountable.
It’s not odd when criminals are appeased, released and run wild.
In most other countries criminals are dealt with severely and are afraid to commit crimes. Here criminals are coddled and made excuses for and law response hamstrung
Post 165.

As for the rest of your list of demands, it’s not up to me to lay out the framework for you to justify the claim that you already made. Here is what you said:

You made this claim. You back it up.
That would be this;
Notice how most of the world isn't presented, it's 'gray'.
Means the claim the USA is worse that everyone isn't supported.
Next lie ???
Post 165.

As for the rest of your list of demands, it’s not up to me to lay out the framework for you to justify the claim that you already made. Here is what you said:

You made this claim. You back it up.
I did with the link in post # 254


What is the hiring process?​

There are some barriers to employment in public safety that do not apply to most ordinary careers. You should be aware that the application, selection and appointment process may take four to six months to complete, and in some circumstances, up to a year.

After a relatively simple initial application process, a promising candidate must successfully complete the following:
If you get past all that, you then get to go through an exhausting physical and mental challenge known as the police academy. It should be noted that some agencies will require completion of an approved police academy course before applying for open positions, so be sure to check with the specific departments you’re interested in; almost all large agencies, like the NYPD, will require completion of their own in-house program once a conditional offer of employment has been accepted.

And yes, you have to complete a police academy prior to becoming a cop, even if you already have a college degree in a criminal justice-related field. While there is no standardized curriculum for police academies nationwide, you can expect an average of 833 hours of classroom instruction, which will take just shy of five months to complete.
After that, you’ll enter a tough on-the-job training program with a field training officer, after which you can expect to be on probation as a rookie officer for at least a year – in some places, up to two.

The one year OJT adds another 2,000 hours at least. Pushing training and process up towards 3,000 hours and two years at least.
If have to do two years of OJT probationary, than towards 5,000+ hours and three years.

You and fellow criminals and police haters should learn how to research and find real data and facts. Would be a start toward not getting on the wrong side of the law so often as you do.
Quote me saying that, liar.
Post # 223;
Do police not receive limited police training compared to what they should be getting like we see in other parts of the world?

Is the training done efficiently?
Post #235;
Why? I just said that the police training here is less than police training required in several parts of the world.

That’s a fact.
Just for a start and a couple of references.
Or do want to quibble semantics ?
If only you would hold those who wish to be lawless to the same accountability actions
Libs Always feel there is over response to anything they wish was different and NEVER hold the criminal instigator accountable
This comment is stupid. The police in this situation tortured a innocent man into confessing that he killed his father. They are the criminal instigators.
Post #235;
Why? I just said that the police training here is less than police training required in several parts of the world.
Notice how most of the world isn't presented, it's 'gray'.
Means the claim the USA is worse that everyone isn't supported.
”Several parts of the world” doesn’t indicate “everyone“, now does it? Liar.

Are you all caught up now? You can go ahead and address whether you deliberately tried to alter what I said or if it was an honest mistake from you.
People might take you seriously if yoj didn’t pretend to be a black guy…and of course vote for demafacist that routinely do this sort of thing to people, simply because they don’t support your cult
When you can prove I'm not black, let me know.
See how a bootlicker will follow a white man's lead, now these racist question whether this man is black or not and the boot licker follow suit. Smfh.
When they look at my avatar they are looking at me, but since some white idiot tells them my picture is fake they want to run with it. That's fine with me, it just shows the low level of intelligence these racists have.
It is, look at what xiden and Obama’s. FBI has done…from illegal warrants to spy on campaigns, to raiding political rivals homes

It’s a clear and present danger to have a demafascit in charge of enforcing law
None of that is true. So keep lying to yourself about everything, fool.
When they look at my avatar they are looking at me, but since some white idiot tells them my picture is fake they want to run with it. That's fine with me, it just shows the low level of intelligence these racists have.
What is amazing is how a boot licking, coon has the nerve to question another black person's blackness.

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