Something I wish a U.S. president would say about Afghanistan (or some place similar).

hahahhahahh, yes, your knowledge of history is limited
..please look up their histories --all fell to communism

I'm fully aware of that. Never said they didn't. You have an advantage over me harmonica. you know nothing pisses me off more than having my knowledge of history (which is vastly greater than yours or anyone else's here) questioned.
¿Savages? ... Wrong expression. Without any scruple were perhaps about 5% convinced Nazis in Germany under Hitler. This was a based on a philosophy of the will. ... So how unscrupulous will be the Taliban? And what is their will? ...

They use savage tactics.... the Nazis were fucking savages too
zaangalewa ?????
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba, etc fell to the communists---and guess what??? the USA is till here

When did I say the USA had died if you had not made a war in Korea or the cold war or other wars? I said your engagement in World War 1+2 took care that the rest of world became helpless in fighting your allies, the Soviets. And in Korea you decided not to let the rest of the world be governed from Soviets.
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They use savage tactics.... the Nazis were fucking savages too

You created this "savages" and afterwards you took care that all German Indians will die out. But that's unimportant now, because this process no one is able to stop any longer.
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zaangalewa you know, I can understand some grammar mistakes...but your posts are constantly full of errors/unreadable.......before we can really have a discussion, you need to learn better English
zaangalewa again--in fact, we are getting fkd by the South Koreans because we have to compete with them economically

Question: "Fucked" means in this special case you personally hate it that the people in South Korea produce something and sell a part of this products also in the USA?
zaangalewa you know, I can understand some grammar mistakes...but your posts are constantly full of errors/unreadable.......before we can really have a discussion, you need to learn better English

For what? Because you don't like to understand what I say and you are not able to ask if you don't understand something?

What's wrong with the sentence:
"Nevertheless "you" decided not to let you throw out of Korea and to start to fight against your allies, the Soviets."
For what? Because you don't like to understand what I say and you are not able to ask if you don't understand something?

here's your post:
Nevertheless "you" decided not to let you throw out of Korea and to start to fight against your allies, the Soviets.

you decided not to let you throw out of Korea------??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here's your post:
Nevertheless "you" decided not to let you throw out of Korea and to start to fight against your allies, the Soviets.

you decided not to let you throw out of Korea------??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only very few of your soldiers were in the very South of Korea - ready to leave Korea forever - and the Soviets had conquered nearly complete Korea before you suddenly decided to fight back.
zaangalewa bullshit--we stopped nothing ....we should have never went into Korea...

What do you expect from your idea? Kim Jong-Un as a president of South-America?

You should had never went into world war 1 - then the results would had been totally different and absolutelly uncalculable.
"We can't win. No one wants us there. We don't want to be there. Our troops will never be popular there nor supported by the locals. It will always be dangerous and expensive.

But we can't walk away. Anymore than police can simply walk away from a domestic violence situation. Sometimes all you can do is do your best in an utterly thankless situation. But we can't walk away and ignore it anymore than you can walk away and ignore a small fire burning. Small fires almost inevitably become bigger fires and then holocausts.

Sometimes the best we can do is kill people that need to be killed and hope for the best.

We take interest in their energy sources and poppy seed. In a perfect world we monitor their dumbasses, obliterate them with big ass bombs if they harm us, and ensure they never have access to nukes.

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